Poisoning symptom and first aid

Poisoning symptom and first aid
Poisoning symptom and first aid

Symptom of poisoning in different people can manifest itself in different ways. Moreover, the intensity of such unpleasant symptoms, as well as their type, differs depending on what and how much the affected person consumed. If this is a stale piece of meat, then the symptom of poisoning will be somewhat different than from conditionally edible mushrooms, etc. But nevertheless, there is still a similarity between such signs, and we will name them a little lower.

first symptoms of poisoning
first symptoms of poisoning

Causes of food poisoning

As you know, the symptom of poisoning in certain people occurs immediately or some time after eating foods contaminated with live microorganisms, toxins, chemical or poisonous substances. In this case, the organs of the digestive tract are most often affected. However, there are also bacteria that affect the nervous system, which may well cause breathing difficulties.

According to statistics, food poisoning in most cases occurs as a result of improper processing andfood storage. That is why, in order to avoid such a nuisance, it is recommended to cook food properly and always place it in the refrigerator or freezer.

First symptoms of food poisoning

symptom of poisoning
symptom of poisoning

Among the most "recognizable" signs of food poisoning, which are not very severe, are the following:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • pain and regular abdominal cramps;
  • vomit;
  • fever;
  • chill;
  • bloody stool;
  • headaches.

If the primary symptom of poisoning is not very intense, then it is not necessary to call for medical help, since you can get rid of these unpleasant symptoms at home. To do this, you must first get rid of the entire contents of the digestive tract. This is done by washing the stomach and intestines (drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate and put a cleansing enema). After that, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and drink Regidron in small sips throughout the day.

Symptoms of acute poisoning

Quite often people begin to feel bad after eating improperly processed mushrooms (or poisonous, conditionally edible). For example, mushroom poisoning, the symptoms of which we will consider a little later, may occur due to the fact that this type of mushroom was collected in a disadvantaged area, and then was incorrectly thermally processed. In such situations, unpleasant symptoms canappear within a couple of hours after eating the products.

mushroom poisoning symptoms
mushroom poisoning symptoms

So, the symptoms of acute poisoning include the following:

  • severe vomiting that does not stop for a long time;
  • blue lips;
  • heavy and loose stools;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • rapid heart rate (may be intermittent);
  • feeling unwell and tremors.

If you observe these signs in yourself, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor.

It is also worth noting that with especially severe poisoning, the victim may experience symptoms such as:

  • sagging eyes;
  • drying of throat and mouth;
  • formation of viscous and sticky saliva;
  • Incontinence of drunk fluids in the body.
