Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child: causes and consequences

Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child: causes and consequences
Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child: causes and consequences

What are white blood cells in urine? This is the presence in it of white blood cells, the function of which is to protect the body from pathogenic influences (bacteria, viruses). They are produced in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. If the body suffers from an inflammatory process, then they appear in the secretion of the vagina, urine. Many factors (age, time of day, diet, medications, etc.) can affect the number of white cells, but normally women should not have more than 6 in their field of vision, men should have more than 3.

If there are more cells, then there is leukocyturia. This condition is especially dangerous for children. Elevated leukocytes in the urine of a child may indicate the onset of the disease or an exacerbation of its chronic form.

Children's white blood cell count

For the first time, a urine sample is taken from a child in the hospital. Normally, leukocytes should not be more than 8. Often, parents are faced with a situation where there are elevated leukocytes in the urine of a child, and he feels well, and there is not even a hint of malaise. What to do? You need to conduct a comprehensive examination of your child. Inflammatorythe process can be hidden, and you will not see obvious signs of the disease. But the infection will gradually cover the child's body and over time can develop into a pathology.

what are leukocytes in urine
what are leukocytes in urine

Most often, elevated leukocytes in the urine of a child indicate the development of inflammation in the urinary tract, kidneys, or the initial stage of pyelonephritis.

Sometimes parents get a false result due to improper collection of material. So how do you do it well?

  1. If you will do a general analysis, then you need to collect urine in the morning.
  2. Be sure to wash the baby.
  3. Dishes must be sterile (even better, use a special container for urine analysis).
  4. You must bring the collected material to the laboratory within a few hours.
  5. If the child took antibiotics, then at least 14 days must pass before the test is taken.

Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child is not a sentence and not a reason for panic. This is a signal from the body about the presence of inflammation, which must be eliminated immediately. Therefore, if such a situation has arisen, then you need to contact a qualified doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment regimen and dispel the fears of parents.

Elevated white blood cells in the urine in pregnant women
Elevated white blood cells in the urine in pregnant women

Leukocyte count in pregnant women

Pregnant women should have regular urine tests. This will help to identify possible he alth problems for the mother or baby in a timely manner. If acetone, sugar, protein are present in the analysis resultsor leukocytes, then you should pay attention to the well-being and he alth of the expectant mother.

Elevated white blood cells in the urine of pregnant women (more than 6 units in the field of view) most often indicate that an infection has struck some body system. If the situation is not corrected, infection of the fetus may occur, which will negatively affect its development. But sometimes the level of leukocytes rises due to poor hygiene, the presence of an infection in the urinary tract, and improper functioning of the kidneys.

The standard urinalysis schedule involves this procedure with the following frequency:

  • 1 trimester - once a month;
  • 2 trimester - once every 14 days;
  • 3rd trimester - every week.
