Flaming nevus (wine stains): causes and treatment

Flaming nevus (wine stains): causes and treatment
Flaming nevus (wine stains): causes and treatment

Flaming nevus in newborns can be seen in the first days of life. Such spots can vary in their shape, shade and even texture. Most often, their origin is determined by genetic factors. It is worth noting that the flaming nevus on the face and head of the child requires special attention. Only a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the spot, can accurately diagnose and select the appropriate therapy.

Nevus - what is it

Such neoplasms in infants are also called wine stains and capillary malformations. This is a congenital pathology, which is characterized by the appearance of flat vascular spots on the skin with blurred boundaries. It is equally common in both boys and girls. The nature of this anomaly is still poorly understood, but doctors say only one thing with accuracy - the disease has nothing to do with taking medication during pregnancy.

What is a flaming nevus
What is a flaming nevus

Vascular moles can have a completely different shape and be localized literally everywhere. Usually, such spots grow with the child. As for the shade of the nevus, then due to the closelocation of capillaries to the surface of the skin, it ranges from pink to dark purple. It is thanks to the visual features that the malformation is popularly called port-wine stains. Their size can even exceed 20 cm.


Very often, a nevus is initially mistaken for an ordinary mole. But if the latter usually disappears on its own even in the first year of life, then the malformation, on the contrary, gradually becomes even coarser and larger. In addition, wine stains most often appear on the neck and face, which, of course, brings a lot of discomfort and even complexes.

Wine stains in newborns
Wine stains in newborns

Sometimes a nevus is confused with a hemangioma because of the visual resemblance. But unlike growths with a high oncogenic risk, a malformation does not pose a danger to the he alth and life of a child.


In the course of numerous studies, several factors have been identified that can lead to the occurrence of a flaming nevus. As it turned out, it appears against the background of a deficiency or complete absence of contact of nerve endings with the walls of capillaries. That is why the nervous system is not able to control changes in the parameters of blood vessels, which is why they begin to overflow with blood. Gradually, it stagnates and acquires a rich purple hue, which becomes very noticeable on the skin.

Just a few years ago, most doctors in the treatment of this pathology adhered to expectant tactics. After all, it was believed that over time, wine stains gradually disappear. But in most cases, in factthe expected regression does not occur, and the malformation begins to grow, bringing the child discomfort, not so much physical as psychological.

Today, a nevus is easily treatable. Only one thing is important - start therapy as soon as possible.

Risk group

According to scientists, the following are more susceptible to the occurrence of a flaming nevus:

  • white children;
  • premature babies;
  • girls.

In addition, some doctors are of the opinion that at the time of the baby's passage through the birth canal, too high pressure and hypoxia provoke the appearance of spots.

Clinical picture

Of course, the main symptom indicating a pathology is the presence of cyanotic or red spots with jagged edges in an infant. When pressed, they tend to turn pale. Parents should keep in mind that the nevus never itchs and there is no inflammation on its surface. In addition, it does not bleed, but it does not go away without special therapy. As the child grows, port wine stains will also increase in size. Over time, they can become bluish and covered with angiofibromas - small nodules.

Symptoms of a flaming nevus
Symptoms of a flaming nevus

If a flaming nevus is found on the baby's body, you should consult with a specialist, including a geneticist. If the malformation covers the limbs, it is advisable to consult a surgeon. To prevent the appearance of Cobb syndrome, it is worth visiting a pediatric neurologist.

Associated vices

Often availabilitynevus speaks of genetic pathologies that require serious treatment.

  • Rubinstein-Teibi disease. This is a syndrome characterized by hypertelorism, dwarf growth, low intellectual abilities. With such a defect, the normal proportions of the body are violated in the child, asymmetry of paired internal organs is noted.
  • Sturge-Crabbe-Weber disease. In such a situation, a flaming nevus refers to one of the types of benign tumors. The disease can provoke all kinds of mobility disorders and paresis. In addition, it manifests itself in the form of regular convulsions, glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure. If the disease is not cured in time, the child may become completely blind.
  • Klippel-Weber-Trenaunay disease. With this syndrome, the nevus is usually localized on the arms or legs. As a rule, spots are accompanied by varicose veins. Often, abnormal changes in the vascular bed are also diagnosed, in which venous blood enters the arteries, provoking oxygen starvation and intoxication. Toxins can lead to the development of gigantism of the limbs.
  • Cobb's disease. The presence of such a defect can be suspected if the flaming nevus is localized in the region of the spine. This pathology involves damage to blood vessels in the spinal cord. In this condition, there is spastic paralysis, in which the mobility of the legs suffers. In more severe cases, sensation in the lower back is completely lost.


The doctor can determine this pathology based on a simple examination. Although sometimes holddifferential diagnosis of a flaming nevus with hemangioma and birthmarks is very difficult. If the malformation is accompanied by eyelid involvement or if the newborn has regular seizures, additional examinations, such as an MRI of the head, are required. With the help of this study, Sturge-Weber disease can be detected. This is a defect characterized by the occurrence of angioma.

Diagnosis of a flaming nevus
Diagnosis of a flaming nevus

Nevus scraping may be required for histological analysis. In some cases, an additional consultation of a geneticist, neurologist and ophthalmologist is required to determine the exact diagnosis.

Treatment of flaming nevus

Port-wine stains as the child develops can thicken, coarsen, darken and increase. In addition, the nevus on the arms, legs, face and other open areas of the skin gives the baby a lot of experiences. That is why it is really necessary to treat it. Several effective techniques are used in the treatment of a nevus.

  • Using a laser. This is a fairly effective and safe procedure that does not require anesthesia. In addition, this therapy has no age restrictions. After a session of laser skin treatment, a small patient can immediately go home. The principle of operation of this technique lies in the penetration of the beam through the skin and its effect on dilated vessels. The blood cells stick together little by little and the nevus soon disappears.
  • Treatment of a flaming nevus with a laser
    Treatment of a flaming nevus with a laser
  • Surgical intervention. The operation is used only in thosecases where laser therapy was ineffective. True, surgical intervention is extremely rare due to the difficult rehabilitation period.
  • Cryotherapy. During this procedure, the nevus is simply frozen with liquid nitrogen. It is he who leads to the destruction of damaged cells and their subsequent recovery. True, such a procedure can only be trusted by an experienced specialist who will not inadvertently damage the basal layer of the skin.
  • How to remove a flaming nevus
    How to remove a flaming nevus

Alternative medicine also offers many different treatments for flaming nevus. However, all of them can only reduce the brightness of spots, but I simply cannot completely eliminate their folk recipes.

Therapy should begin in the first few months of a child's life. After all, the older he gets, the more difficult the nevus is to be treated.

What is the danger

In fact, port wine stains, as they grow, provoke additional problems. A flaming nevus on the face, neck and other areas of the skin can change its color over time, grow strongly and even impair vision. Gradually, the flat texture of malformation is transformed into a relief outgrowth with a large number of unpleasant and ugly nodules. They are very easy to damage, while they bleed heavily and heal for a long time. In addition, psychological discomfort plays an important role, especially at a transitional age, when children are very vulnerable and take all insults to heart.

If necessarytreat flaming nevus
If necessarytreat flaming nevus

It is noteworthy that port wine stains usually do not entail dangerous complications. But you still need to remove them. This is the only way to prevent the development of not only complexes, but also dermatological problems in the form of psoriasis and seborrhea.
