In the treatment of varicose veins, phlebologists use not only medications, but also physiotherapeutic methods. One of them is darsonvalization - treatment of blood vessels with alternating current. Previously, this procedure was carried out only on an outpatient basis. Currently, treatment with the apparatus "Darsonval" can be carried out at home. How to conduct physiotherapy sessions? And are there any contraindications to darsonvalization? We will consider these issues in the article.
What are varicose veins
Varicosis is a disease of the veins, accompanied by pathological changes in the vessels. With this disease, the normal functioning of the venous valves is disrupted. This causes backflow of blood (reflux).
At the initial stages, the blood flow in the leg veins slows down. Then on the walls of blood vesselsleukocytes settle, which leads to inflammation. Due to a malfunction of the valves, the volume of blood in the veins increases. As a result, the vessels dilate, deform and bulge through the skin. Part of the blood is discharged into the subcutaneous vessels, this causes the formation of bluish "stars" on the legs. In advanced cases, trophic ulcers and blood clots are formed due to impaired blood flow.

Signs of illness
Varicosis is most often formed due to a sedentary lifestyle. When a person moves a lot, this contributes to the good functioning of the venous valves. Contractions of the motor muscles of the lower extremities improve blood flow.
In the initial stages of the disease, a person feels heaviness in the lower extremities. Legs begin to quickly get tired and swell. Under the skin you can see the vascular network.
As the pathology develops, the veins swell and deform. They look like blue bumps protruding from under the skin. There are pains in the legs, accompanied by a burning sensation and tingling. Often the patient is disturbed by painful cramps in the calves of the legs, which increase at night.

What is darsonvalization
Darsonvalization is a treatment with weak high-frequency currents. They are fed through a special electrode, which is moved around the body. Currents stimulate blood circulation and improve tissue trophism. In addition, during the operation of the device, ozone is formed, which also has a therapeutic effect on blood vessels and tissues.
This procedure is widelyused in medicine and cosmetology. It can be carried out both in a clinic and at home.
What is the benefit of the procedure for varicose veins
"Darsonval" with varicose veins of the legs stimulates the smooth muscles of the vessels. This leads to the normalization of the venous valves and improved blood circulation in the limbs. Healing currents accelerate the movement of blood. The patient gradually improves tissue nutrition and increases the conductivity of peripheral nerves. In addition, such a physiotherapy is a good prevention of the formation of blood clots and trophic ulcers.
In the treatment of varicose veins, "Darsonval" is always used in conjunction with drug treatment. Such complex therapy contributes to the rapid improvement of the condition of the vessels.
"Darsonval" with varicose veins can only be used in the initial stages of the disease. In this case, treatment will help to avoid such serious complications as thrombophlebitis. The use of alternating currents helps to improve the condition of the vessels of the legs with the appearance of "asterisks", a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.
Before using physiotherapy at home, you should consult with a phlebologist. Only a specialist can evaluate all indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Doctors do not recommend the use of "Darsonval" for varicose veins in the advanced stage. Physiotherapy is contraindicated for swollen and deformed veins, severe pain and cramps in the legs, as well asblood clots and leg ulcers.
Also, "Darsonval" against varicose veins cannot be used in the following cases:
- If the patient is using a pacemaker.
- Physiotherapeutic procedures are strictly contraindicated for epileptics and cancer patients.
- The procedure is not carried out at elevated temperatures. In this case, therapy should be postponed until the condition returns to normal.
- Darsonvalization sessions are not performed for arrhythmia and hypertension.
- Absolute contraindications to the procedures are also tuberculosis and bleeding.
Procedures should be avoided during pregnancy. The electromagnetic field may cause fetal abnormalities.

It should also be remembered that exposure to therapeutic currents can only be carried out on intact areas of the skin.
Darsonval device
Two types of Darsonval devices are produced:
- stationary;
- compact.
Stationary devices are used only in physiotherapy rooms. For home use, you should purchase a compact device. It is a small device with many attachments. This is a relatively inexpensive device. The price of "Darsonval" is from 1500 to 2000 rubles.
The device consists of the following parts:
- high-frequency current generator;
- transformer;
- electrodes.
Electrodesare a variety of attachments. They can have a different shape: mushroom, T-shaped, scallop. A T-shaped electrode is used to treat varicose veins.

During operation of the device, the following physical factors affect the patient:
- high frequency currents;
- warm;
- ozone;
- ultraviolet radiation;
- nitrogen oxides.
Slight tingling may be felt when the electrode is moved across the skin. This is normal. This is how skin receptors react to the effects of alternating currents.
If you are prone to allergies, be careful when using the device. High frequency currents promote the release of histamine. In some cases, this may provoke an allergic reaction.
How to conduct a session
How to use "Darsonval" for varicose veins? Please consult a nurse or physiotherapist before using the device. It is better to go through the first session in the clinic, and in the future you can use the device yourself. In doing so, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Before a darsonvalization session, do not lubricate the epidermis with creams, ointments and gels. Skin must be completely dry.
- Also do not apply alcohol-containing compounds to the skin. Otherwise, you may get burned.
- The electrode must be treated with alcohol and then wiped dry.
- Before the session, you must remove all metal jewelry.
- Nozzle neededposition so that it is in contact with the skin.
- The nozzle can only be moved in an upward direction: from the foot to the knee, and then to the thigh. Do not move the electrode across the vessels.
- Do not apply too much pressure on the affected veins with the tip.
The duration of the session should be between 10 and 15 minutes. Do not exceed the allowed duration of the procedure, it may be harmful to he alth.

Physiotherapy with the help of the apparatus "Darsonval" must be carried out daily and regularly. If you use the device occasionally, it will not lead to the desired therapeutic effect.
It takes about 10 sessions on average to achieve a therapeutic effect. If necessary, the procedures are repeated after 1 month.
Many patients successfully use the device "Darsonval" against varicose veins at home. Reviews testify to the effectiveness of physiotherapy. Patients note that after the treatment, their feeling of heaviness in the limbs has decreased, the gait has become easier, constant fatigue and swelling of the legs have disappeared.

However, you can also find negative reviews about "Darsonval" with varicose veins. Some patients report that treatment with the device did not help them. However, in these cases, physiotherapy was applied without consulting a doctor in advanced stages of the disease. It should be noted that darsonvalization cannot reduce swelling and deformity of the veins in severevaricose veins. In such cases, surgical treatment is usually indicated. Darsonvalization is applicable only at the beginning of the disease, it helps to prevent the progression of pathological changes.
It is important to remember that "Darsonval" for varicose veins cannot be the only method of therapy. This tool is used only as part of complex treatment. Physiotherapy sessions must be combined with the use of venoprotectors and blood thinners. Compression garments should also be worn. This will help to avoid thrombophlebitis.
It is very important to review your lifestyle. It is necessary to observe high physical activity, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Only in this case can a good result of physiotherapy be achieved.