Man is given to see and hear the beauty of the world around him. It is through the eyes that about 90% of information enters, and thanks to the hearing organ, we perceive sounds from the outside world. Of great importance is the state of he alth of these organs so that a person can lead a full life. Let's consider the disease of the organs of vision and hearing in a little more detail, we will study the causes, methods of treatment and methods of prevention.

Types of eye diseases
The organs of vision begin to form even when the baby is in the womb. The most intensive period of development is the age from 1 year to 5 years. The eyeball grows up to 14-15 years. At 2-3 years old, eye mobility is formed, it is at this age that strabismus may appear.
The hereditary factor and general he alth play a big role. Irritability, fatigue, nervous stress not only affect the nervous system, but, as proven by scientists, are the causes of diseases of the organ of vision.
Here are just some of the types of eye diseases thatmost common:
- Myopia or myopia. This is a visual defect in which the image is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. As a result, objects that are close are clearly visible, and those that are far away are poorly visible. It usually develops during adolescence. If left untreated, the disease progresses and can lead to significant vision loss and disability.
- Hyperopia or farsightedness. This is a visual defect in which the image is formed behind the retina. In youth, with the help of accommodation tension, a clear image can be achieved. People with this disease often have headaches when they strain their eyes.
- Squint or strabismus. This is a violation of the parallelism of the visual axes of both eyes. The main symptom is the asymmetrical position of the corneas in relation to the corners and edges of the eyelids. Strabismus can be congenital or acquired.
- Astigmatism. A visual defect in which the shape of the cornea of the lens or eye is distorted, as a result of which a person loses the ability to see a clear image. If left untreated, it can lead to severe vision loss or strabismus.
- Nystagmus, or eye trembling, is manifested by spontaneous oscillation of the eyeballs.
- Amblyopia. This defect is associated with a decrease in vision that cannot be corrected with lenses or glasses.
- Cataract is characterized by clouding of the lens of the eye.
- Glaucoma. A disease associated with a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure. As a result, decreased visual acuity and atrophy of the visualnerve.
- Computer vision syndrome. Characterized by photosensitivity, dry eyes, stinging, double vision.
- Conjunctivitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the membrane covering the eyeball and eyelids from the side of the eye.

These are just some of the diseases that are directly related to the visual analyzer.
Causes of diseases of the organ of vision
There must be reasons for the development of any disease, of course, eye diseases also have them.
1. Myopia. Reasons:
- Spasm of accommodation.
- Changing the shape of the cornea.
- Displacement of the lens as a result of injury.
- Sclerosis of the lens, which is common in older people.
2. Causes of farsightedness:
- Reduced size of the eyeball, so all babies are farsighted. The child grows, and with him the eyeball until the age of 14-15, so this defect may disappear with age.
- The ability of the lens to change curvature decreases. This defect appears in old age.
3. Strabismus. Reasons:
- Injuries.
- Hyperopia, myopia, moderate to high astigmatism.
- Diseases of the central nervous system.
- Paralysis.
- Stress.
- Psychic trauma, fright.
- Anomalies in the development and attachment of the oculomotor muscles.
- Infectious diseases.
- Somatic diseases.
- A sharp drop in vision in one eye.
4. Causesastigmatism:
- Most often this defect is congenital and does not cause inconvenience to most.
- Eye injury.
- Corneal disease.
- Surgery on the eyeball.
5. Trembling of the eye. The reasons are as follows:
- Congenital or acquired visual impairment.
- Drug poisoning.
- Injury to the cerebellum, pituitary gland, or medulla oblongata.
6. Amblyopia may occur if present:
- Squint.
- Genetic predisposition.
7. Cataract. The reasons are as follows:
- Radiation.
- Injury.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Natural aging.
8. Glaucoma occurs for the following reason:
Increased intraocular pressure
9. Syndrome of computer vision. The reasons follow from the name itself:
- The negative impact of computer and television radiation.
- Failure to comply with lighting standards when working and reading.
10. Conjunctivitis has the following causes:
- Allergy.
- Various infections.
- Chemical exposure.
- Damage.
We can conclude: as many different diseases of the organs of vision, and the reasons for their development will always be found.
Treatment and prevention of diseases of the organ of vision
For the treatment of diseases of the organ of vision use:
- Point correction.
- Contact lenses.
- Drug treatment.
- Physiotherapy treatments.
- Therapeutic exercises for the eyes.
- Surgical intervention is possible in some cases.
In order to prevent the occurrence of eye diseases, you must follow a few rules:
- Minimize the impact of negative moments. Lighting should be bright enough not to blind the eyes. If you work at a computer or your work is related to the fact that you have to strain your eyes, you need to take a break every 15-20 minutes. Do eye exercises. Watching television programs should also be interrupted by breaks. Children under 3 are not recommended to watch TV.
- Exercise, stay active. Walk as much as possible. Physical activity should be 150 minutes per week.
- Give up bad habits. Stop smoking, and the risk of cataracts will decrease several times.
- Learn to deal with stress. Balance and calmness will help maintain he alth.
- You need to keep your blood sugar under control, especially if you have diabetes. Get checked regularly.
- Control your weight. Excess body weight leads to an increase in blood sugar, that is, to diabetes, with this disease, vision can noticeably deteriorate.
- Eat right. Take vitamins.
If you follow these simple rules, then the view of the world will remain clear and clear.
Attention! If you have problems with your eyesight, you should consult a doctorophthalmologist.
Having made some conclusions about vision, consider the disease of the hearing organs. Since hearing is of no small importance in human life. The ability to hear and perceive the sounds of the world makes life brighter and richer.
What are hearing diseases
All diseases associated with ear disease can be divided into several groups.

- Inflammatory. Accompanied by pain, suppuration, itching, possibly fever, hearing loss. These are diseases such as otitis media, labyrinthitis.
- Non-inflammatory. Accompanied by hearing loss, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus. These are such diseases: otosclerosis, Meniere's disease.
- Fungal diseases. They are characterized by discharge from the ear, itching and tinnitus. Complication of the disease can lead to sepsis.
- Illness resulting from injury. Rupture of the eardrum as a result of exercise or pressure changes.
These are the main diseases of the organ of hearing, and their prevention will reduce the risk of serious complications.
Negative factors affecting hearing
There are illnesses that can negatively affect hearing. Among them, I would especially like to note the following:
- Hearing disease.
- Meningitis.
- Cold diseases.
- Diphtheria.
- Sinusitis.
- Frequent rhinitis.
- Flu.
- Measles
- Syphilis.
- Scarlet fever.
- Pig.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Stress.
As you can see from the list, there are a lot of dangerous diseases, we suffer a large number of diseases in childhood.
Problems with the organ of hearing in children
Often there are diseases of the hearing organs in children. The most common of these is otitis media. It is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but the complications resulting from improper or untimely treatment. Chronic hearing loss in children can cause hearing loss and disruption of the central nervous system.

If we consider the structure of the auditory analyzer in a child, this will explain the increased risk of the disease becoming chronic. The size of the Eustachian tube is much wider and shorter than in an adult. It connects the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity, and the respiratory infections that children so often suffer from first enter the nasopharynx. Due to the short and wide Eustachian tube, the infection can easily get into the ear cavity. Otitis media creeps into the body from the inside, so the prevention of hearing diseases in children is very important.
It is very important to teach your child how to blow their nose properly so that the mucus from the nose does not get into the ear. It is necessary to pinch the nostrils in turn.

In infants, spitting up can lead to ear infections, which is why it's important to keep your baby upright after feeding. Babies often lie down, and if there is a runny nose or the baby often spit up, you need to keep it upright more often.and in the crib turn from one side to another, preventing the infection from getting into the tympanic cavity.
Also, the growth of adenoid tissue can provoke an inflammatory process and, as a result, cause hearing loss. It is necessary to treat rhinitis, inflammatory diseases of the throat in time.
Treatment of hearing diseases
If you have problems with your hearing, you should consult an otolaryngologist.
Currently, there are many effective ways to treat such diseases. Depending on the cause of the disease, therapy will be prescribed.
Thus, inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs are treated with topical drugs, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used.
Non-inflammatory diseases are usually treated with surgical techniques.
Fungal problems of the hearing organs get rid of for a long time with the use of antimycotic drugs. Particular attention is paid to the care of the hearing organs.
Traumatic diseases are treated according to the nature of the injury.
Hearing disease can be provoked not only by respiratory infections. For some, this is a professional problem. Noise has a great impact on a person, including the work of the nervous system, cardiovascular and, of course, the hearing organs.
Occupational diseases of the hearing organs
There are many professions whose harmfulness lies in exposure to noise. These are factory workers, throughout the working dayheavily affected by the noise of working machines and machines. Machinists and tractor operators are exposed to strong vibrations that affect hearing.
Strong noise has an impact on human performance and he alth. It irritates the cerebral cortex, thereby causing rapid fatigue, loss of attention, and this can lead to injury at work. A person gets used to strong noise, and imperceptibly there is a decrease in hearing, which can result in deafness. Internal organs also suffer, their volumes may change, and the digestion process is disrupted.

But noise is not the only cause of occupational hearing loss. Another reason is pressure drops and exposure to toxic substances. For example, the profession of a diver. The tympanic membrane is constantly exposed to changes in external pressure, and if you do not follow the rules of work, it can burst.
Under the constant influence of toxic and radioactive substances, the blood supply to the inner ear is disrupted, the body becomes intoxicated, and this provokes occupational diseases.
The most common disease is acoustic neuritis, hearing loss. The disease of the hearing organs can disrupt the vestibular function and cause pathological diseases of the nervous system. Especially if you do not start treatment in the early stages of the development of the disease.
It is very important to follow the rules for the prevention of hearing diseases for people working in such conditions. This is important forpreserving human he alth.
Prevention of auditory analyzer diseases
Everyone can keep their ears he althy and their hearing sharp and clear by following some recommendations. Hearing disease prevention includes the following rules:
- Use personal protective equipment: ear plugs, headphones, helmets in high noise conditions to prevent occupational diseases. Regularly undergo medical examinations, observe the regime of work and rest.
- Timely treat diseases of the hearing organs, as well as the throat and nose. Self-medication is unacceptable.
- Try to reduce the level of domestic noise when working with household appliances, construction tools and equipment, use headphones or earplugs.
- Limit the time you use in-ear and in-ear headphones.
- Before taking the medicine, read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage.
- If you get flu and respiratory infections, stay in bed.
- Timely visit specialists if there are problems with the hearing organs and diseases of the nervous system.
- Prevention of diseases of the hearing organs - first of all hygiene.

Hygiene of hearing and vision
Visual and auditory disease cannot be prevented without good hygiene.
To clean the ears is necessary to teach a child from an early age. To do this, you need to use ear sticks. Need to clean upauricle and remove discharge, if any. Do not put a cotton swab into the ear canal, thereby creating an ear plug.
It is necessary to protect your ears from hypothermia, industrial and domestic noise, avoid exposure to harmful substances.
Important! Prevention of diseases of the hearing organs will preserve the he alth and ability to hear the music of the world.
Visual hygiene is to:
- Keep your eyes clean.
- Protect them from dust, injury, chemical burns.
- Use protective goggles when working with dangerous tools.
- Observe lighting mode.
- To maintain good vision, it is necessary to have all the vitamins in the diet. Lack of them can lead to various eye diseases and visual impairment.
All of these recommendations and tips are doable. If you follow them, then your ears and eyes will remain he althy for a long time and delight you with pictures and sounds from the outside world.