Varicose veins in the legs: the best treatment is prevention

Varicose veins in the legs: the best treatment is prevention
Varicose veins in the legs: the best treatment is prevention

Varicose veins in the legs are not among the ailments that cause particular concern. Yes, this is undoubtedly a serious disease, but still it does not pose an immediate threat to human life, it has been studied quite well, however …and measures for their prevention (elimination).

varicose veins in the legs
varicose veins in the legs

So, varicose veins on the legs. Reduced vascular tone is characterized by (congenital or "acquired") weakness of the venous valves, unable to hold the outflow of blood. This provokes an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels, causing abnormal expansion of the veins. As a result - stagnation of blood. This threatens the formation of a blood clot with the subsequent development of an inflammatory process. A method of treatment that has been proven over the years is the removal of a vein. As it turns out, this is by no means a panacea. Insufficient blood exchange in the limb inevitably forces the body to resort to a cardinal solution - the birth of new veins. Alternative option(increased load on existing ones) inevitably leads to varicose veins of new “victims”.

prevention of varicose veins of the legs
prevention of varicose veins of the legs

As you can see, everything is not so simple. And if we add that, according to statistics, at least half of the women and a quarter of the male population of the planet at the “critical” age after forty years of age are affected by this disease, then the conclusion is obvious: varicose veins in the legs deserve close attention. Moreover, both on the part of physicians and on the part of potential patients. And this is not to mention the fact that the tendency to varicose veins smoothly turns into the risk of vascular thrombosis - an extremely serious disease, in some cases involving the amputation of limbs left without blood supply.

varicose veins of the legs ointment
varicose veins of the legs ointment

Immersed in the seriousness of the moment, let's pay close attention to the recommendations of professionals. Prevention of varicose veins of the legs is the most optimal solution to the problem. It is enough to scrupulously follow simple recommendations: a balanced diet (preference should be given to products containing vitamin "C"), sufficient physical activity, regularly "pumping" blood through the vessels, smoking cessation. In addition, an ointment based on heparin and troxerutin has an excellent preventive effect on varicose veins of the legs.

Unfortunately, these tips do not save those who have a predisposition to the disease "inherited" from their parents. If one of them suffered from a disease, there is a high probability of projecting it onto the offspring.

But the samedoctors insist: varicose veins in the legs are completely curable, it, like most ailments, is subject to healing. There are no grounds for pessimism at all. The developed methods can not only completely get rid of the disease, but also preserve the aesthetic beauty of the lower extremities (if such a definition does not offend the beautiful half of humanity, which, denying age, never stops taking care of its legs). Modern medicine is able to create miracles. The main requirement for people who want to avoid contact with her is compliance with the above requirements, refusal of self-treatment, timely appeal to professionals. Well, and, of course, enduring faith in yourself!
