What is lactase deficiency? This is a condition of the body (acquired or congenital) in which the lactase enzyme in the intestine has a weak activity. As a result, lactose (disaccharide, milk sugar) cannot be broken down and absorbed. But it is an essential component for the development of the child's body in the first month

s of life, as it is the main source of energy (provides about 40% of the required amount). Breast milk contains a very high concentration of lactose - about 85%.
If lactose deficiency occurs in newborns, the symptoms are quite unpleasant. What is their nature? Lactase is a unique enzyme that has the ability to break down lactose. Enterocytes (cells of the intestinal epithelial tissue) help maintain its high activity. If the mucosa is damaged, then, consequently, lactase activity will be low and lactose absorption will be impaired. The undigested lactose then enters the large intestine.and will bring an imbalance in the microflora. And this will provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of the disease, intoxication of the body with organic acids (methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen), and the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Lactose intolerance can be partial (hypolactasia) or complete (alactasia). There are also such forms of it as primary and secondary. In the first case, the pathology is due to a genetic predisposition to the disease, not related to the sex of the child. In the second (it is more common), the cause is the underdevelopment of gastrointestinal tract enzymes in premature babies, the use of hormone therapy, antibiotics, intestinal infections, allergies.
Lactose deficiency in newborns: symptoms
- High degree of gas formation.
- Intestinal spasms.
- Frequent regurgitation after eating.
- Intestinal cramps (colic).
- Problem stools (defaecation): constipation, "foamy" feces.
- Little weight gain.
- Bad sleep, tearfulness.
- Delayed psychomotor development.

Lactase deficiency in newborns: treatment
Now the main method of treating this pathology is diet therapy. It provides for the exclusion of lactose from the child's diet. But what about infants? Indeed, in women's milk and mixtures, carbohydrates are represented precisely by lactose. Therefore, in most cases, children are simply prescribed the lactase enzyme, which allows notinterrupt breastfeeding, avoid unpleasant symptoms. And in the case of artificial nutrition, mixtures with a small percentage of lactose or lactose-free (with complete intolerance) are prescribed.
When lactose intolerance is diagnosed in newborns, symptoms force dietary adjustments to be made immediately. Usually, it takes 2-3 days to transfer the baby to a specialized mixture. To settle a new breastfeeding pattern, 1/3 of the food should be replaced.
In order to make sure that there is a lactose deficiency in newborns, the symptoms must be confirmed by passing the necessary tests:
- study of feces for the level of carbohydrates, lactic acid, pH;
- taking a provocative sample with lactose (to determine the amount of hydrogen in the exhaled air).