Adenoma is a benign tumor of the glandular epithelium, that is, this type of neoplasm can appear in all glands of the body. The most common and, therefore, studied tumors are adenomas of the prostate, pituitary and breast. All these conditions are accompanied by complications caused by overgrown tissue, which leads to squeezing of adjacent organs.
Another side effect of adenoma is hormonal imbalance. These types of tumors occur in organs that produce certain hormones that are responsible for any process or organ in the human body. For example, the prostate gland produces testosterone, the mammary glands synthesize estrogen, and the pituitary gland is responsible for the production of several hormones at once that actuate the entire endocrine system. Accordingly, lack or overdose of one orseveral hormones can adversely affect a person's condition. And in some cases lead to death.
Given all this, the question of how to treat prostate adenoma is solved in medical institutes and endocrinological centers. Self-treatment or diagnosis of the disease in this case is impossible.
The essence of the problem
Prostate adenoma is quite common. You can even say that this is an age-related disease, since it is more often diagnosed in men of middle and especially old age.

To illustrate this statement, statistical surveys were carried out in urological clinics around the world. It turned out that in 25% of men, pathology occurs at the age of 45-50. 80% - at the age of 70-80 years. These data forced us to draw conclusions about the relationship between age and illness.
Prostate adenoma is a proliferation of the glandular tissue of the organ with subsequent squeezing of the urethra passing through it. The enlargement of the prostate itself is not accompanied by pain or other sensations, but the inability to relieve the bladder causes serious suffering for a man.
Although this is not the only reason forcing us to urgently resolve the issue of how to treat adenoma in a man. The fact is that constant urinary retention causes kidney pathologies, namely the formation of stones and the development of renal failure. Low testosterone caused by a tumor leads to impotence and infertility.
Age is not the only reason for the development of the disease, although the main one. True, the mechanism of development of prostate adenoma and how exactly this is related to age is still not clear. Constant monitoring of patients and their lifestyle has allowed scientists to identify several risk groups. First of all, these are alcoholics, smokers and drug addicts. Then there are obese men. Poor blood flow around the pelvic organs can lead to the disease. Hence the conclusion that men leading a sedentary lifestyle can get sick with it.
Another serious cause of adenoma is chronic inflammation of the organs of the reproductive or urinary system. A man can get such diseases as a result of unprotected sex or a bad cold.
Symptomatic manifestations
Signs of prostate adenoma arise for the most part due to the fact that it pushes through the urethra. Thus, the patient experiences quite understandable symptoms:
- During urination, the stream is weak and the volume of urine is small.
- A man experiences burning pain in the genital area.
- To urinate, a man must strain and make a serious effort.
- Incomplete emptying of the bladder leads to an increase in its volume and thickening of the walls, respectively, in order to urinate, a man is forced to tighten his abdominal muscles, but even this does not allow him to completely empty the bladder.
- A bladder that is not completely freed from urine over the years leads to the development of chronic renal failure, and suchpathology is accompanied by periodic pain in the lower back.

Diagnosis of prostate adenoma
Before treating prostate adenoma in men, a thorough diagnosis of the patient's condition is carried out. This is necessary to determine the degree of pathology and develop an adequate treatment strategy.
To begin with, a survey and external examination of the patient is carried out. During the anamnesis, the doctor determines how many times a day and how exactly the bladder is emptied.
Then the specialist examines the prostate itself. This is done through the anus with a finger inserted into the anus. This determines the size and texture of the organ. An instrumental diagnostic method, namely ultrasound or computed tomography, allows you to visually determine the presence of an adenoma in the prostate gland.

Prostate adenoma treatment
How to treat prostate adenoma in men, only a specialist knows. Independent actions will necessarily lead to a complication of the situation and a deterioration in the condition. After all, no man can correctly diagnose the degree of pathology, and the type and dosage of drugs depends on this.
In the most severe case, you have to perform a surgical operation. However, modern pharmacology has developed a large number of different drugs to solve this problem. Against the backdrop of such an abundance, many men even have questions about how to treat adenoma at home, believing that thisnot difficult at all.
Meanwhile, the treatment of prostate adenoma is a complex event, aimed at both eliminating the cause of the disease and suppressing the symptoms. Therefore, the patient simultaneously takes antibiotics for inflammation and probiotics to restore intestinal microflora.
A number of drugs to strengthen the immune system are required - these are vitamin and mineral complexes. Means for normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs are also shown. Some pain medication may be needed.
Only if all methods of conservative treatment have not helped, a surgical operation is performed. This takes place in the clinic, under general anesthesia, using modern laser equipment. The prognosis after such an operation is generally positive, even sexual function is fully restored.
Treatment with folk remedies
Prostate adenoma is not a new phenomenon, and centuries ago, doctors began to decide how to treat prostate adenoma with folk remedies. Of course, the effectiveness of such therapies is extremely low, but in the early stages of the disease, especially in combination with traditional treatment, they can have a positive effect. Moreover, it will in any case strengthen the human immune system, which in turn affects the he alth of the prostate gland.

Before treating adenoma with folk remedies, it is still necessary to consult a doctor. After all, a person may have a common allergy to some medicinal herbs andplants.
Usually used are rose hips, dill seeds, corn stigmas, cherry twigs, plantain. Herbal preparations for adenoma include St. John's wort, elecampane, parsley, blackcurrant, marshmallow, bearberry hops, nettle, lungwort and juniper. Fresh cranberries and wild strawberries are also useful.
The following recipes are the most popular:
- Nettle roots. They are dried, ground and brewed - for 2 tsp. you need a glass of boiling water. The broth must be kept in a thermos for 3-4 hours. The product is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml each.
- Horse chestnut. It has properties that restore the body's immune defenses. To prepare the product, you will need two chestnut crusts. They should be boiled in half a liter of water for 10-15 minutes, cool and strain. The agent is taken orally 100 ml 2 times a day.
- Creeping couch grass. The root of the plant is dried and crushed. The tool is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. dry root is poured with cold water (200 ml) and left overnight. After that, water should be passed through a sieve, the remaining roots are boiled for 10-15 minutes in 2 liters of water. The product is consumed in 70 ml before each meal.
- Linseed oil. Take orally 2 tsp. morning and evening.
- Suppositories from goat fat and propolis. It will take 40 g of goat fat and 20 g of propolis ground in a coffee grinder. Fat is melted in a water bath, propolis is added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed. After cooling, suppositories are formed. Candles are placed in the anus at night. The course of treatment is 30 days.
- Rootlicorice. 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed roots are boiled in a liter of water for 10-15 minutes. The tool must be allowed to cool, strain. Take 50 ml before each meal. The course of treatment is 30 days.
It is, of course, impossible to treat adenoma without surgery in advanced cases only with herbs. But they will help to quickly rehabilitate after it.
Breast adenoma
The female body is also susceptible to its characteristic benign tumor. This is an adenoma of the mammary gland - an age-related disease. But unlike a prostate tumor, it does not occur in old age, but, on the contrary, before the age of 45.

Mastopathy is considered to be the cause of neoplasm development. How to treat breast adenoma is decided by a mammologist. There is no urgency in this case, since such an adenoma rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor. It is a small round formation in the glandular tissue, which decreases or increases depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.
Symptoms and diagnosis of breast adenoma
Growth and development of adenoma is not accompanied by any discomfort. It is located almost under the skin, it is easily palpable and that is why women themselves diagnose it during self-examination. By light probing, the size and texture of the seal is set.
To clarify the diagnosis, you need to consult a mammologist. The neoplasm is studied in more detail with the help of specialized equipment - ultrasound and mammography.
In addition, to clarify the causes of the tumor, a woman undergoes examinations by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist with mandatory blood tests for the level of female hormones.
Treatment of breast adenoma
The only way to treat a breast tumor is through surgery. The size of the neoplasm prompts the choice of the type of operation. So enocliation, that is, the removal of the adenoma itself, is used with its small size and confidence that it is a benign formation. Sectoral resection of the tumor is performed if it is large and there is a suspicion of malignancy of the formation. In this case, the operation is carried out deep in the body of the gland and, together with the adenoma, several centimeters of he althy tissue are removed. This reduces the risk of leaving cancer particles in the wound.
In the postoperative period, which lasts from 10 to 12 days, a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics that relieve possible inflammation.
Pituitary adenoma
The question of how to treat pituitary adenoma arises in only 10-15% of all patients with this neoplasm. This is due to the fact that the pathology is asymptomatic and such a tumor is not able to reach large sizes. Only in rare cases does it grow in such a way that it can affect the hormonal level of the body. Causing the pituitary gland to produce an abnormal amount of a particular hormone.

Adenoma can grow in any part of the pituitary gland, its classification and the degree of danger to he alth depend on it. She may be inlimit of the Turkish saddle or on its edge. It happens that the tumor grows inside the blood sinus, and this destroys the structure of the Turkish saddle.
Symptoms and diagnosis of pituitary adenoma
The decision on how to treat a pituitary adenoma is born only after its identification and diagnosis. Such a tumor can manifest itself in a variety of ways, since it depends on which hormone began to be released into the blood in large quantities, and which one was not enough. For example, hypopituitarism is manifested by a decrease in sexual desire, sexual dysfunction, impotence, and a decrease in thyroid function. A pituitary macroadenoma is accompanied by severe headaches, usually in the temples.
The method of treating pituitary adenoma can only be prompted by the correct diagnosis of the tumor. Computed tomography of the brain is best suited for this. It visually reflects the presence, size and location of the adenoma. Sometimes conventional radiography is sufficient for diagnosis, especially if it is not possible to use CT or even more so MRI.
To determine the level of hormones in the blood, its laboratory analysis is done. The blood levels of ACT, cortisol, TSH, T4, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol, testosterone somatotropin and prolactin are determined.

Treatment of pituitary adenoma
Treatment of pituitary adenoma is traditionally surgical. The tumor is simply cut out of the pituitary gland. And if at the end of the last century, the skull of the patient was opened for this, then today, thisoperation just got a little easier.
The transsphenoidal method of tumor removal is carried out directly through the human nasal passage. This procedure is 95% effective and just as safe. The surgeon monitors the entire process through a micro-camera inserted into the nose along with instruments. The patient himself is under anesthesia at this time.
If the adenoma is extremely small, that is, it is a microadenoma, and at the same time does not affect the work of the pituitary gland and the endocrine system in any way, then it is first tried to be removed with the help of radiation therapy. During this procedure, the neoplasm is irradiated with thin gamma rays. This destroys the structure of the tumor without affecting the surrounding tissues. Moreover, the procedure is performed without general anesthesia and has no side effects.
Since no specific causes of adenoma in human glandular tissue have been identified, preventive measures have not been developed to date. In any case, you need to strengthen your immune system in every possible way, and this is facilitated by proper nutrition, sports, and the absence of bad habits.