Yellow sclera of the eyes: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Yellow sclera of the eyes: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment
Yellow sclera of the eyes: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Yellow whites of the eyes are considered an important sign that can indicate damage to the internal organs of a person. A change in the color of the whites of the eye is a serious reason for seeking immediate medical help, as this can be one of the early symptoms of certain diseases. This is a sign of viral hepatitis, insufficient liver function, infectious diseases, as well as malignant tumors of the conjunctiva. In addition, yellowness of the sclera is often observed when some pathologies appear, associated with the gallbladder, as well as the biliary tract.

There are many reasons for yellow sclera in a child and an adult. Let's analyze the most common of them.

yellow sclera of the eyes causes
yellow sclera of the eyes causes

Liver problems

The yellow color of the whites of the eye in certain variants may be due to an increase in the level of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a kind of enzyme that includes red blood cellsblood. Its decay and leads to the appearance of yellowish spots. This enzyme is formed by the liver, for this reason, the presence of yellowness in the eye proteins can be explained by liver disease. In this case, a visit to the doctor is necessary, since malfunctions in the work of the named organ negatively affect the state of he alth in general. After all, the liver is the main filter of the body, and its defeat leads to general intoxication.

which doctor to contact
which doctor to contact

Hepatitis that causes a similar disease

Among the liver lesions, the main symptoms of which are scleral icterus, hepatitis A, B, C and D should be noted. Each of the mentioned types is considered a rather unsafe condition. However, most often, yellowing of the white of the eye is caused by hepatitis A, popularly referred to as jaundice.

Jaundice is the result of staining of the body's tissue structures, including the sclera, with bilirubin (yellow pigment). It should be understood that bilirubin is a metabolic product and a special poison for the body. The decay of this substance provokes the development of negative processes, primarily in the human nervous system.

The reasons due to which yellowing of the whites of the eye is observed, in addition, may be opisthorchiasis or echinococcosis - diseases initiated by damage to the liver by parasitic worms. No less dangerous is hepatitis C. Everyone knows what it is. After all, this liver disease is difficult to treat.

Newborn jaundice

yellow sclera in a child
yellow sclera in a child

A couple of days after birth, the skin, as well as the whites of the baby's eyestake on a yellowish tone. This condition is caused by a supersaturation of the blood of the fetus with a huge number of red blood cells during intrauterine formation. After the birth of so many red blood cells, the body no longer needs, for this reason, some of them begin to split.

Jaundice of newborns is the result of accumulation of products of destruction of erythrocytes. After 7 or 10 days, the yellowness of the skin and eye proteins decreases. If this does not happen, there is reason to assume the development of pathology in the newborn.

Pterygium and Pinguecula

what is hepatitis c
what is hepatitis c

If the sclera of the eyes are yellow, and the liver is in order, then you should pay attention to the following pathology. The yellowness of the eyes, in addition to various liver diseases, can accompany pterygium and pinguecula.

Pingvecula is a special wen in the eye area, which often has a yellowish color. This condition is caused by a change in lipid metabolism in the body. As a rule, drug therapy of this kind of pathology does not give a positive result. For this reason, surgery is prescribed for the specific elimination of the disease.

Pterygium is called an increase in the conjunctiva, which over time “approaches” the cornea, staining it in a yellow tint. Similar manifestations, in the early stages, are also treated with a surgical operation.

Malignant neoplasms

In addition to the diseases listed above, the yellowness of the eye protein can cause the formation of various kinds of malignant neoplasms of the conjunctiva. Moremelanoma is a common one. Diagnosing melanoma is not easy. For this reason, having noticed the “yellow eye” syndrome in yourself, you should immediately go to a professional without self-medication. Only a qualified doctor is able to make a clear diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

There are quite a few reasons that cause yellowness of the eye, including infections or manifestations of subconjunctival hemorrhages. For this reason, when a person detects yellow proteins in himself, in each individual case, you should immediately resort to the help of a professional. After all, this, at first glance, harmless and not always exciting sign, can be a manifestation of a very serious illness.

yellow sclera in an adult
yellow sclera in an adult

Who heals

Therapist and ophthalmologist deal with the treatment of such manifestations. Having made additional blood and urine tests, the doctor will establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. The yellow tint will not disappear on its own.

yellow sclera what to do
yellow sclera what to do

Diagnostic Methods

Finding the root cause of yellowing of the sclera of the eyes is quite difficult, since there are many conditions that affect such a manifestation. During the examination, the specialist can apply commonly used methods for determining the factors of the disease:

  1. Medical. Obtaining an anamnesis and examination of the patient. In liver diseases, a common indicator is an increase in the size of the organ. Depending on the direction of the process, complications of the general condition, decreased ability to work, upset stool, etc. may appear.
  2. Severe signs can be traced in diseases of the blood. General morbid condition, high fever, fever, tachycardia and other signs of intoxication. If a change in the color of proteins occurs due to a metabolic failure or pathology in the bile ducts, then in such a situation the general condition of the body is immediately aggravated, signs of an intestinal infection appear, the color of urine and feces changes, and seizures are acceptable. With pancreatitis, a characteristic indicator is considered, in addition to other signs, pain in the middle part of the abdomen, which in some cases cover the entire abdomen.
  3. Ray. Ultrasound and CT of the abdomen. Such technologies make it possible to more clearly establish the localization of the pathological process in case of probable tumors or compression of the bile ducts. In some cases, such examination methods allow only a presumptive diagnosis to be made, and in order to clarify it, a biopsy is performed - taking a sample of liver tissue using a special syringe. The resulting material is used for subsequent laboratory studies.
  4. Laboratory studies of blood, feces and urine. In case of hepatic pathologies, subsequent changes are allowed in the blood test: a decrease in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, an increase in the content of bilirubin, cholesterol, etc.
liver is fine
liver is fine


Depending on the results of the research done, the doctor is able to form a scheme of therapeutic measures that have maximum effectiveness in a particular pathology. So, if a child or an adultyellow sclera of the eyes, what to do?

For any category of diseases, there are proven technologies of conservative or surgical treatment:

  1. Pathology of the liver. Mainly conservative methods are used (a rare case of cancer or echinococcosis). Such diseases are treated with a complex intake of antiviral, antiparasitic, bactericidal agents. Substances are used to restore the functions of liver cells (hepatoprotectors), choleretic agents, detoxification medications and antidotes.
  2. Blood pathologies. Use conservative therapy. If malaria has been diagnosed, the disease can be treated with etiotropic substances. Some types of diseases are not fully cured. For this reason, in addition to symptomatic therapy, blood transfusion is considered the main remedy.
  3. Problems of the biliary tract. Drug therapy is used in the early stages of diseases, if it is possible to prevent blockage of the ducts with symptomatic or etiotropic agents. But in advanced situations with the formation of stones or in the presence of tumors, an operation is inevitable.
  4. Pathologies of the metabolic process. The therapy consists of taking substances that ensure the removal of toxins from the body, as well as helping to cleanse certain organs.
  5. Different types of pancreatitis (in the acute stage). First of all, carry out daily fasting. It leads to a decrease in the production of gastric secretions and an increase in the fermentation of the pancreas itself. For treatment, specialized substances are used to increaseenzyme production, painkillers and proteolysis inhibitors.
  6. Parasitic diseases are treated with the use of metronidazole, hingamin, etc. Therapy with folk remedies is widespread - pumpkin seeds, garlic, onions, pine nuts, herbs.

Oncological neoplasms are removed surgically after pre-performed chemotherapy. If the metastases are large, then treatment is carried out, which is a means of slowing down the process.

Prevention measures

It is also important to pay more attention to tips for preventing yellowing of the sclera of the eyes in people of different ages:

  1. You should adhere to a diet that excludes alcohol, smoking, s alting, fried, flour.
  2. Balance sleep, rest and activity (at least 8 hours of sleep).
  3. Set intervals for PC work and do eye exercises.
  4. Taking multivitamin complexes and specialized eye vitamins will avoid many problems.

The main preventive measure to avoid various diseases is considered to be taking care of the immune system, which consists in maintaining a he althy lifestyle.


To avoid the question of which doctor to contact with yellow sclera of the eyes, you should carefully monitor your he alth, as well as follow all the necessary preventive measures for such a problem. And in this case, the problem will not bother you.
