Ginger treatment: recipes with photos

Ginger treatment: recipes with photos
Ginger treatment: recipes with photos

Ten years ago, not every store could find such a wonderful product as ginger root. Fragrant, tasty, surprisingly he althy root crop looks quite modest, but it has a huge potential for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The spectrum of its action is practically unlimited and concerns all spheres of human life and activity. Ginger treatment is popular in many countries around the world. The wise inhabitants of the East revere the miracle root so much that not a single ritual and rite that accompanies a person at all stages of life can do without it. For example, in India, ginger is always given to newlyweds at a wedding. This is very wise, because such a wonderful doctor should be in every home.

What kind of "fruit" is this ginger?

What is this plant? Homeland of ginger - East Asia and Western India, in these regions ginger is grown in large quantities. It should be noted that "wild" ginger is quite rare, the vast majority of plants are cultivated, they are grown on special plantations on an industrial scale. Also, the miracle root grows in Japan, Argentina, Vietnam, Brazil,Indonesia, Australia.

ginger root treatment
ginger root treatment

In appearance, ginger resembles our iris in the structure of the stem, shape and shade of flowers. This is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant, the height of the stems of which can reach one and a half meters, and the leaves - twenty centimeters. Some compare it to sedge or reeds. The rhizome of ginger is tuberous, very intricate in shape, sometimes resembling hands or human figures. Apparently, that is why the Indians call ginger "horned root".

The glory of ginger from time immemorial

Many facts have been preserved in the history of this amazing plant. Among the Phoenicians, ginger was a monetary unit, in Egypt it was revered and considered a remedy for many diseases, in the East it was an obligatory attribute in religious rites. For example, in China, a bag of dried ginger was placed for the dead on the road to travel to another world, which is confirmed by excavations of graves. Ginger was believed to ward off evil spirits. Confucius himself praised this product, distinguishing it from all the others even for the period of fasting and fasting. It is also known for certain that the knowledge of ginger treatment saved many in Europe during the plague.

ginger joint treatment
ginger joint treatment

In the Middle Ages, ginger came to England, where it gained the widest fame and recognition, and this despite the rather high price. It was used as a remedy, as a spice, and also in cooking as part of all kinds of desserts, candies and drinks. By the way, Arab merchants who traded in ginger. told a lot of chillingstories about how dangerous and difficult the extraction of this product, thereby fueling interest and unnecessarily inflating the price of it. The culmination of such legends was that ginger is guarded by huge creatures like giants who are ready to eat anyone who wants to get a wonderful plant.

Legend of the miracle root

The history of the magical root is shrouded in many secrets and legends. So, there is a beautiful story about a girl of unprecedented beauty who met a young man, just as slender and beautiful. Their union was so wonderful that the Wind and the Moon became jealous and conspired to separate the lovers at all costs. Chilling Wind, on the orders of the Moon, froze the girl, and her vitality began to melt, and the beauty herself began to fade before our eyes. The young man, in an attempt to help his beloved, traveled all over the Earth three times, gaining wisdom and hoping for a miraculous healing. And only on the third attempt did he manage (thanks to the power of love) to get a miracle root. The girl recovered, and the fame of the root of life spread throughout the earth.

ginger treatment recipes
ginger treatment recipes

Since the time of Kievan Rus, the miraculous properties of this plant have been known: it was added to meat dishes, fermented and marinated, desserts were made and added to alcoholic beverages. Ginger treatment was available to a few, because ordinary people did not have the opportunity to purchase an overseas root crop.

History has recorded many references to the root of life: in the Indian "Ramayana", among ancient Greek philosophers, in "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare, as well as in"Domostroy" of the 16th century, where it was recommended to preserve watermelon peels in spicy molasses with ginger. In post-revolutionary times, trade links that brought ginger to Russia were lost and forgotten for a while.

What's so magical about it?

Let's look at the composition of the product itself:

  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • chrome;
  • aluminum;
  • phosphorus s alts;
  • magnesium s alts;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • calcium s alts;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B12;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • resin.

Ginger contains most of the most important amino acids, including asparagine, which strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes excitation/inhibition processes. Simply put, ginger is an excellent antidepressant. The root owes its burning-spicy taste to a phenol-like substance called gingerol.

ginger cough treatment
ginger cough treatment

This truly miraculous substance gives an analgesic effect, prevents nausea, normalizes the digestive tract, and suppresses inflammation in the body. Scientists have proven that ginger can prevent the development of malignant tumors in the body, in particular colon cancer.

How can he help us?

Both official and traditional medicine widely use a variety of recipes for the treatment of ginger, both fresh and dried, as well as in the form of spices. We can safely say that ginger -a unique remedy for many diseases, and it is also popular as a preventive measure, not least due to its excellent taste characteristics.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of ginger in the fight against excess weight - this is true, and also note that its use can stop the aging process in the body due to the powerful antioxidant effect of the substances contained in it. There is reason to compare the miracle root with ginseng and garlic for the reason that it perfectly strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the nervous system, increases mental activity and visual acuity.

Copes noticeably well with such a condition as toxicosis of pregnant women, and is also effective in various female diseases, including infertility. It has been proven that ginger has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (due to the content of choline), reduces gastric secretion, has a carminative and antispasmodic effect.

cold ginger treatment
cold ginger treatment

Strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation and lowers blood cholesterol levels, optimizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. It is an excellent and most powerful remedy for colds and ARI diseases, both in the early stages and in tandem with drug treatment. Helps with prostatitis, increases sexual tone, is used in the treatment of impotence. Fights parasites in the body. Successfully used in the treatment of joints.

Recipe for the treatment of joint diseases with ginger root

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and painkillersproperties of ginger can significantly improve the condition of joint diseases and even cure them, as proven by clinical studies.

There are two remedies:

  1. Ginger oil, the recipe for which is simple: 100 grams of ginger is grated and poured with 100 grams of vegetable oil (sesame or mustard is ideal). Next, leave the mixture for two weeks in a dark place. Use externally to rub problem areas.
  2. Eating at least 60 grams of ginger per day (as part of a drink, spices or fresh root itself) significantly improves the condition in the first weeks of such therapy.

Ginger joint treatment requires patience and regularity.

Ginger for men's he alth

Treatment of prostatitis with ginger has been known since ancient times, it is also proven that taking ginger in any form improves potency and all men's he alth in general. To treat and alleviate the symptoms of a disease such as prostatitis, you can prepare an alcohol tincture. 10 grams of fresh chopped ginger root is poured into 100 grams of vodka. The infusion is left for 10 days in a dark place. Take 15 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Ginger tea for colds

You can write a huge treatise on the healing properties of the miracle root, and if you add reviews of the cured, the book will become a bestseller.

There are many recipes for ginger treatment, we will give the classic ones. A very effective recipe for colds: 0.5 tsp. ginger and 1 tsp. ground cinnamonpour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and take a glass of drink every 3 hours. Optionally, you can add honey and lemon.

lemon and ginger treatment
lemon and ginger treatment

Another simple recipe that can quickly get you back on your feet in the cold season: 3 tablespoons of dry or fresh chopped ginger root is poured with a liter of boiling water, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (you can lime, orange) are added. Honey is added to the cooled drink.

The above recipes are also good in treating coughs with ginger. The anti-inflammatory properties of gingerol promote sputum discharge and bronchial cleansing. The treatment of lemon and ginger is very popular in the West, and what we take as a medicine has become a traditional drink in many countries, bringing powerful benefits to the whole body, especially during the cold season.

Ginger to help blood vessels

An excellent prophylactic against thrombosis and stroke strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, lowers blood cholesterol, an excellent assistant in the fight against atherosclerosis. 400 g fresh ginger root, 5 thin-skinned lemons and 3 tbsp. l. grind honey and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The tincture should be in a dark place for 2 weeks, it is advisable to shake the contents daily. Further, after straining, the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three years. Take this medicine for a month twice a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. A bonus to such treatment is an antiparasitic effect, as well as an improvement in vision.

Ginger and excess weight

To restoremetabolism, starting the process of losing weight, you can try the following drink: pour half a teaspoon of grated root with a glass of boiling water, add green or black tea if desired, leave for 20-30 minutes. It should be noted that long infusion of the root gives bitterness to the drink, therefore, in any tea recipe, ginger should be removed after the allotted time, straining the drink.

prostatitis treatment with ginger
prostatitis treatment with ginger

As a bonus to this method of treatment, there is an increase in immunity, vigor, clarity of mind and a he althy complexion. This drink gradually reduces weight (on average, a kilogram is lost per month), while it tastes great and aroma, which is a huge plus, considering that long-term use of such a medicine significantly improves results and overall he alth.

Ginger is not without sin

Ginger treatment has a very wide range of applications, but you should also be aware of the other side of the coin. The use of a medicinal root crop is prohibited in the following diseases and conditions: stomach and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, hemorrhoids in the acute stage, high body temperature, third trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is also worth considering that it is better not to leave the reception of funds with ginger in its composition for the evening, as the invigorating effect can prevent falling asleep. If you have never taken ginger before, it is better to start with the dry form - spices, as the effect will be less strong, and the possible manifestations of an allergy to this product will be minimal. The fresh root is much"thermonuclear" and more powerful in its action, so it is worth starting treatment carefully, observing doses and recommendations. Treatment with ginger, its use as a spice has a positive effect on he alth, but everything must be in moderation, then positive changes will not be long in coming.
