Swollen lower eyelid: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Swollen lower eyelid: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods
Swollen lower eyelid: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

Puffiness under the eyes is considered an unpleasant symptom. It not only spoils the appearance, but also causes discomfort. This may be a sign of an illness. If the lower eyelid is swollen, the doctor must determine the causes. And only then prescribe an effective treatment.

About the symptom

Swelling of the lower eyelid may indicate an excess amount of fluid in the body and stretching of the tissues. Symptoms are both mild and intense. Only with a timely visit to the doctor will it be possible to prevent serious consequences.

swollen lower eyelid
swollen lower eyelid

The appearance of reactive swelling may be associated with inflammation. Often the cause lies in the inflammation of the sinuses. In addition to swelling, gray-yellow scales appear on the granite area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelashes. When they are torn off, the eyelid turns red. There may be more than one swelling of the lower eyelid of the eye. May appear:

  • itching;
  • eyelash loss;
  • tear;
  • photophobia;
  • highly dependent on weather conditions.

If there is no treatment, complications appear. Formedconnective tissue, due to which the deformation of the eyelid occurs, and the eyelashes will grow incorrectly.

Why does it appear?

Swelling can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature. With pain, high temperature, painful sensations during pressure, it is likely that this is barley, boil, erysipelas. The causes of swelling of the lower eyelids can be different. But usually this is due to:

  • poor hygiene;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • skin injury;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • mental and physical overwork;
  • high fluid intake;
  • long stay in the cold;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • eye fatigue;
  • insect bite;
  • use of poor quality cosmetics.
swelling of the lower eyelid
swelling of the lower eyelid

These are the main causes of lower eyelid swelling in one or both eyes. For any reason, an effective method of treatment must be used.


This reason is one of the common causes of swelling of the lower eyelid. The symptom occurs with the advent of summer, as a reaction to fluff, pollen. Patients notice deterioration in the street. There may also be lacrimation, itching of the eyelids, redness. Sometimes there is a runny nose, nasal congestion. In difficult cases, there are breathing problems, dry cough, shortness of breath.

Allergen can be pillow fluff, household dust. The situation worsens in the morning, after sleep. The appearance of such symptoms can be caused by decorative cosmetics orskin care products. Edema occurs during the tattoo procedure. The presence of allergies within 1-2 days after this procedure is normal, as it concerns a traumatic skin lesion. With an increase in edema, increased pain, the help of specialists is required. There are situations of infection, or an allergy to paint.

eye swelling lower eyelid
eye swelling lower eyelid

Swelling of one eye often appears from an insect bite. In persons who have a predisposition to allergies, this symptom may be manifested by a sharp deterioration in the condition, including loss of consciousness and the development of shock. Then an ambulance is needed, in which corticosteroids are used, drip solutions are administered intravenously, and antihistamines are used.

A severe complication is the appearance of an abscess of the eyelid, phlegmon. The eyelid swells, it is hyperemic, hot. Since the symptoms from ENT organs are not very pronounced, many turn to an ophthalmologist. The task of specialists is to identify the root cause and prescribe the correct treatment. For each patient, the method of therapy may be different, since the course of the disease is different for everyone.


The appearance of edema is also associated with the following reasons:

  1. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, stomach.
  2. Allergic reaction from angioedema. This can be established by the sharp appearance of swelling, its abrupt disappearance. This symptom cannot lead to subjective sensations. It usually occurs in people who consume milk, eggs, citrus fruits, and seafood.
  3. Stockfat near the eyes. It usually appears in the form of a "bag". To eliminate a fatty hernia, surgery is used.

Don't self-diagnose. Only a doctor is able to determine whether the appearance of edema is associated with ailments. In any case, suitable drugs will be prescribed based on the patient's condition.


If the lower eyelid is swollen, this phenomenon must be urgently treated. If the disease is at an early stage of development, then there may not be noticeable symptoms with it. To identify probable ailments that lead to edema, a diagnosis is required. It consists of:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis;
  • X-ray of the skull and spine.
lower eyelid swelling causes
lower eyelid swelling causes

The last event is assigned according to the results obtained, and then treatment is prescribed. If the lower eyelid is swollen, treatment can be done at home. For this, medicines and folk remedies are used.

Medicated treatment

Quick and effective results are provided only after finding out the cause. Treatment of edema of the lower eyelid should be comprehensive. It is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, and then the results will be noticeable quickly. The following methods are used for treatment:

  1. The painful eye is washed with a solution of boric acid. This requires 5 g of the product, which is dissolved in warm water (100 ml). After washing, apply ointment to the painful area– “Tetracycline” or “Hydrocortisone”.
  2. If the swelling is infectious, then antibacterial drops can be used. To do this, you can use "Levomycetin drops", "Floxal", "Prednisolone", "Celestoderm".
  3. If an allergic edema is detected under the lower eyelid, antihistamines are taken orally. Excellent results are shown by such drugs as Tavegil, Zirtek, Zodak, Claritin. And local medicines are dripped into the eyes - Diazolin, Allergodil, Vizallargol.
  4. Effective physiotherapy with microcurrents. This procedure is considered a massage at the cellular level. With the help of electric current impulses, the subcutaneous lymphatic pathways are stimulated.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage is applied. The procedure is carried out by manual or hardware method. With the help of such sessions, excess fluid can be removed from the subcutaneous layer.
  6. Mesotherapy is also used. With such injections, the body receives active substances that improve blood circulation. The procedures also stimulate the activity of the lymphatic system.
  7. Cryolifting. This event consists in point and short-term exposure to low temperatures. As a result, the subcutaneous fat cells are stressed, which stimulates metabolism, the outflow of excess fluid.

Surgical method

If the swelling of the lower eyelid of one eye is non-inflammatory, and appeared due to a fatty hernia, then the treatment is performed surgically. The essence of the procedure is that excess areas of adipose tissue are removed. With this operation,relief of edema and swelling of the lower eyelid. The surgical method is used only in difficult cases, in the rest they usually manage with medicines or folk remedies.

swelling of the lower eyelid of one eye
swelling of the lower eyelid of one eye

Traditional medicine

If the lower eyelid is swollen, treatment can be carried out with non-traditional recipes. This stops the symptoms, but the pathology cannot be eliminated. Eliminate swelling, itching, pain will be obtained by means of traditional medicine:

  1. Cold compresses. With their help, not only the swelling of the upper and lower eyelids is eliminated, but also dark circles. You need gauze and an ice cube. It is advisable to choose not ordinary frozen water, but a decoction of plantain, chamomile or mint. Thanks to such herbs, the skin is saturated with valuable substances. The patient should lie on his back, close his eyes and put gauze on them. Ice is then applied to the painful eyelid. The procedure lasts no more than 4 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of vascular injury. They also treat the affected area with ice in a circular motion.
  2. Decoction of parsley. It is allowed to be taken orally. Raw materials (20 g) are added to boiling water (250 ml). Boil all 2-3 minutes, and infused for half an hour. You need to drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  3. Potatoes and cottage cheese. To eliminate swelling from the lower eyelid, a mask should be made from these products. With their help, the eyes regain their former appearance, skin color improves. You will need cottage cheese (10 g), raw chopped potatoes (10 g) and a pinch of s alt. The components are mixed, and then the mask is applied to closed eyes for 20 minutes. Its removal is allowed to be performed by icewater.
  4. Carrots. On a grater, chop the vegetable and parsley root. Products are taken in the same quantity. They are used in the form of lotions on a sore spot. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
  5. Cucumber and honey. Juice must be squeezed out of the vegetable (20 g). You should take natural liquid honey (10 g). The mask is spread on the skin, removed after 10 minutes.
  6. Apple. A grater should grind the fruit. It is applied to closed eyes. The mask is kept for 15 minutes and removed with cold water.
swelling of the upper and lower eyelids
swelling of the upper and lower eyelids

When should I see a doctor?

If the eyelid is swollen only once, do not worry. The swelling usually goes away after 1-2 days. But there are situations when other symptoms appear with allergic puffiness. This applies to itching, peeling, rashes, which may indicate other ailments.

To identify symptoms and timely treatment, you need to consult a specialist. Who do you need to go to? Usually visit an ophthalmologist. Specialists perform an examination and prescribe treatment. Then it is necessary to address to the allergist. If an infection is detected, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or ophthalmologist.

You must consult a doctor when:

  • appearance of shortness of breath;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • a noticeable decrease in the palpebral fissure;
  • swelling elsewhere;
  • discharge from eyes;
  • rashes.

A visit to a specialist will be mandatory if the symptoms do not disappear within a week. A suitable method will allow you to quickly get rid of discomfort, and also notallow complications to arise.

Preventive measures

To avoid swelling of the lower eyelid, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis:

  1. Stay he althy.
  2. Eat right.
  3. Be outdoors often and ventilate your home.
  4. Requires proper rest.
  5. It is important to give up bad habits.
  6. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics in a timely manner.
swelling of the lower eyelid of one eye causes
swelling of the lower eyelid of one eye causes


Self-medication is undesirable, especially when it comes to taking medication. Before using any remedy, it is better to consult with specialists. This is to prevent allergies and other side effects.
