All world countries in modern times are united by such a problem as drug addiction, each state is struggling with this phenomenon in its own way. Increasingly, cases of drug poisoning began to occur. At the same time, a large percentage of mortality occurs in adolescents, since their body is not yet fully formed and strong. Nervous experiences, depression in adolescence lead to the fact that young people begin to use high doses of drugs, which leads to "overdose" and death. Therefore, the question of how to recognize the first signs of drug poisoning and provide timely assistance remains relevant.

Drug intoxication
Currently, in our country, this problem is in second place after alcohol poisoning. The destructive effect of drugs is due to a decrease in the respiratory and cough centers of the brain, as well as an overwhelming effect on the central nervous system, increased excitabilityvagal nerve. In most cases, intoxication occurs when a new narcotic drug is used, when drugs are mixed with alcohol, with numerous injections of toxins into the body, increasing the dose after addiction, erroneous medication, as well as against the background of various diseases and when trying to commit suicide. In this case, a life-threatening condition arises, the rate of development of which depends on the method of administration of the drug. So, the first signs of drug poisoning with intravenous administration of a substance can appear within ten minutes, and with intramuscular and enteral routes of taking drugs - within a few hours.
Common drugs
In modern times, it is customary to distinguish between several types of drugs:
- Opiates, which are natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic. This includes, for example, heroin, tramal, morphine and others.
- Hallucinogens or psychedelics, which can be natural or synthetic. Such substances include, for example, poisonous mushrooms, LSD, etc.
- Antidepressants and sedatives, which include barbiturates and benzodiazepines, such as Nozepam, Phenobarbital, etc.
- Cannabis preparations such as hashish, marijuana and others.
- Stimulants like cocaine, caffeine, amphetamines, ephedrine, etc.
- Antiholinolytics, for example, Clonidine, Taren, Diphenhydramine and so on.
- Dissociatives like Ketamine or Dextromethorphan.
It's not all drugs, often drug addictsthey themselves prepare preparations from hemp, poppy seeds, medicinal preparations. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between signs indicating drug poisoning, which may be different depending on the specific type of drug.

Complications and outcome
Common causes of death are swelling of the brain, lungs, circulatory disorders, development of necrosis of the extremities, internal hemorrhages, injuries. In this case, the main danger of drug poisoning is damage to the brain, liver, heart and kidneys, respiratory arrest, blood circulation and death. Thus, the following complications are possible:
- breathing disorder and pulmonary edema;
- edema and brain death;
- toxic shock and coma;
- pneumonia and sepsis;
- thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
- fatal.
General symptoms
Depending on the type of drug used, there may be different signs that indicate drug poisoning. It can be both different disorders of consciousness, and coma. At the same time, a person becomes inhibited, lethargic, not oriented in space and what is happening around him, he gradually falls asleep. In severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible, preceded by excitement up to aggression. Overdoses often cause nausea, headache, weakness, slow reactions, anxiety. The pupils of the eyes become narrow or, conversely, quite wide. In this case, arterial pressure can be either low, with reducedpulse and respiration, and increased, accompanied by tachycardia, pain in the heart. Then there is a loss of consciousness and coma. In this case, convulsions and chaotic movement of the eyeballs are a bad sign, such signs of drug poisoning may indicate cerebral edema.

Opiate intoxication
When poisoned by substances of this group, a person feels peaceful, he wants to sleep. The skin becomes pale, the pupils constrict, the sensitivity decreases, the body temperature drops to thirty-five degrees Celsius. The tip of the nose constantly itches and itches, speech becomes slurred, movements are disturbed, breathing becomes shallow and irregular, bradycardia sets in. A group of opium drugs negatively affects the respiratory center; when poisoned by them, breathing slows down, up to its stop.
Hallucinogen (psychedelic) poisoning
The danger in this case is the availability of drugs of this group, especially hallucinogenic mushrooms, which are ubiquitous. So, the signs of drug poisoning include increased heart rate and blood pressure, dilated eye pupils, hand trembling and impaired orientation in space, coordination of movements, as well as dry skin, hallucinations, euphoria. Heart pain, slurred speech, chills, or fever may occur.

Intoxication with antidepressants andsleeping pills
Poisoning with psychostimulants, antidepressants occurs in several stages. First, a person has an increase in emotional stress, aggression appears. At the second stage, obvious signs of drug poisoning are already observed: nausea, headache, indigestion and vomiting, impaired coordination of movements. In severe intoxication, there is a decrease in body temperature and blood pressure, delirium, then loss of consciousness, convulsions. All this requires resuscitation. An overdose of antidepressants is considered to be very dangerous, which can lead to death. With intoxication with sleeping pills, death occurs very quickly. First, a person falls into a coma, breathing is oppressed, the pupils first narrow, and then expand, the work of the kidneys is disrupted.

Poisoning with cannabis drugs
Preparations of this group can have both a calming and stimulating effect on the human body. In this case, the signs of drug poisoning are increased blood pressure, tachycardia, thirst, dilated pupils and mood swings.
Intoxication with stimulants.
An overdose of stimulants is manifested by convulsions, strong arousal, an increase in temperature and blood pressure, pulse, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, there is a violation of the activity of the heart, the appearance of blood in the urine, loss of consciousness, then the person may fall into a coma.
Poisoning with anticholinergics
Substances,that are included in this group are considered dangerous. It is customary to distinguish three degrees of severity of poisoning by them. Mild and moderate signs of drug poisoning have the following: dizziness, impaired vision and hearing, drowsiness, drop in pulse and blood pressure, severe thirst, redness of the skin, nausea, convulsions appear. In severe cases, there is immersion in sleep or coma, a sharp drop in heart rate and blood pressure, severe abdominal pain appears, the respiratory center is paralyzed, the brain is destroyed, and liver activity is disrupted.

Dissociative intoxication
This group of drugs has the following signs of drug poisoning: an increase in muscle tone, the appearance of hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, disorientation and anxiety, confusion, decreased breathing rate, seizures, polyneuropathy. Often there is pulmonary edema, increased eye pressure, salivation appears.
Overdose of antipsychotics and tranquilizers
In this case, a person has a tremor, incontinence in the mouth of the tongue, increased salivation, drowsiness. In severe cases, blood pressure and body temperature drop, coma or epileptic seizures develop, breathing becomes intermittent, the body becomes numb, muscles become weak.
First aid for drug poisoning
First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Meanwhile, the person is laid on his side and the arm is brought forward, whichis below. The chest must be released, thereby ensuring the flow of air. If a person has not lost consciousness, his stomach is washed before the arrival of doctors. To do this, use boiled water with the addition of a small amount of s alt. They then induce a gag reflex. If a person is drowsy, lethargic or has a confused mind, they give him a sniff of ammonia, and in his absence they rub their earlobes with their fingers, tickle the nasal passages with a handkerchief or a blade of grass. These actions are aimed at stimulating the respiratory center, which prevents loss of consciousness. If the person is not breathing, artificial respiration and heart massage should be given.

What not to do?
Everyone should know that you can not leave the victim alone, because at any time resuscitation of the heart and lungs may be necessary. Do not give the poisoned alcohol and energy drinks. After the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to agree to hospitalization, because the antidotes that were introduced have a short duration, then a coma may occur.
Thus, over the past decades, the number of drug poisonings has increased so much that this phenomenon can be called an epidemic. The treatment of drug addicts is not an easy task, and includes a complex of measures, both medical and social. In addition, it is quite expensive and does not always lead to positive results. Therefore, drugs should never be taken.