Health 2024, October

Bump under the knee: causes

Bump under the knee: causes

A bump under the knee can occur for a variety of reasons: from the inflammatory process to rheumatoid arthritis. Read more about this in this article

Treatment of bartholinitis at home and its prevention

Treatment of bartholinitis at home and its prevention

Bartolinitis is a fairly common female disease. Treatment of bartholinitis at home is the topic of this article

Why does it itch between women's legs?

Why does it itch between women's legs?

Do you constantly itch between your legs? The reasons can be very different - from banal irritation after epilation to allergies

Rabbits: their diseases and treatment, disease prevention

Rabbits: their diseases and treatment, disease prevention

Today many people do not have cats and dogs at home, but rabbits. Their diseases and treatment, as well as disease prevention are the subject of this article

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences for the fetus

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences for the fetus

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus, miscarriage or death of the fetus. What or who provokes the development of the disease in pregnant women? How does it manifest itself? What treatment can be given to pregnant women? Will the fetus suffer if a woman is diagnosed and treated with toxoplasmosis?

Extra human chromosome. Chromosomal abnormalities

Extra human chromosome. Chromosomal abnormalities

The human body is a complex multifaceted system that functions at various levels. In order for organs and cells to work in the correct mode, certain substances must participate in specific biochemical processes. This requires a solid foundation, that is, the correct transmission of the genetic code

Lactose deficiency in newborns: symptoms and treatment

Lactose deficiency in newborns: symptoms and treatment

Lactase deficiency is a condition of the body (acquired or congenital) in which the lactase enzyme in the intestine is weakly active. As a result, lactose (disaccharide, milk sugar) cannot be broken down and absorbed

When donate blood for hCG? All answers are here

When donate blood for hCG? All answers are here

HCG is the abbreviation for human chorionic gonadotropin (this is a hormone produced by the placenta, but can also be produced by tumors)

Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child: causes and consequences

Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child: causes and consequences

What are white blood cells in urine? This is the presence of white blood cells in it, the function of which is to protect the body from pathogenic influences (bacteria, viruses)

Colloid goiter: symptoms, treatment

Colloid goiter: symptoms, treatment

If thyroid nodules are suspected, a biopsy should be done. Only such a study will determine that a person has an adenoma, colloid goiter or cancer. Without a puncture, it makes no sense at all to talk about treating a patient with nodular formations

Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea: causes, treatments, diet

Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea: causes, treatments, diet

The main causes of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, weakness and fever. First aid for poisoning and menstrual pain. Symptoms that indicate the need to call a doctor. Therapeutic diet for poisoning

Autoimmune anemia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Autoimmune anemia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Different pathologies in the immune system can lead to complex disorders. As a result, the body will consider its cells as enemy, and also fight them. Autoimmune anemia is considered a rare disease in which antibodies are formed against one's own red blood cells. The consequences of this phenomenon are serious, since violations of the circulatory system affect the functioning of the whole organism

Inflammation of the small intestine: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammation of the small intestine: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis) is a chronic polyetiological disease that, if left untreated, can lead to mucosal atrophy and other unpleasant consequences. What causes it? What are the prerequisites? By what symptoms can you find out about their presence? And, most importantly, how to treat it? This and much more will now be discussed

Mucococcal colitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and advice from doctors

Mucococcal colitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and advice from doctors

The disease called mucosal colitis is characterized by the process of inflammation occurring in the lining of the large intestine. Against this background, a sick person may experience a serious dystrophic and necrotic change in the intestine. During the progression of the disease, patients may notice a variety of disorders in the digestive system

Stagnation in the gallbladder: symptoms, causes, treatment, choleretic drugs, herbs, diet, exercise

Stagnation in the gallbladder: symptoms, causes, treatment, choleretic drugs, herbs, diet, exercise

Stagnation in the gallbladder can have a different etiology - from spasm to stones in the ducts or neoplasms. Only a competent specialist can determine the cause of the problem and prescribe an adequate treatment for a particular situation after a full examination and diagnosis. The article tells about what bile stasis is, about the possible causes and principles of treatment

Petechial hemorrhages: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and preventive methods

Petechial hemorrhages: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and preventive methods

Petechial hemorrhages are small round spots that form on the skin, serous membrane or mucous membrane. The cause of the formation of petechiae is considered to be subcutaneous bleeding. As a rule, spots appear on the skin, as well as on the eyelids and oral mucosa. Some of the causes of petechial hemorrhages do not require special treatment. However, other factors may be significant

Corn removal: at home

Corn removal: at home

People who have ever encountered corns know how uncomfortable such formations are. They mostly occur on the soles of the feet. This is due to wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes or walking long distances. If, immediately after the appearance of the corn, the damaged skin is treated, the formation will disappear. And won't cause any inconvenience

Poisoning symptom and first aid

Poisoning symptom and first aid

Symptom of poisoning in different people can manifest itself in different ways. Moreover, the intensity of such unpleasant symptoms, as well as their type, differs depending on what and how much the affected person consumed. If this is a stale piece of meat, then the symptom of poisoning will be somewhat different than from conditionally edible mushrooms, etc

Stomach cramps: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Stomach cramps: causes, symptoms and treatment features

An article about the main signs, causes and symptoms of stomach cramps. Methods of diagnostics and treatment with medications are considered. Recipes of traditional medicine are given

The first signs of drug poisoning - description and first aid

The first signs of drug poisoning - description and first aid

Nervous experiences, depression in adolescence lead to the fact that young people begin to use high doses of drugs, which leads to "overdose" and death. Therefore, the question of how to recognize the first signs of drug poisoning and provide timely assistance remains relevant

Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness. What is the reason for this state of affairs?

Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness. What is the reason for this state of affairs?

With such seemingly harmless symptoms as fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, each of us is probably familiar. In this article, we will look at the main causes that cause fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness

Swollen lower eyelid: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Swollen lower eyelid: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Puffiness under the eyes is considered an unpleasant symptom. It not only violates the appearance of the face, but also delivers uncomfortable sensations. This may be a sign of an illness. If the lower eyelid is swollen, the doctor must determine the causes, and then prescribe an effective treatment

Swelling of the eyelids: causes and treatment

Swelling of the eyelids: causes and treatment

Swelling of the eyelids is a problem faced by many people, regardless of gender and age. However, among those who have reached the age of thirty, the likelihood of this phenomenon increases. Puffiness in the upper eyelids can occur for a variety of reasons. This may be an excess of fluid that accumulates in the deep layers of the epidermis

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis: diagnosis and treatment

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis: diagnosis and treatment

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HEM) is a relatively rare infectious disease transmitted by ticks. How to distinguish this infection from many other diseases caused by insect bites?

Bulimic neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bulimic neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bulimic neurosis is a fairly common eating disorder that occurs predominantly in young girls. What causes uncontrolled appetite and is it possible to cope with it? What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer?

Why does the knee hurt from the side, from the outside? How to treat?

Why does the knee hurt from the side, from the outside? How to treat?

If a person has a knee pain on the side from the outside, you should immediately contact a specialist. Of course, this can be a one-time situation that is not associated with diseases. In the case when it becomes difficult to move, discomfort occurs, it is recommended to pay special attention to this. Since pain can indicate many ailments and disorders

A child has chest deformity: causes of pathology and methods of treatment

A child has chest deformity: causes of pathology and methods of treatment

Child he alth is the most important thing for parents. They worry about their child not getting sick, full of vitality and energy. But situations happen when a child gets sick and this affects the whole family. In such cases, you need to contact specialists in time who can provide qualified advice. Serious diseases that require professional help include deformity of the chest in a child

Lower back pain: causes and treatment

Lower back pain: causes and treatment

Lower back pain is called lumbago in medicine. This is an acute pain attack, most often occurring as a result of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. It may last for several minutes or hours

Exercises for osteochondrosis, therapeutic exercises

Exercises for osteochondrosis, therapeutic exercises

Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects not only the elderly, but also the young. It is most common in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This disease affects the spine, and more specifically its different departments

Chronic alcohol intoxication: stages, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Chronic alcohol intoxication: stages, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Chronic alcohol intoxication is an inevitable companion of all those who prefer to abuse alcoholic beverages. The consequences of this condition for he alth are the development of fatal incurable diseases of internal organs (cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, oncological diseases). For the psyche and nervous system, chronic alcohol intoxication is also not in vain: psychosis and delirium often develop

Diseases of the urinary system and their treatment

Diseases of the urinary system and their treatment

If you want to maintain a he althy urinary system, the he alth of your children, relatives or pregnant women, as well as solve problems with stones, then in this article you can find all the information you need. Diseases of the urinary system include all kinds of pathologies of the urethra, bladder, as well as the kidneys and ureters. The physiological organs of the urinary system are directly related to the organs of the reproductive function

Urethra - what is it? Differences in the structure of the urethra in men and women, symptoms and diseases

Urethra - what is it? Differences in the structure of the urethra in men and women, symptoms and diseases

The urethra is the urethra that connects the bladder to the outside. The walls of the presented organ are covered with a mucous membrane inside

How does the liver hurt in men: symptoms and treatment

How does the liver hurt in men: symptoms and treatment

The liver is a vital gland located in the abdominal cavity. According to medical research, the representatives of the stronger sex suffer from problems associated with this organ more often than women

The right side of the body goes numb: causes, examination, treatment

The right side of the body goes numb: causes, examination, treatment

It is not uncommon for a person to experience numbness in their legs or arms. Often this happens for very understandable reasons. However, if a person has not served a limb or a symptom torments the patient for a long time, then numerous pathologies can be the cause of this

Maple syrup disease: a rare disease that leads to severe neurological damage

Maple syrup disease: a rare disease that leads to severe neurological damage

Maple Syrup Disease is a genetic disease associated with a metabolic disorder of amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine and valine. Their concentration in human body fluids increases, causing poisoning, ketoacidosis, convulsions and even coma

Sweat smells like ammonia: causes and ways to neutralize the smell

Sweat smells like ammonia: causes and ways to neutralize the smell

Why does sweat smell like ammonia? The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon will be indicated below. We will also tell you how to get rid of this smell

Fishy smell from the intimate area: causes, symptoms, testing and treatment

Fishy smell from the intimate area: causes, symptoms, testing and treatment

Quite often, women who are concerned about the fishy smell spreading from the perineum, without discharge or with it, turn to gynecologists. The cause of this condition is a disease - gardnerellosis. It has been well studied by doctors. The cure in the general case does not present any special problems, but you will have to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist

Adenoma: how to treat traditional and folk methods. Causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, recovery from illness and prevention

Adenoma: how to treat traditional and folk methods. Causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, recovery from illness and prevention

Adenoma is a benign tumor of the glandular epithelium, that is, this type of neoplasm can appear in all glands of the body. The most common and, therefore, studied tumors are adenomas of the prostate, pituitary and breast. All these conditions are accompanied by complications caused by overgrown tissue, which leads to squeezing of adjacent organs

Yellow sclera of the eyes: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Yellow sclera of the eyes: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Yellow whites of the eyes are considered an important sign that can indicate damage to the internal organs of a person. A change in the color of the whites of the eye is a serious reason for seeking immediate medical help, as this can be one of the early symptoms of certain diseases. This is a sign of viral hepatitis, insufficient liver function, infectious diseases, as well as malignant tumors of the conjunctiva

What are gallstones? Definition, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

What are gallstones? Definition, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Cholelithiasis occurs quite often. In Europe and America, it is present in 1/3 of women and 1/4 of men. As a rule, adults suffer from cholelithiasis, especially overweight older women. This is due to the female hormones estrogens, which slow down the excretion of bile. And what to do if these stones are found?