As a rule, when it comes to numbness of parts of the body, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to a violation of the blood supply to tissues or in a situation where a nerve is pressed. For example, this often happens if a person is in the same position for a long time.

On the other hand, such symptoms may indicate diseases of the nervous system, which can later develop into very serious pathologies. One of the most alarming signals is that a person goes numb on the right side of the body. The causes of this condition (or if a similar symptom is observed with the left side of the body) can be very different, including a stroke and a brain tumor. If this happens, then such symptoms are called unilateral paresthesia.
How numbness of the body manifests
As a rule, a person is most often worried about the loss of sensation in the limbs. Such symptoms may be temporary or episodic, persistent or long-term. As a rule, during numbness of the arm or leg, a person tinglesfingers or there is a feeling of so-called running goosebumps. However, most patients note a decrease in skin sensitivity.
In some situations, numbness is accompanied by pain. It often happens that the problem appears simultaneously in the hands and feet. If this happens, then first of all it is necessary to change the position and try to gently rub the place that has lost sensitivity.
The right side of the body goes numb: reasons
As mentioned earlier, there are a huge number of factors that can affect this state of the body. However, if a person is sure that the problem is not related to hypothermia or a long stay in one position, then in this case we can talk about quite serious pathologies of the body.
Don't neglect your he alth. It is necessary to consider in more detail why the right side of the body goes numb. The causes of this condition may be hidden in various pathologies.
Radicular syndromes
Such pathologies include sciatica, inflammation, vascular disorders, intervertebral hernia and mechanical compression of the nerve roots located in the spine. As a rule, if a person suffers from radicular syndrome, then in this case the patient complains that his finger (or several) or part of his hand is numb. The whole limb in such situations loses sensation much less often.

Sometimes there is also a burning sensation in the limbs, which can be worse at night.
Ifthe right side of the body goes numb, the reasons may be more dangerous. In this case, we are talking about an acute circulatory disorder in the brain, due to which some parts of it are damaged. In this case, the sensitivity of some parts of the body disappears. During a stroke, it is precisely one-sided numbness of the body that is fixed. At the same time, unpleasant symptoms can be observed not only in the limbs, but also in the sides, hips, neck and face.
A stroke is fairly easy to identify, as it will be accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of impaired motor functions, vision problems and difficulty speaking.
Brain tumors
If a person's right hand or left side of the body goes numb, then perhaps in this case we are talking about neoplasms that compress the surrounding areas of brain tissue, which leads to disruption of their performance.
Against this background, severe headaches often appear, it becomes difficult for the patient to move, vision deteriorates, weakness appears, arms and legs begin to move much worse. Additionally, patients suffer from poor appetite.

As a rule, in this case it is also about unilateral numbness of the right side of the body or the left. However, in some situations, problems can only be observed in the limbs. At the same time, it should be noted that unpleasant symptoms do not appear acutely, but increase over time.
Multiple Sclerosis
Speaking about why the right side goes numb, it is worth considering such a disease. This ailmentis a chronic pathology of the central nervous system. In this case, part of the nervous tissues of the brain begins to be replaced by connective tissues. In the first, with multiple sclerosis, patients complain that their right hand and other limbs go numb. They become difficult to control.

Additional symptoms are visual disturbances and other signs of a disease of the central nervous system.
To determine the treatment of hand numbness, the causes of an unpleasant condition should be considered first. If a person suffers from loss of sensation in the limbs or the entire half of the body for a long time, while the attacks last more than 5 minutes, then in this case it is necessary to conduct x-ray studies, perform CT and ultrasound studies. It is also worth consulting with experts from different fields. In some situations, it is also necessary to involve a traumatologist, dentist and other doctors.
You need to make sure that a person does not have deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and other pathologies. Considering the causes and treatment of numbness of the hands and the right side of the body, it should be borne in mind that tunnel syndromes or neuropathy of the ulnar nerve often lead to this condition. This may be due to herniated discs, arthritis, and other conditions.
If a person has a numb arm or one side of the body, then in this case the course of treatment is selected exclusively on an individual basis. Often doctorsresort not only to traditional, but also to non-traditional methods. For example, with radicular syndromes, physiotherapy exercises, massage procedures, reflexology, and physiotherapy are often used. In some situations, manual therapy sessions are allowed.

If the symptoms are caused by an exacerbation of diabetes mellitus, then in this case, the endocrinologist develops a special treatment regimen. In addition to drug therapy, it is mandatory for the patient to adhere to a diet and follow the recommendations of a specialist regarding his lifestyle.
If we are talking about numbness on one side of the body, in which the specialist suspects a stroke, then in this case the patient is immediately hospitalized. Treatment should be started no later than 4 hours after the appearance of the first alarming symptom. If you do not take immediate measures to remove a person from this state, then this can lead to irreversible changes in the brain.
In what situations is numbness a signal of pathology
Some people find it difficult to determine in which case it is necessary to carefully monitor their he alth. Of course, the alarming signal is that the loss of sensitivity occurs very often over a long period of time. If during such an attack a person ceases to control the limbs and cannot move them, then this is an alarm signal.
You should also pay attention to the skin. If a person has numb fingers or toes, and the skin has become reddish or bluishshade, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the face, cheeks and chin also suffer from loss of sensation, then in this case it will be difficult for the patient to talk. Sometimes additional swelling appears.

If loss of sensation occurs in the waist area, it may lead to spontaneous bowel movements or urination. In all these situations, it is necessary to seek treatment from a specialist.
When numbness is not a sign of pathology
If we talk about the loss of sensitivity of the skin as a normal reaction of the human body, then first of all, the symptoms should not cause concern if the patient sits in the same position for a long time.
When it's very cold outside and gloves don't protect from frost, it's not surprising that fingers and toes begin to get very cold, due to which their sensitivity or ability to control limbs is completely lost.
As a rule, numbness, which goes away on its own after a few minutes, should not arouse serious suspicion in a person. If you serve your leg, then it is enough to rub it a little, wait a few minutes and make sure that the symptoms have passed. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.
Numbness during pregnancy
In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, women very often experience loss of sensation in the hands, sides of the thighs and feet. If the future mother's right hand or left becomes numb, then tothis is often caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. This means that the woman is suffering from compression of the nerve located in the wrist. This occurs against the background of edema of the surrounding tissue. As a rule, the symptoms of such a pathology are significantly enhanced at night and in the morning. To solve this problem, experts recommend that women do hand exercises. It is worth noting that such a syndrome should not cause concern for the expectant mother, since such pathologies do not have any effect on the fetus.
If the right side of the thigh or its left part goes numb in a pregnant lady, then this, as a rule, indicates that childbirth will come soon. This is due to the fact that compression of the external cutaneous nerve occurs. As a rule, if a woman begins to bend her legs in the hip joint, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Such problems also cannot have a negative impact on the fetus.
If the right side of the thigh or its left part goes numb in a pregnant lady, then this, as a rule, indicates that childbirth will come soon. This is due to the fact that compression of the external cutaneous nerve occurs. As a rule, if a woman begins to bend her legs in the hip joint, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Such problems also cannot have a negative impact on the fetus.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, women experience a deficiency of useful trace elements. If she lacks magnesium, calcium, iron and other components, then this may well lead to numbness in different parts of the body. Howas a rule, to get rid of such symptoms, it is enough to undergo a course of treatment with special means that contain the necessary vitamins.

However, it should not be ruled out that loss of sensation during pregnancy may be associated with one of the diseases that were described above.
Numbness in fingers
If a person suffers from loss of sensitivity of the fingers and at the same time he experiences severe pain, and also notes a change in the color of the limbs, then in this case we can talk about a sharp spasm of the finger vessels. This often happens with Raynaud's disease, scleroderma, osteochondrosis and spinal hernia.
If a person not only has a numb hand, but also develops severe headaches, then in this case, doctors most often suspect osteochondrosis, respectively, this pathology must be treated. If loss of sensation is observed in the ring finger or little finger, then in this case there is a suspicion of neuropathy.
To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to visit a doctor and find out why a particular person has numbness in the right arm, leg or left side of the body.