Health 2024, October

Flat back: causes, exercises for treatment and photos

Flat back: causes, exercises for treatment and photos

Causes of a flat back in adults and children and a detailed description of the condition. Diagnosis of disorders and preparation of the correct treatment using a set of gymnastic exercises and therapeutic measures

What does blood in cat stool indicate?

What does blood in cat stool indicate?

Most people who own a cat or a cat have experienced problems with their pet not feeling well. Blood in the stool in cats is a fairly common phenomenon, and therefore it is important to be able to recognize its cause and choose the right treatment

"Widow's hump": causes and treatment

"Widow's hump": causes and treatment

"Widow's hump" is a fairly common disease, more common in mature women. Three different causes lead to its occurrence, and treatment is prescribed depending on them

What are the effects of the polio vaccine?

What are the effects of the polio vaccine?

Polio is a dangerous viral disease that causes damage to the spinal cord and brain, close to paralysis. Due to possible complications and lack of treatment, all children are vaccinated against this disease. But, unfortunately, the consequences of polio vaccination can be as serious as the disease itself. So how can you keep your child safe?

What are the consequences of chickenpox in adults?

What are the consequences of chickenpox in adults?

Chickenpox is a fairly harmless disease when it comes to a child. However, in adulthood, it can be very dangerous. The consequences of chickenpox in adults are very diverse, but invariably unpleasant

Charcot's disease, its symptoms and treatment

Charcot's disease, its symptoms and treatment

Charcot's disease is characterized by atrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities. Unfortunately, there is still no special treatment for this disease, and therefore doctors can only stop its progression and carry out symptomatic treatment

Vampirism (disease): symptoms and treatment. porfiria

Vampirism (disease): symptoms and treatment. porfiria

Vampirism refers to genetic diseases. It is based on a violation of the exchange of pofirin, which leads to an increase in its level in the body. Pophyrins are produced by all cells of the body, mostly in the bone marrow and liver, in which they are involved in the formation of hemoglobin and various enzymes

Low body temperature: reasons for what to do. Minimum allowable human body temperature

Low body temperature: reasons for what to do. Minimum allowable human body temperature

It's easy to deal with fever - everyone knows from childhood that if the thermometer is more than 37.5, then this is most likely SARS. But what if the body temperature is low? If the normative limits of the indicators on the thermometer are more or less known, then few are aware of the processes that provoke a decrease and the possible consequences of this state

Symptoms of bartholinitis in women

Symptoms of bartholinitis in women

For some time the symptoms of bartholinitis may not appear. Most often, the disease makes itself felt during a secondary infection. The first sign is the appearance of a red roller near the opening of the Bartholin gland. When pressed on it, purulent discharge occurs. Further development of the disease entails the appearance of a pseudoabscess, it already accumulates a large amount of purulent mass

How is mastopathy treated and is it dangerous for a woman's he alth?

How is mastopathy treated and is it dangerous for a woman's he alth?

Mastopathy is predominantly a female disease. It must be treated, otherwise there may be complications, up to surgery. How can a woman take care of her he alth? And how is mastopathy treated correctly?

Types of acne: classification, causes and methods of treatment

Types of acne: classification, causes and methods of treatment

Acne is perhaps the most unpleasant thing that can happen to a person. After all, they always appear at the wrong time and in the wrong place. And we, because of our impatience and haste, are in a hurry to get rid of them as soon as possible and quite often exacerbate the situation even more. Probably, everyone had such that a pimple appeared on the forehead or on the nose, and at the most inopportune moment. And what are the actions of man? Squeeze it out immediately. But instead of the desired clear skin, we get inflammation

Chickenpox: causative agent, methods of transmission, symptoms of the disease, treatment

Chickenpox: causative agent, methods of transmission, symptoms of the disease, treatment

Chickenpox is a viral infection that manifests itself in the form of a skin rash with a watery content, most often defined as a childhood disease, but also occurs in adults. It is believed that chickenpox is based on the herpes virus, which in this case is transmitted by airborne droplets during communication and close contact between children and adults

Rashes on the chin: causes and methods of treatment

Rashes on the chin: causes and methods of treatment

At any age, a person may face such an unpleasant problem as a rash on the chin. They cause a lot of inconvenience, and not only of an aesthetic nature. Women often prefer to just hide them with makeup, not thinking about the fact that the problem actually lies inside the body

Inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment and diet

Inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment and diet

Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, is now a common disease that becomes chronic very quickly. If you are faced with this, then you need to know the rules of treatment during an exacerbation

A swollen lymph node in the neck is a cause for serious concern

A swollen lymph node in the neck is a cause for serious concern

A sudden inflamed lymph node on the neck can scare anyone. To learn how to get rid of this problem and what to do so that it no longer bothers you, read this article

Enlarged lymph nodes in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Enlarged lymph nodes in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

There are seals on the human body that you can feel with your hand or even see. They are called lymph nodes. Passing through such seals, the lymph is cleansed. During illness, inflammation occurs an increase in the lymph node in the child. Why this happens and what to do, the article will tell

Pinched nerve: symptoms and treatment

Pinched nerve: symptoms and treatment

On average, every 5th person complains of back pain. Only every second of them immediately seeks qualified help, and all the rest of the houses try to get rid of burning and unbearable pain with improvised means. Few people think about the consequences of self-treatment, but this discomfort can be caused by a pinched nerve

Numbness of the left hand: causes and treatment

Numbness of the left hand: causes and treatment

Numbness of the left hand: household and medical causes. Paresthesia after injury. What can the numbness of individual fingers indicate if the leg goes numb in parallel. Therapeutic measures, diagnosis and prevention. Folk ways to deal with numbness of the left hand

Acute salpingo-oophoritis is a serious gynecological disease

Acute salpingo-oophoritis is a serious gynecological disease

Acute salpingo-oophoritis is a gynecological disease that can lead to infertility in the long run. That is why its early detection and timely rational treatment are of great importance

Uterine endometriosis - causes, signs and treatment

Uterine endometriosis - causes, signs and treatment

Uterine endometriosis is a pathological condition in which the tissues of the uterus (endometrium) grow to nearby organs. Basically, the disease is detected in 10% of women from 25 to 44 years old

Dermatitis on the face: photos, symptoms and treatment, reviews

Dermatitis on the face: photos, symptoms and treatment, reviews

Dermatitis on the face, the symptoms and treatment (photo below) of which are of a heterogeneous-allergic orientation, is a common inflammatory process of the skin. The causative agents of a rash on the face can be food, pet hair, drugs, plant pollen, and so on. Itching, or pruritus, can occur on almost any part of the skin, especially on the face. The rash most commonly occurs on the lips, cheeks, and behind the ears

Why does the little finger of the right hand go numb? How to treat it

Why does the little finger of the right hand go numb? How to treat it

It often happens that we feel the little finger of the right hand go numb. There may be many reasons for this phenomenon, but how to understand which one worked in our particular case?

Allergic dermatitis in infants: causes, treatment, review of medications, diet

Allergic dermatitis in infants: causes, treatment, review of medications, diet

Allergic dermatitis in infants, diathesis, childhood eczema … As soon as they do not call an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes in infants. This disease of an allergic nature is a fairly common phenomenon not only in infants, but also in older children. If you do not promptly consult a doctor for effective treatment, the disease can develop into a chronic form. Consider why allergic dermatitis appears in infants, what forms of the disease exist and how to treat

Acute rhinitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute rhinitis: symptoms and treatment

Few people know that a disease that prevents easy breathing is called rhinitis. It should be noted that the disease can occur for various reasons, but the symptoms in many cases remain common

Perioral dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Perioral dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Skin diseases are not only an aesthetic problem, but also seriously affect the patient's quality of life. Among such ailments, perioral dermatitis can be noted. Timely visit to the doctor will relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease

How to give injections to children so as not to harm

How to give injections to children so as not to harm

You can give injections to children and adults on your own at home if you know how to do it right

Defect is Congenital malformations. Heart valve disease

Defect is Congenital malformations. Heart valve disease

Congenital defect - what is it? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what types of defects exist, why they develop, and so on

Basic pathological reflexes

Basic pathological reflexes

Reflex - the reaction of the body to external stimuli. When there is a disturbance in the work of the brain or nervous system, pathological reflexes occur, which are manifested by the pathology of motor reactions. In neurological practice, they serve as beacons for the detection of various diseases

Kaufman syndrome: diagnosis and treatment

Kaufman syndrome: diagnosis and treatment

Amblyopia or McKusick-Kaufman syndrome is a persistent decrease in vision. This is not associated with organic disorders of the analyzer and is not amenable to optical correction. In this article, we will consider the disease in more detail

Heart hump: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Heart hump: causes, diagnosis, treatment

At one time, such a pathology as a heart hump was a fairly common occurrence. Despite the fact that such cases are rare in the modern world, many people are interested in additional information about the mechanism and causes of the formation of pathology

Iodine deficiency states: symptoms, description and treatment features

Iodine deficiency states: symptoms, description and treatment features

Iodine deficiency is still a major public he alth problem in Europe. Russia belongs to the countries with mild iodine deficiency. The most difficult situation is in Africa and Central Asia. The article describes all the possible symptoms of diseases associated with iodine deficiency, their danger during pregnancy and in children, methods for treating conditions and preventive measures are indicated

Diagnosis additional chord - what does it mean?

Diagnosis additional chord - what does it mean?

What is an additional chord? Is she dangerous? How to identify and treat it? Questions require answers. The article will help you understand all the intricacies of the diagnosis

Joints of the legs: arthritis and other diseases

Joints of the legs: arthritis and other diseases

The joints of the legs are the most susceptible to disease, most often due to constant mobility and improper care

Symptoms and treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Symptoms and treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriasis is a fairly common chronic disease that affects mainly skin tissues, less often nails. And although with appropriate treatment, such a disease is not dangerous, complications in the form of psoriatic arthritis are observed in about 15% of cases. How does this disease manifest itself, and are there effective methods of its treatment?

Varicose veins in the legs: the best treatment is prevention

Varicose veins in the legs: the best treatment is prevention

Varicose veins in the legs is an ailment, though unpleasant, but curable. Nevertheless, the most effective method in the fight against this disease is prevention. This article will tell you what to do

Cramp - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Cramp - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Cramp - what is it? It is a muscle contraction that occurs involuntarily and is paroxysmal in nature. Seizures may appear suddenly and usually do not last long. After a certain period, a repetition of the state is possible. Muscle contractions are accompanied by sharp pain

Causes and consequences of obesity in children, women and men

Causes and consequences of obesity in children, women and men

Obesity is the same disease as all other pathologies. Therefore, it cannot be taken lightly. After all, the consequences of obesity can be quite serious. These include diseases of the vessels, heart, liver and other organs

Adrenal insufficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet, prevention

Adrenal insufficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet, prevention

Directly above each kidney is a triangular organ. Its mass is approximately 5 g. The main task of the adrenal glands is the synthesis of hormones that are vital for the human body

Connective tissue dysplasia in children and adults: signs, symptoms and treatment

Connective tissue dysplasia in children and adults: signs, symptoms and treatment

Connective tissue dysplasia is a disease that affects the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. It occurs with equal frequency in adults and children. The clinical manifestations of this pathology are accompanied by symptoms that are characteristic of a number of other common diseases, which, when making a diagnosis, misleads even experienced specialists

How to restore intestinal microflora: special preparations and proper nutrition

How to restore intestinal microflora: special preparations and proper nutrition

Good digestion is the key to feeling great. What to do if the intestinal microflora is not in order?