Sometimes even perfectly he althy people begin to suffer from stomach cramps, the symptoms and causes of which can depend on many different factors. Regardless of why such an ailment began to bother a person, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner.

Especially it is worth being careful for those who have such attacks repeated with a certain frequency.
What is a stomach cramp
This symptomatology is observed with a sharp contraction of the muscle layer, which, in turn, consists of smooth muscle fibers. Stomach cramps are a standard response to diseases of the genitourinary system.
It is worth noting that the muscles of the stomach cannot be controlled by the person himself, so they begin to contract only under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. When the stomach is working normally, people don't feel it. However, in some situations, there is a failure in motor functions, which is why patients complain of pain and discomfort. Experts often refer to stomach cramps as gastrospasms.
If we talk about the location of an unpleasant symptom, thensuch convulsive contractions can begin absolutely in any of the departments of the human stomach. However, most often this phenomenon occurs in the pylorus.

If we talk about the causes of stomach cramps, then in this case anything can provoke contractions (for example, smoking, unhe althy diet, abuse of strong drinks, gastritis and much more). This pathology is divided into two categories: functional and organic spasms. Let's take a closer look at them.
In this case, stomach cramps can manifest themselves both against the background of a particular pathology, and for no apparent reason. As a rule, representatives of the middle age group, students and schoolchildren face similar problems. This risk group is explained by the fact that this category of people is more prone to nervous breakdowns, emotional instability and the influence of poor environmental conditions. In addition, young people often do not eat the he althiest foods.
To identify the exact causes of stomach cramps in this case is quite difficult. This is due to too large a spread of factors affecting human he alth. However, most often, stomach contractions of a functional type occur due to prolonged stress and in the absence of complete and proper nutrition during the day.
In addition, a similar ailment may occur due to:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Parasitic invasion.
- Pathogen intoxication.
- Long exposure to cold air.
- Allergic reactions to certain foods.
- Increased gas formation.
- Vascular disorders.
- Disorders of metabolic processes in the body.
- Alcoholism and excessive coffee consumption.
There are more interesting theories as to why a person may suffer from stomach cramps. For example, in medical practice there is such a thing as aerophagy. This phenomenon means too much swallowing of air in the process of eating or talking. It can also lead to contractions in the stomach.
In addition, the so-called hunger pains are also referred to the functional group. They can occur with prolonged abstinence from food. How to relieve stomach spasm in this case? Very simple: just eat something and stop practicing such fasting in the future.
Based on the foregoing, it becomes obvious that the causes of such spasms can be anything, from the emotional state of a person to an improperly selected diet.
Such spasms are more common in people of retirement age. This is due to the fact that during this period of life in the human body, organic changes occur, which also affect tissues.

In addition, the causes of such stomach cramps may be more serious diseases. For example, sharp muscle contractions may begin against the background of:
- Gastritis. In this case, spasms occur during the period of exacerbation of the pathology, due to the usesour or spicy foods. In severe form, it may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- Peptic ulcers. In this case, contractions are observed after eating, especially if the person drank some alcohol at the table. Additionally, heartburn and sour belching may occur.
- Exacerbations of pancreatitis. In this case, spasms can be caused by eating too fatty foods or a large amount of alcoholic products. If during this period a person's body temperature rises sharply, then immediate hospitalization is required.
- Gastroduodenitis.
- Disturbances in the production of hydrochloric acids.
Thus, if the stomach hurts, cramps are not always possible to get rid of. If we are talking about the organic form of the disease, then in this case a complete examination and identification of other pathologies is needed.
To determine the causes of unpleasant symptoms, patients are often injected with intravenous agents. After that, the doctor monitors the body's response to these drugs.
Stomach spasm: symptoms
Most often, when this unpleasant disease appears, a person begins to suffer from severe pain in the abdomen. In this case, pain can also be given to the back, navel or lower back. Spasms are often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and general weakness.
The appearance of pain is explained by the fact that the vessels located in the walls of hollow organs are pinched, which blocks the supply of blood, and, accordingly, oxygen to the tissues. In this case, the person first begins to feel a slight tingling sensation, whichlater turns into unbearable pain.

Also, experts note individual reactions to such phenomena. For example, the patient may additionally complain of severe dizziness and bouts of diarrhea.
Because the abdominal muscles are involved during an attack, another symptom of a stomach cramp is that the person tries to take a horizontal position and pulls his knees up to his chin. In this position, he feels some relief.
Dangerous symptoms
It is worth paying attention to the fact that in some situations there may be an exacerbation of spasms. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the patient's body temperature. If it is elevated, then you must immediately call an ambulance. The same applies to situations if a person has become very pale and his blood pressure has dropped sharply. Another dangerous symptom is blood in the vomit and unbearable pain that does not go away for several hours.
What action to take
What to do with stomach cramps before the ambulance arrives? First of all, it is necessary to put the patient in the most comfortable position for him, in which he feels relatively better. During this period, it is advisable not to give him water or food. This could make things worse.
Also, experts recommend not to self-medicate and in no case give the patient painkillers. This can cause a number of problems in the subsequent diagnosis and identification of the causes of severe pain.
During the attack and afterit should not be pressed on the patient's stomach.
In order to prescribe the correct treatment for stomach cramps, doctors conduct a series of diagnostic measures, which include not only a complete examination of the digestive system, but also gastroenterology tests.
First of all, the doctor palpates the patient's abdomen and clarifies the anamnesis. After that, blood and feces tests are carried out, ultrasound is performed. Additionally, an endoscope may be required.

After this set of measures, the doctor gets a complete picture of the possible deformation of the stomach and other important information. Thanks to this data, he can prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.
Medicated treatment
Based on the causes of stomach cramps, treatment and preventive measures may vary. However, most often, experts prescribe antispasmodic drugs. However, it must be borne in mind that, although they help relieve pain, they cannot get rid of the cause of the pathology.
These drugs, first of all, include "No-shpa". This antispasmodic helps to relax the smooth muscle tissues of both the digestive system itself and other muscles. Because of this, many patients complain of weakness after taking the pills.

Another drug that can alleviate the patient's condition is called "Papaverine". This remedy is sold in the form of tablets or suppositories. Experts do not recommend getting involved in its use. The point is that this drugrefers to old drugs with a lot of side effects.
It is better to pay attention to more modern compositions. These include "Duspatalin". This medicine selectively acts only on the digestive tract. Quickly relieve unpleasant spasms.
Traditional medicine
It should be said right away that it is worth doing home treatment of such ailments only with the permission of a doctor. If the go-ahead is received, then some useful recommendations can be considered.
Since spasms are often caused by a nervous condition, the patient must be protected from stressful situations. To help him relax, you can make chamomile tea. This herb is known for its soothing properties. In addition, it is an excellent antidepressant.
To prepare a healing solution, you need to brew 1 spoonful of herbs in a cup of boiling water. When the liquid has completely cooled down (after 20-30 minutes), it must be given to the patient. You need to drink half a mug several times a day.

You can also make chamomile oil. To do this, you need to fill a small container with the flowers of this plant and pour them with vegetable oil. After that, the bowl is tightly covered with a lid and removed in a dark place for 30 days. After a month, the liquid must be filtered. The finished oil should be drunk in a teaspoon on an empty stomach several times a day.
First of all, experts recommend reducing portions of food. It is better to eat more often, but not to overload the stomach. At the same time, it is necessarychew food thoroughly and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
It will not be superfluous to periodically brew soothing herbs. But coffee, cigarettes and strong drinks will have to be completely abandoned.
If we talk about specialized diets, then in this case, doctors strongly recommend excluding spicy, pickled, s alty, sour, smoked and fried foods from the diet.
Instead, you should consume as much dairy products, vegetable salads, sweet fruits, boiled meat as possible. It is better to dry the bread a little.
As a preventive measure, it is recommended to give up bad habits and be less nervous. You should try to spend more time outdoors.
Warm baths and therapeutic exercises have a positive effect on the muscles of the stomach. But strength exercises will have to be abandoned. They will only make things worse and cause more damage.