Respiratory allergosis is a collective name for a group of diseases that affect the organs of the respiratory tract, the cause of which is an inadequate response from the immune system to a certain irritant substance, the so-called allergen. Basically, these substances enter the body through the airborne mechanism, but their entry with food and medicines is not excluded.

Causes of non-infectious allergies
Among the factors that influence the occurrence of allergies, heredity is far from the last. If one or both parents are prone to allergies, then it is likely that the child will also be hypersensitive to a number of irritants. An important role in the formation of such sensitivity, and, as a result, an allergic reaction, is played by malnutrition: prolonged artificial feeding of a child, passion for foods with a high content of artificial preservatives. In addition, inhalation of polluted air when living in close proximity to industrial facilities or busy highways, long-term treatmentmedicines, frequent respiratory diseases have a negative impact and contribute to allergies.
Respiratory allergies are very common in children. If for the youngest of them the most common allergens are foods: cow's milk, oranges, berries, chocolate, then schoolchildren are more sensitive to household irritants such as dust, animal hair, tobacco smoke, and plant pollen.

Respiratory allergies often occur under the influence of house dust. It is inhabited by microscopic mites, mold fungi, wool, fluff and feathers of animals, particles of the epidermis, book dust, various chemicals: cleaning products and washing powders, cosmetics. Allergic reactions to various medications are not uncommon: vitamins, antibiotics, antiseptics, aspirin, novocaine.

Infectious causes of allergies
In addition to non-infectious sources of allergies, there are also infectious ones, which are various microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi. Foci of chronic infections in the body may well serve as sources of its increased sensitivity and the subsequent development of allergies. In general, susceptibility to several substances often occurs, and not to one, and this series tends to expand throughout life.
Types of respiratory allergies
Allergic rhinitis is perhaps the most common respiratory allergy, the symptoms of whichinclude nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, watery secretion and tearing against the background of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. Often, allergic rhinitis is seasonal, but it can be year-round, occurring both independently and in combination with sinusitis and otitis media.
Allergic pharyngitis is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. There may be pain when swallowing, a feeling of a foreign object in the throat, dry cough, hoarseness. Along with pharyngitis, allergic tonsillitis and laryngitis are often observed.
Respiratory allergosis includes such pathology as allergic tracheitis. It involves attacks of obsessive, painful, dry cough, as in whooping cough, mostly at night. Possible fever and even vomiting.
Allergic bronchitis is a protracted disease characterized by frequent relapses. The general condition of a person can be painful at the same time, the temperature is elevated. The nature of the cough with the course of the disease changes from dry to wet, wheezing is clearly audible in the bronchi on inspiration, but there are no asthma attacks. In the case of allergic obstructive bronchitis, breathing is difficult because there is a narrowing of the bronchi.
Continues the list of diseases such as respiratory allergies, allergic pneumonia. This is the most severe form of damage to the respiratory system, which basically has an allergic reaction due to the hypersensitivity of the body to a particular irritant. With this disease, cough, shortness of breath, chills, generalweakness. The form of allergic pneumonia can be both acute and chronic. With inadequate or untimely treatment of this disease, the prognosis can be very unfavorable.

Diagnosis of respiratory allergies
Proper recognition of the allergic cause of respiratory diseases is possible only with a complete analysis of all data. As a rule, the course of such diseases is protracted, with constant relapses. The allergic nature of such pathologies is indicated by certain changes in the composition of the blood, the results of special samples and tests.
Therapy of respiratory allergies
Treatment of respiratory allergies comes down primarily to limiting contact with the allergen, and this requires its correct definition. If it is difficult to understand on your own what exactly caused the pathological process, you can not do without consulting an allergist who will conduct the necessary tests.
Drug treatment is carried out with the use of antihistamines in combination with enterosorbents and prebiotics. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out, which is reduced to the use of drugs that lower the temperature and painkillers. Physiotherapy gives good results: baths and inhalations, as well as treatment by staying in the microclimate of s alt caves.
The same approach applies if respiratory allergies are to be prevented in children. Treatment consists primarily in preventing contact between the child and the irritant, whether it be someproduct, dust, tobacco smoke, chemical or medication, hypoallergenic diet, vitamin therapy.

Prevention of allergies
The best prevention of allergies is to strengthen immunity by all measures, physical education and breathing exercises. If there is a danger of hereditary hypersensitivity to various irritants, the expectant mother should follow a diet during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby, do not transfer him to artificial feeding for as long as possible.