The liver is a vital gland located in the abdominal cavity. According to medical research, the representatives of the stronger sex suffer from problems associated with this organ more often than women. That is why you need to know how to recognize liver pathology in time by signs characteristic of men in order to avoid possible complications.
Causes of liver diseases
In this article we will understand how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men than to treat with such an ailment, only a doctor will help after an examination. Like the rest of the vital organs in the human body, this gland is located in the central region of the body. The liver occupies from above almost the entire right section under the diaphragm. Patients with problems with this gland complain of discomfort in the right hypochondrium with possible irradiation to the epigastric region.
Many are interested in why and how does the liver hurt? Symptoms in men with this pathology can be different. There are many reasons for the development of liver diseases, which are most often encountered by males. This may be related to the factthat they are more prone to smoking and excessive drinking than women. And these bad habits are known to lead to the destruction of liver cells.
In addition, hepatitis virus, lipid metabolism disorders and diabetes mellitus are common causes of liver disease. The work of this gland is also negatively affected by factors such as:
- Long exposure to toxic substances.
- Prolonged use of certain medications.
- Dangerous parasites that destroy the liver.
- Heredity. The immune system in this case takes hepatocytes for foreign cells, so it tries to get rid of them.
- Blood diseases and tuberculosis.
It also happens that the causes of the symptoms of a diseased gland are completely harmless. If you do not adhere to a regular balanced diet, then for the whole body it will become a serious stress, including the liver. With a deficiency of certain nutrients, the mechanisms that accumulate carbohydrates and fats begin to turn on, which first leads to weight gain, and then to the destruction of the liver gland.

The nature of pain in diseases of the organ
Unpleasant sensations in liver pathology can be different. With an increase in its size and overstretching of the capsule, slight aching pains appear in the hypochondrium on the right side, as well as bursting and unpleasant heaviness. They indicate the development of a sluggish pathological process in the body of a toxic or otherorigin. Patients with such ailments cannot accurately indicate the pain point.
Diseases of the extrahepatic bile ducts and gallbladder are characterized by strong point pain in the area of this organ.
When there is a pronounced purulent, traumatic, inflammatory process or destruction of the bile ducts, intense discomfort appears. Many are interested in this case, how does the liver hurt? Symptoms in men with such problems are as follows: severe pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, vomiting and dark urine.
If the pain syndrome in the hepatic gland does not occur, it means that we are talking, most likely, about sluggish pathologies of the organ. Such diseases go unnoticed for a long time, they are detected only at the stage of cirrhosis or liver failure.
How the liver hurts: symptoms in men
Treatment in case of damage to this organ should in no case be delayed. Early symptoms of liver disease in males include:
- A set of extra pounds due to metabolic disorders.
- Changeable behavior - constant quarrels, unreasonable anger and increased irritability.
- Frequent colds associated with disruption of various organs. Bacteria multiply rapidly and enter the bloodstream, and the liver gland cannot remove toxins. As a result, immunity decreases, so the person begins to catch cold more often.
- Low pressure.

Othersymptoms of a diseased liver
Violation in the work of this body is often recognized by its characteristic features. Everyone should know how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men, how to treat and eliminate correctly, will be described and helped only by a specialist after the examination. With such an ailment, heartburn, a strong smell of sweat, itching in some areas of the skin, constant thirst and hunger, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, hair loss from the eyebrows and head can occur.
Moreover, with liver disease, slight yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin, acne, the appearance of spider veins, dark urine is possible. In a serious condition, a person begins to smell like raw liver from the mouth.

Destruction of an organ due to hormonal failure
You need to be aware of how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men at the same time depend on the type of disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. Sometimes this gland is affected by hormonal changes, which are especially noticeable in chronic alcoholics.
Men with similar changes in the blood appear female hormones. From excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, feminization occurs in most patients. In other cases, hormonal changes appear due to viral cirrhosis.
Remember that every person should definitely know how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men, recognized on time, will help to detect the disease and start adequate treatment on time. After all, chronic pathologies of the hepatic gland inmen often lead to the development of diabetes.
The reaction of the skin to a diseased liver
The skin reacts to all pathological processes in the body, and the ailments of this organ are no exception. In diseases of the liver, the skin turns yellow. A rash may also appear in men in the form of boils or pustules, since the gland ceases to produce immunoglobulins normally. In the event that papules and spots appear on the body, we are talking about detoxification of the organ. But when the rash looks like hemorrhage, the synthetic function of the liver is likely to have decreased.
When the color of the skin changes, the amount of bilirubin in the blood increases. It is jaundice that most often indicates the development of hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.

Problems with the gland due to alcohol
With prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, a person develops various ailments. As a rule, the symptoms of a diseased liver begin to appear only after 10 years. Usually in such cases, doctors find alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty degeneration in people who drink.
The development of such diseases is diagnosed in most cases in the stronger sex than in women, since men drink alcohol more often. But in women, such pathologies develop faster, even if they drink much less alcoholic beverages. This is due to the gender peculiarity of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body of a woman.
Liver diseases occur with such dependence almost imperceptibly, thereforeit is important to undergo examinations on time and know how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men after alcohol are as follows:
- Heartburn and constant nausea.
- Yellow skin.
- Mental disorder.
- Weakness.
- The appearance of severe discomfort in the hypochondrium.
- Loss of appetite.

Diagnostic measures
When the liver starts to hurt, you need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause of these unpleasant sensations. The doctor, based on the examination of the patient, instrumental diagnostics and the results of a blood test, will make a diagnosis. If you suspect a diseased liver, the patient will have to undergo non-invasive examinations - MRI, ultrasound and CT.
In addition, laparoscopy, immunological tests, biopsy, blood tests, genetic studies, puncture of focal lesions are prescribed. It is on the basis of the results of the examinations that the specialist selects the appropriate therapy.

How to treat disease
How the liver hurts, the symptoms in men and the treatment of any pathologies of this organ depends on the degree of damage, the diagnosis made and the presence of other diseases. When toxic hepatitis is detected in a patient, various procedures are carried out to remove harmful substances from the body. And also resort to techniques that help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. The patient will still have to change his diet.
More likely torecovery people who know how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men are quickly relieved by drugs. Complex therapy of hepatic pathologies involves the use of antibacterial, antiviral and other medicines. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is often resorted to. During the operation, doctors excise the affected areas of the liver.

Representatives of the stronger sex should definitely be aware of how the liver hurts. Symptoms in men, reviews and causes will help to detect the disease at an early stage. To avoid problems with the gland, it is recommended:
- Refuse smoked, spicy and heavily s alted foods. They should be replaced with cereals, lean meats and vegetables.
- Stop drinking alcohol.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Regular medical examinations.
- Do not neglect personal hygiene.
If you experience symptoms of liver damage, you should immediately see a doctor. Remember that timely treatment will help prevent life-threatening negative consequences.