Plastic surgery has stepped forward, and now even the most complex operations, which in the past were done to people only when they really needed it, can now be afforded by anyone for relatively little money. If operations to increase the breast and change the shape of the nose no longer surprise anyone, then intimate plastic surgery of the clitoris has not yet gained immense popularity. So far, only the most daring girls have done such an operation, but beautiful genitals could add confidence in bed to any woman. In addition, in addition to the aesthetic function, clitoral plastic surgery can significantly improve the physical side of the issue.
What is a clitoris
Few women find it difficult to answer this question. The majority still knows themselves and their body and will be able to say with confidence where this intimate part of the genitals is located. But what it serves for, it will be much more difficult to give an answer. The first thing the function of the clitoris is is the accumulation of sensations, which then result in an orgasm. From here comes outthe importance of its correct location: if the clitoris is in the right place - right above the entrance to the vagina - then this guarantees its constant stimulation during intercourse, and hence the stormy finish of sexual contact.
The clitoris consists of two cavernous bodies, head and hood. In shape, it looks like the English letter Y. Only a small tubercle comes to the surface, which is covered with a fold of skin, and slightly swells when excited.
Main causes of genital problems
Deformation of a woman's intimate organs can be congenital or acquired. Reasons for the latter may be:
- damage during natural childbirth;
- careless behavior of a partner during sexual contact;
- hormonal disruptions;
- age change;
- Surge or weight loss.

What is clitoral plastic surgery
Plastic surgeons work by correcting two sides of the issue: aesthetic and functional. Aesthetic surgery involves changing the size of the clitoris up or down. Functional surgery deals with the removal of scars and adhesions, and also produces a plastic clitoral hood to trim excess skin. In addition, the doctor may move the clitoris in order to put it right next to the entrance to the vagina if it is not in the right place.
The necessary instruments of the surgeon during the operation are the scalpel, with which he cuts the upper fleshor cuts off excess skin of the labia, and special needles and threads. Various fillers can also be used to increase the volume of individual parts of the genital organs.
The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia and lasts from half an hour to an hour. The surgeon will ask you to come for plastic surgery immediately after the end of menstruation. It is also possible to combine clitoral plastic surgery with other operations on the genital organs. Such surgical interventions include artificial defloration, that is, violation of the hymen, labioplasty - correction of the size of the labia minora and labia majora, hymenoplasty - artificial restoration of the hymen, and vaginoplasty, concerning the plasticity of the vagina. The doctor applies special absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed later.

What gives such an operation
Intimate plasticity helps to increase the sensitivity of the clitoris, and therefore improve the quality of sexual relations. Women who were dissatisfied with the appearance of their clitoris and experienced complexes during sexual contact can get rid of these problems and completely relax. Also, clitoral plastic surgery can help to cope with a fairly common problem among girls - clitoral anorgasmia. True, such a diagnosis should be officially established in a medical institution. The cause of anorgasmia may be too thick a fold of skin over the clitoris, which prevents the partner from reaching the clitoral tubercle normally, as well as adhesions and scars on the genitals - resultsdomestic injuries or of any other nature.

Shown to
The most common reasons girls seek clitoral contouring are:
- The small size of the clitoris, which affects the quality of orgasm.
- On the contrary, the size of the clitoral tubercle is too large, which, when aroused, can bring pain or discomfort to a woman in everyday life.
- Too many folds of the labia, sometimes even their hypertrophy. In some cases, the impossibility of full exposure of the clitoris is due to scars and adhesions on it.
- Incorrect placement of the clitoris resulting in a lack of stimulation during intercourse.
When you can do without plastic surgery
In some cases, a woman suffering from problems with the genitals can do without surgery. Such a solution to the problem may be the passage of treatment by an endocrinologist. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination, take tests and prescribe a treatment that can put the woman's hormonal balance in order, and therefore save her from the problem.
It is also not necessary to undergo surgery if the existing problem is only aesthetic in nature and does not bother you at all. This is especially true for married women whose spouse does not see anything supernatural in the situation with her genitals. True, many women say that the clitoris after plastic surgery adds confidence to them and in a new way.reveals in bed, also husbands begin to re-experience interest in their sexual partner.

Along with general surgical prohibitions on performing the operation, there are a number of contraindications that are relevant mainly for this type of plastic surgery:
- diseases of a sexually transmitted nature;
- inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
- inflammation of the small genital organs;
- the patient has acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic ones;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
Possible negative consequences
It must be said that patients rarely encounter side effects of the operation. The main reasons for dissatisfaction after plastic surgery are the mistakes of surgeons. Even doctors with extensive experience can make a mistake due to the fact that the clitoris, despite its small size, is equipped with a large number of nerve endings and has an increased blood supply. Careless movement of the surgeon can lead to loss of sensation in this delicate organ or profuse bleeding.
Also, everyone who decides to have such an operation needs to know that recovery after clitoral plastic surgery can take a long time and be quite painful. Often, patients are forced to resort to taking painkillers for the entire period of rehabilitation.
In addition to the above problems, the girl may experience involuntary urination, which nevertheless passesa few days after surgery, sometimes there may be a slight leakage of urine, which also does not last very long.
For two to three weeks, women who have undergone intimate plastic surgery should refrain from sexual intercourse and masturbation, it is necessary to ensure special hygiene of the genital organs. They are also prohibited from visiting swimming pools, baths and saunas, swimming in open water and exercising in the gym for up to a month.

How to choose a plastic surgery clinic
Before you decide on such a serious step, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Think about whether you will feel more confident being with a partner, or if it will not affect your sense of self in any way. If you answered yes to the previous question, then feel free to go in search of the best clinic for yourself. To get started, read reviews about clitoral plastic surgery from those who have already gone this way. Then compare prices across multiple clinics. Don't go for the cheapest option, but don't chase the cost either: the hospital that gives you the best care isn't always the one that gives you the best result. Choose an institution of the middle price segment and study the reviews about it well.
Be sure to look at the website of the medical institution of your choice before and after the clitoral plastic surgery to understand what result you can expect.

Operation cost
As a rule, the cost of intimate plastic surgery varies greatly and depends both on the clinic, inwhich you are going to have the operation, and the complexity of the surgical intervention. That plastic surgery of the clitoris, which is accompanied by its movement, as well as a change in the size of the hood, is considered the most difficult, and therefore more expensive. In general, you can find information that prices start at seven thousand rubles and end at one hundred and thirty. The choice is yours!

Clitoral plastic reviews
Most girls who have gone through the procedure of changing their genitals admit that their sex life has changed dramatically. They have become more self-confident and liberated with their sexual partner. Also, women suffering from anorgasmia admit that after exposing the clitoris, the world began to play with new colors for them - at a conscious age, they finally discovered orgasm. Many patients say that plastic surgery has become a life-saving step in maintaining a relationship with a spouse. There are very few reviews on the Internet about the negative outcome of clitoral plastic surgery. They mainly concern the girl's inflated expectations about the outcome of the operation.
Thus, you have learned not only about what intimate plastic surgery is, but also about its types, as well as the capabilities of the surgeon. This practice can give most girls an unprecedented confidence in bed, as well as new sensations during sexual intercourse. Before deciding on an operation, go through an examination by an endocrinologist and, if the prescribed treatment does not solve the problem, choose a clinic based on their photos of clitoris plastics, pricing and reviews.