Health 2024, October

What is vomiting? Causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

What is vomiting? Causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Nausea and vomiting appear in response to physiological or pathological impulses that stimulate the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata or the chemoreceptor (trigger) zone in the bottom of the fourth ventricle. Nausea is often accompanied by other autonomic symptoms associated with the excitation of the parasympathetic system

Accumulation of fluid in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment

Accumulation of fluid in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment

The accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid in the lungs is a very important and alarming symptom that threatens human he alth, since breathing is a vital process that depends on the condition of the respiratory organs. About the name of the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, the causes of the disease and treatment will be discussed further

Chronic pancreatitis: pathogenesis, causes, symptoms, diet

Chronic pancreatitis: pathogenesis, causes, symptoms, diet

Pancreatitis is the medical term for inflammation of the pancreas, a process that can be acute or chronic. In acute pancreatitis, normal pancreatic function can be restored, and in chronic pancreatitis, acute periods alternate with remission, but over time there is a constant decrease in pancreatic function

Acute pancreatitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Acute pancreatitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. In most cases, it occurs in adults, when the disease occurs in children, less pronounced symptoms are observed. But if the diagnosis is not made in time, then this can cause severe complications due to acute pancreatitis

Swollen and itchy fingers: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Swollen and itchy fingers: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

The cause of itching of the skin on the hands often lies in diseases of a dermatological nature, allergies or exposure to external factors, due to which the fingers of the palms itch. These symptoms may be long-term (chronic) or temporary. If the development of the disease is not stopped at the initial stage, cracks in the skin, blisters and spots may appear

Osteochondropathy in children: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Osteochondropathy in children: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Chondropathy is not an independent disease, but acts as a group of pathological conditions, which are characterized by damage to the joints and bones associated with disorders in the spongy tissue growth zone. In medical terminology, this pathology is also known as osteochondropathy. ICD 10 code - M93

Causes of kidney disease, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Causes of kidney disease, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The main causes of kidney disease. Factors provoking these diseases. Specific causes of kidney problems for pregnant women, infants and children. Risk factors, diabetes and hypertension. Major kidney disease. General and alarming symptoms. Treatment, prevention, special diet

Varicocele: stages of development, treatment and consequences of the disease

Varicocele: stages of development, treatment and consequences of the disease

In modern medicine, phlebological diseases are often diagnosed in males. One of them is varicocele, the stages of development of which will be presented below. This pathology is an expansion of the veins in the testicles and spermatic cord

Dangerous consequences of chronic prostatitis: description and features

Dangerous consequences of chronic prostatitis: description and features

The instinct of procreation plays a major role in the life of every man. It seems to many of them that a good and timely erection will accompany them for many years, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Infections, alcohol and smoking, poor nutrition affect the state of the reproductive system and can cause inflammation of the prostate gland, which is partially responsible for reproductive function

Chronic candidiasis: treatment and consequences

Chronic candidiasis: treatment and consequences

Chronic candidiasis is the defeat of the mucous membranes of human organs by Candida bacteria. This species is present not only in the patient, but also in he althy people

Sexual weakness: causes and treatments

Sexual weakness: causes and treatments

Sexual weakness in men is a disease that is spreading faster and faster among Russian males. It is important for everyone to know about the causes and methods of treatment of this disease. This article will tell about them

Candida balanoposthitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Candida balanoposthitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Everything you need to know about candidal balanoposthitis in men: features of the disease and its causes, diagnosis, existing varieties, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention

How to cure chronic thrush? Drugs and folk remedies

How to cure chronic thrush? Drugs and folk remedies

Thrush is a very common disease that is known in the medical field as candidiasis. Women are most often affected, however, males can also catch this ailment. If the treatment of the disease was not done in a timely and correct manner, there is a high risk that the disease will develop from an acute form into a chronic thrush

Vomiting in children: home or hospital treatment?

Vomiting in children: home or hospital treatment?

Vomiting in a child can be both a reaction of the body to an irritant, and a concomitant symptom of a very dangerous disease. Attention of parents to children will help to avoid troubles in the course of treatment

Internal and external otitis in a child, treatment

Internal and external otitis in a child, treatment

Cheerful mood of the baby was replaced by crying, he refuses his favorite food and even sweets, does not find a place for himself. It is quite possible that the reason for this is otitis media. In a child, treatment for this condition should be immediate

Treatment of serous meningitis. Causes and manifestations of the disease

Treatment of serous meningitis. Causes and manifestations of the disease

Inflammation of the membranes of the brain is the most dangerous, extremely serious disease. Treatment of serous meningitis should be immediate, it requires special attention from the doctor. Any delay and violation of the treatment regimen is really life-threatening

What is the cause of dry elbows?

What is the cause of dry elbows?

Dryness, cracks and peeling of the skin of the back surface of the elbow joints is a fairly common occurrence. Vitamin deficiency is just one cause of dry elbows, of which there can be many. In any case, elbow care, along with face masks, hand and foot creams, is very important

Cystitis in a child: treatment, tips and tricks

Cystitis in a child: treatment, tips and tricks

Most often it is the infection that causes cystitis in a child, while treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Cystitis is terrible for its complications. Therefore, before you take up self-treatment of cystitis in your child, think about the consequences

Symptoms of vulvitis: complications, treatment

Symptoms of vulvitis: complications, treatment

Believing that there are diseases exclusively "adults" and exclusively "children's" is a delusion. An adult can also get sick with a banal "chickenpox", and the symptoms of vulvitis can appear not only in an adult woman, but also in a newborn girl

How to cure cough in children and prevent complications

How to cure cough in children and prevent complications

By far, the most common causes of cough in children are acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or pneumonia. But in recent years, allergic lesions of the respiratory system have spread, especially against the background of a chronic viral infection (the so-called Epstein-Barr virus)

Itchy rash on legs: causes, prevention

Itchy rash on legs: causes, prevention

An itchy rash on the legs will bring discomfort and extremely unpleasant sensations to any person, especially in the summer. There are many causes for itching, and they vary both in terms of overall he alth risk and in terms of treatment

Leukocytosis in the blood: a sign of illness?

Leukocytosis in the blood: a sign of illness?

Leukocytosis in the blood - is it a cause for concern or a sign of an active lifestyle? You can never be completely sure. In any case, this is another reason to check the state of your he alth

Increased platelets in a child: what could be the reasons?

Increased platelets in a child: what could be the reasons?

One of the main indicators that attending physicians pay attention to is the level of platelets in the blood. Whether platelets are increased or decreased in a child, you can only find out from a general blood test

Signs of rabies in a dog: symptoms, treatment

Signs of rabies in a dog: symptoms, treatment

Signs of rabies in a dog should be known to everyone, because there is always a chance of encountering an infected animal on the street. Read more about this in this article

Nevus - is it permanent or can it be removed?

Nevus - is it permanent or can it be removed?

Many people mistake all small skin lesions for moles, but a nevus is not a mole. Read more about this in this article

How to lower blood sugar: recommendations

How to lower blood sugar: recommendations

High blood sugar is considered the main symptom of type 2 diabetes. This disease can occur for a number of reasons. Learn how to lower your blood sugar in this article

Candida fungus: a possible treatment

Candida fungus: a possible treatment

Candida fungi in humans can cause many diseases. About what symptoms you can recognize their presence in the body and how to deal with them, read in this article

How to treat lichen in a cat: symptoms, treatment

How to treat lichen in a cat: symptoms, treatment

If you are a happy cat owner, sooner or later you will face the question of how to treat lichen in a cat? You can find the answer to it in this article

Inflammatory process in the bone: how it happens

Inflammatory process in the bone: how it happens

What are the consequences of an inflammatory process in the bone and how to prevent it, our article will tell

How is lichen treated in children: features

How is lichen treated in children: features

Lichen is a fairly common pathology, especially among children. Doctors say that this disease occurs in nine out of ten babies

Symptoms of gastroenteritis, its treatment and prevention

Symptoms of gastroenteritis, its treatment and prevention

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Infectious gastroenteritis is one of the variants of this disease, in which the inflammatory process develops as a result of the addition of some kind of infection. Mostly this disease is infectious, but sometimes it appears for other reasons

What to do if hair falls out: causes and treatment

What to do if hair falls out: causes and treatment

Everyone certainly dreams of he althy, beautiful and thick hair. But, unfortunately, often many of us have problems that lead to loss of curls. A similar phenomenon can be observed quite often, and therefore, hair treatment specialists are constantly developing and offering new effective methods

Gamma knife - what is it? Gamma knife treatment

Gamma knife - what is it? Gamma knife treatment

Informational article about an alternative method of treatment of intracranial pathologies. Brief information about what is gamma knife. The principle of action, features of application, postoperative period, the presence of complications. Description of medical centers with gamma units, the cost of the operation

Constipation and bloating: causes and treatment, dietary habits

Constipation and bloating: causes and treatment, dietary habits

Prolonged absence of stool, which is often accompanied by flatulence, can develop in a person unexpectedly and absolutely at any time, so the natural question that arises in such a situation is how to cope with bloating and constipation, what diseases can cause them and what diet should be followed?

Cure for joint pain. The best ointments and tablets for joint pain

Cure for joint pain. The best ointments and tablets for joint pain

Freedom of movement to our body is provided by he althy joints. When they are afflicted by some disease or injury, life can turn into a living hell, because the physical suffering can be incredible. That is why it is so important to find a good cure for joint pain. In this article, we present to your attention a small overview of such drugs

How to treat a bruised elbow?

How to treat a bruised elbow?

Bruise of the elbow joint is a rather complicated and dangerous injury, however, with proper treatment, you can quickly restore the normal condition of the hand and prevent complications

Joint pain - folk and drug treatment, causes and symptoms

Joint pain - folk and drug treatment, causes and symptoms

Treatment of joint pain is a hot topic. The soreness of this area worries many, because the loads on the joints are great, almost everyone faces them, and the living conditions are such that the tissues simply do not have the opportunity to recover. Some try to distract themselves from the pain with walks, chores, work, but it is much more reasonable to consult a doctor for the choice of a suitable therapeutic course

Broken back: symptoms, what to do, how to treat at home

Broken back: symptoms, what to do, how to treat at home

So, let's look at what the concept of "broke your back" means from a medical point of view. As a rule, the reason for this condition is too much physical stress on the spine. If a breakdown occurs, then the person instantly experiences acute pain, which can be localized in the lumbar region or spread throughout the back

Effective treatment of food poisoning at home. How to Treat Food Poisoning: First Aid

Effective treatment of food poisoning at home. How to Treat Food Poisoning: First Aid

The article talks about how to properly treat food poisoning at home. Symptoms, causes, first aid for poisoning are described. What to do if a child is poisoned? When should an ambulance be called? What not to do with food poisoning? You will find all the answers in the article

Cure for children from poisoning: a review of effective and safe drugs

Cure for children from poisoning: a review of effective and safe drugs

If a child is poisoned by food or hazardous chemicals, then he may begin vomiting, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. To save the baby from them, you need to choose the right medicine