The disease called mucosal colitis is characterized by the process of inflammation occurring in the lining of the large intestine. Against this background, a sick person may experience a serious dystrophic and necrotic change in the intestine. During the progression of the disease, patients may notice a variety of disorders in the digestive system. In addition, often this disease can contribute to weight loss, and, in addition, the general weakening of the whole organism. In the absence of timely treatment, mucous colitis leads to a number of chronic disorders, as well as to severe inflammatory processes.

Causes of occurrence
This disease can occur due to external, internal, or hereditary causes. Basically, mucous colitis is provoked by nervous disorders that are observed over a long period. It has also been shown that the most prone to inflammation in the large intestine are patients suffering from atherosclerosis,diseases of the digestive system and chronic constipation.
Additional factors
Additional causes of this disease can be:
- Presence of chronic fatigue.
- Fault in eating mode.
- Consumption of poor quality and harmful products.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Allergic manifestations.
- Long-term drug therapy.
- The appearance of infection in the body.
I must say that women are more prone to colitis than men. In addition, it is important to emphasize that sometimes this disease can disguise itself as various other pathologies, which will greatly complicate its diagnosis. Against this background, it can often be confused with pancreatitis.

The acute form of mucosal colitis often leads to severe swelling and thickening of the mucosa. Additional symptoms of the disease are the following manifestations:
- The appearance of severe diarrhea. The chair in this case, the patient will be accompanied by a large amount of mucus.
- Presence of bloating.
- The appearance of severe pain in the abdomen, which are acute, and, in addition, of a stabbing nature.
- Increase in temperature along with weakness and fatigue.
- Presence of blood in feces.
- Occurrence of nausea, vomiting, and, in addition, weight loss and loss of appetite. It is worth noting that during the period of the disease, patients are able to lose up to five kilograms.
These symptoms of mucous colitis can be observed in a person for several weeks. If the patient does not start therapy on time, then the disease can become chronic, and its symptoms subside. But curing this type of pathology will be much more difficult.
You need to contact the clinic with symptoms of intestinal mucosal colitis immediately.

Diagnosis of this disease must necessarily be thorough, aimed at differentiating colitis, and, in addition, at identifying the level of its neglect. To do this, the patient should undergo a mandatory examination with a consultation with a doctor, and then carry out the following studies:
- Irrigoscopy procedure, which will reveal the anatomical and functional features of the intestine.
- Performing a colonoscopy. This procedure will provide an opportunity to study the colonic mucosa.
- Implementation of a digital examination of the anus. This is required in order to exclude hemorrhoids.
- Stool, blood and urine tests.
- Performing abdominal ultrasound.
- Conducting fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This procedure is required for differential diagnosis.
Only after performing a thorough diagnosis, the patient will be selected for treatment. This should be done in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of mucosal colitis
When diagnosing thisdiseases, the main method of treatment is a diet, which must be observed regardless of the form and type of the disease. In this case, the features of the course of the pathology, as well as the reasons that provoked its occurrence, are taken into account. In the event that the causative agent is an infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.
If mucosal colitis and its symptoms were provoked by therapy using medications to eliminate another disease, then they are to be canceled.
Treatment of the chronic form involves the use of a complex technique in the form of heat therapy and sessions with a psychotherapist. In particular, treatment in a sanatorium is welcome. In order to recognize colitis, and, in addition, to prescribe the necessary drugs and treatment methods, you should visit a gastroenterologist or proctologist who will make the best decision for each specific case.
Membranous colitis and its clinical symptoms
Membranous mucosal colitis is an inflammatory process that causes a degenerative change in the walls of the colon. Its acute form can proceed paroxysmal. The characteristic symptoms of pathology are:

- Having severe abdominal pain.
- Inability to pass gases, and, in addition, constipation.
- The appearance of a rash on the skin, which is allergic.
- Presence of fever and loose stools.
- Having a headache and palpitations.
For membranous colitis inpeople can suffer not only the digestive system, but also the nerves. In this condition, patients may experience an autonomic disorder associated with nervous excitability, drowsiness, weakness, and apathy.
Drug therapy for disease

Treatment of mucous and membranous colitis is selected for each patient on an individual basis, depending on the causes of the development of the disease, the degree of its neglect and symptoms. Also, the doctor must take into account the age of the person along with the presence of chronic pathologies. Traditional therapy is aimed at restoring the nervous and endocrine function of the intestine. It primarily provides for the following:
- Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs to a patient to heal tissues.
- Using products designed to boost immunity.
- Drugs to improve circulation in the vessels, for example, Livicin.
- Medicines designed to calm the nervous system.
- Means that help normalize stools and antispasmodic drugs.
Treatment and recovery using folk methods
Folk therapy for intestinal mucosal colitis involves the use of the following recipes:
- Peel the onion and grate it. Squeeze out the juice with gauze. Drink the remedy on a spoon before eating.
- Mix the mummy with water. The solution is taken at 10 milligrams every day.
- Mix three spoons of chamomile, 100grams of honey and 700 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse for an hour and drink a third of a glass.
- St. John's wort is mixed with vodka in a ratio of one to five. Infuse the mixture for a couple of weeks. Strain and consume fifty drops twice.
- Take two tablespoons of St. John's wort and 500 milliliters of boiling water. Mix and infuse for an hour. Strain and consume a third of a glass twice.
It is important to remember that before using alternative recipes, the patient should consult a doctor. It is always dangerous to engage in uncontrolled treatment, especially if a person suffers from a chronic disease.
Doctors' advice about this pathology

In this disease, patients are advised to follow a diet. This will definitely help relieve intestinal inflammation, and also contribute to the normalization of digestion. Doctors give the following recommendations:
- The basis of the diet should consist of foods that help improve bowel function. To do this, every day you need to eat cereals on the water, for example, oatmeal, rice or buckwheat. Vegetable soups are also very useful.
- Eat only low-fat fermented milk products. For example, cottage cheese along with milk, kefir or yoghurts without dyes. All this will favorably affect the work of digestion.
- It is necessary to exclude sugar, hot spices, and, in addition, s alt from the diet.
- You should drink plenty of fluids. Best of all, herbal teas.
- It is also important to limit consumptionalcohol.
- Overeating should be avoided.
- Requires maximum restriction on coffee, sausage and fried foods.
During colitis therapy, patients should avoid stress and have proper rest. It is also equally important to completely give up smoking, and, in addition, from physical overwork.
Now many have learned about the symptoms and treatment of mucosal colitis.