Health 2024, October

Hernia of the lumbosacral spine: treatment, symptoms

Hernia of the lumbosacral spine: treatment, symptoms

The lumbar region of our body is subjected to significant physical stress, as a result of which a hernia of the lumbosacral spine can develop. Symptoms, causes and treatments for this condition are described in the article

Keratomas - what is it? Skin keratoma treatment

Keratomas - what is it? Skin keratoma treatment

Today we will talk about skin neoplasms such as keratomas. What it is? Why do they appear? How to treat keratomas? These and other questions will be discussed in this article

Hematuria - what is it? Causes of hematuria

Hematuria - what is it? Causes of hematuria

The condition, which is manifested by the presence of red blood cells in the urine, is called hematuria. What it is? What are the reasons for this phenomenon? What treatment is required? These and other questions will be discussed in the article

Pneumothorax: symptoms, causes and treatment

Pneumothorax: symptoms, causes and treatment

A pathological condition in which air or other gas mixtures accumulate in the pleural cavity is called pneumothorax. Symptoms, causes and treatment of this condition will be discussed in the article

Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema

Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema

Today we will consider such a disease as exanthema. What it is? What are its causes and symptoms? What are the treatments? These and other questions will be discussed in the article

Osteopenia - what is it and what are the methods of treatment

Osteopenia - what is it and what are the methods of treatment

Decrease in bone density is the main manifestation of a disease such as osteopenia. What it is? Why does it occur? What are the symptoms and treatment? Find answers to these questions in the article

Cervicalgia - what is it? Cervicalgia: symptoms, treatment

Cervicalgia - what is it? Cervicalgia: symptoms, treatment

Unpleasant painful sensations, localized in the neck, are called "cervicalgia". What is it, what are the causes and treatments for this condition? Let's look at these questions in this article

How to remove papillomas? Most Popular Methods

How to remove papillomas? Most Popular Methods

Of course, many people face the problem of papillomas. And these small skin neoplasms can bring a lot of inconvenience to a person's life. That is why questions about how to remove papillomas so as not to put the body at risk are becoming more and more relevant

Laser papilloma removal: description of the procedure, reviews

Laser papilloma removal: description of the procedure, reviews

Laser papilloma removal: what is this procedure? What risks does it involve? What are the consequences? What are its advantages and disadvantages? You will learn about it from this article

The alcoholism gene - does it exist? Expert opinions

The alcoholism gene - does it exist? Expert opinions

Who is to blame for the fact that some people's lives go downhill and they become alcoholics? Genes, upbringing? Scientists do not stop research in this area. They believe that each discovery will give a chance for a new life to those who have become victims of alcohol

Restoration of knee cartilage: a review of drugs and folk remedies

Restoration of knee cartilage: a review of drugs and folk remedies

Articular cartilage prevents the destruction of bone tissue under the influence of mechanical stress. Under the influence of a number of adverse factors, they can collapse. Because of this, pain, inflammation and degeneration occur. Often the pathology develops in the knee joint. To prevent the destruction of bone tissue, timely and comprehensive restoration of the cartilage of the knee joint is required. Treatment is carried out strictly under medical supervision. The article will review the method

Hypofunction and hyperfunction of the pancreas

Hypofunction and hyperfunction of the pancreas

Hypofunction and hyperfunction of the pancreas are very serious diseases that, if left untreated, can even lead to death. The occurrence of such a disease is associated with dysfunction of the nervous system and hypoglycemia (decrease to the minimum level of glucose in the body). To combat this disease, it is necessary to administer intravenous glucose, which is able to normalize the patient's condition and block the symptoms of the disease

Drug treatment of diseases: drugs

Drug treatment of diseases: drugs

Drug treatment is the most common way to get rid of many diseases. Of course, there are also folk remedies that most of us resort to, but in most cases it is possible to defeat pathology only when using medications

Bloating: causes, treatments and diet

Bloating: causes, treatments and diet

In he althy people, the resulting gases are removed from the intestines in a natural way, which does not cause any discomfort at all. In the case when there are certain malfunctions in the digestive system, there is also regular bloating with copious gases, due to which patients experience quite severe suffering

Pathogenesis of rickets: main symptoms, causes of the disease, classification, treatment and prevention

Pathogenesis of rickets: main symptoms, causes of the disease, classification, treatment and prevention

The pathogenesis of rickets in children is a very complex process that has many features. If the gestation and childbirth took place without any complications, then in the newborn the thyroid glands responsible for the production of the hormone necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as metabolic processes, function and proceed normally

Stenosing atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Stenosing atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Stenosing atherosclerosis is a pathological process that extends to the main arteries of the body. Under the influence of certain factors, free fats (cholesterol) begin to be deposited in the walls of blood vessels and plaques form. The disease goes through several stages of development, the final stage is the narrowing of the artery to a minimum (stenosis). As a result, tissues and organs dependent on the site of impaired blood supply experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients

Ptosis of the upper eyelid: photo, causes, treatment methods

Ptosis of the upper eyelid: photo, causes, treatment methods

Ptosis of the upper eyelid is a very common problem faced by both adults and children. Pathology is accompanied by the omission of the tissues of the upper eyelid - in the last stages, the eyelid completely closes the eye. Despite the fact that in most cases ptosis is perceived solely as a cosmetic defect, sometimes pathology leads to complications

Valgus foot in a child: causes, treatment. Orthopedic children's shoes

Valgus foot in a child: causes, treatment. Orthopedic children's shoes

As a child grows up, he undergoes changes throughout his body. The limbs of the feet are no exception. It is very important that the musculoskeletal system, bones and joints are formed correctly, in accordance with age norms

Congenital scoliosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Congenital scoliosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A child with congenital scoliosis in some cases has other deficiencies, for example, congenital pathology of the kidneys or bladder. Although congenital scoliosis has been present since the birth of children, it is often only noticeable during adolescence

Pelvic injuries: classification, characteristics, causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Pelvic injuries: classification, characteristics, causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

The most severe injuries to the human body are pelvic injuries, they account for 18% of the total number of injuries. With such a pathology, a person develops shock of varying severity, which is provoked by severe internal bleeding. Even in modern trauma clinics, the death rate from such injuries is 25%

The most common protozoan infections

The most common protozoan infections

Protozoal infections are caused by single-celled living beings barely visible under a microscope. Malaria, toxoplasmosis, amoebiasis, giardiasis - these are just some of the life-threatening diseases that simple microorganisms can reward us with. How infection occurs, what symptoms are observed, what methods of treatment and prevention exist, this article describes in detail

If you have dark eyelids, what does it mean and how to deal with it?

If you have dark eyelids, what does it mean and how to deal with it?

The human skin performs not only protective and aesthetic functions, but also serves as a good indicator of our diseases or deviations in he alth and lifestyle. And the skin around the eyes is no exception. When it changes its color, this is a signal for a person to take a closer look at their he alth and lifestyle

Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes

Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes

Prediabetes are symptoms of impaired glucose uptake in which a person is not a diabetic, but is not among the he althy ones either. From the point of view of physiology, pancreatic dysfunction begins at this stage. Insulin is produced, only much less than necessary

Bruised back: diagnosis, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Bruised back: diagnosis, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Extensive soft tissue contusion, which is almost always inevitable in back injuries, is a very dangerous condition. If you do not provide adequate first aid, you should prepare for chronic pain and circulatory disorders. Treatment of a back injury at home should be carried out after consultation with a traumatologist. In some cases, the appointment of a neurologist, surgeon and orthopedist may also be required

Thymomegaly in children: causes, symptoms, degrees, treatment, prevention

Thymomegaly in children: causes, symptoms, degrees, treatment, prevention

Thymomegaly - hyperplasia of the thymus and its hypofunction, accompanying a number of childhood diseases. Minor thymomegaly is asymptomatic. A pronounced increase in the thymus can be manifested by a syndrome of compression of vital organs, lymphoproliferation syndrome, immune and endocrine-metabolic disorders

Lymphofollicular hyperplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lymphofollicular hyperplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

This is a pathological process in which cells grow uncontrollably. The process of growth of follicular tissue, forming the mucous and submucosal layers. Such a disease occurs in patients of any age and does not depend on their gender, food preferences, place of residence

Adenoid hypertrophy - causes, degrees, symptoms and treatment

Adenoid hypertrophy - causes, degrees, symptoms and treatment

Adenoid hypertrophy is a disease faced by a very large number of people on our planet. Therefore, it is very important to understand in what cases it occurs, how it manifests itself, and also how to treat it. You can find out all this information in this article, so read it very carefully in order to protect yourself as much as possible

Apostematous pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Apostematous pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

This disease is one of the stages in the development of acute pyelonephritis. With apostematous pyelonephritis, inflammatory processes occur, in which multiple purulent small abscesses (apostemes) are formed. The main site of their localization is the cortex of the kidneys

Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

In medical practice, many dangerous diseases have been recorded that the average person does not even know about. These include Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection caused by an aerobic non-spore-forming bacillus of the genus Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is a motile bacterium capable of recycling carbon sources in the environment

Pyelonephritis: clinic, diagnosis, causes and features of treatment

Pyelonephritis: clinic, diagnosis, causes and features of treatment

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process in a chronic or acute form of the course. It involves not only the renal pelvis and calyces, but also the renal parenchyma with a predominant lesion of its interstitial tissue. This is the main difference between the clinic of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes in the tissues of the urinary system. This disease is quite difficult to treat and most often takes the form of a chronic course for the rest of life

Pyelonephritis: etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment

Pyelonephritis: etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment

The etiology of pyelonephritis has not yet been established, but it is believed that such a disease occurs when pathogens enter the kidneys. When the first signs of the disease occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Vesicular lichen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Vesicular lichen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

This disease is viral, develops as a result of the fact that the body is affected by the herpes virus. Simple vesicular lichen (according to ICD-10, the disease was assigned code B00) is a fairly common disease

Bubbles on the tongue of a child: causes and methods of treatment. "Chlorhexidine": instructions for use for mouthwash

Bubbles on the tongue of a child: causes and methods of treatment. "Chlorhexidine": instructions for use for mouthwash

New parents are often in a state of shock after accidentally noticing blisters on their child's tongue. At the same time, the child can run around quite carelessly and not show signs of a cold or any other ailment. Bubbles, blisters and furry tongue in a child - what do these symptoms indicate and should you try to get rid of them?

Diet after laparoscopy: menu and nutritional rules

Diet after laparoscopy: menu and nutritional rules

Laparoscopy is a surgical intervention that is performed to establish an accurate diagnosis or treat an already identified pathology. The main advantage of laparoscopy is the low invasiveness of the method, in which tissue damage is minimal. To carry out the necessary manipulations with the organs, small incisions are made, and the control over the course of the intervention allows for a laparoscope equipped with a microscopic camera

Red rashes on the body: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Red rashes on the body: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Red rashes on the body are unpleasant both from a medical and aesthetic point of view. Such marks on the body are a sign of various diseases, ranging from the usual and relatively harmless diathesis or banal burns to thorough autoimmune pathologies or lesions of internal organs

What to do if your face is swollen?

What to do if your face is swollen?

The state of our appearance is a mirror of what is happening in the body. Most he alth problems are somehow reflected on the face, for example, in the form of edema. We will now try to find out the reasons for their occurrence

How to relieve swelling? Recommendations and effective ways

How to relieve swelling? Recommendations and effective ways

Edema may appear due to various disorders in the body. It is not uncommon for tissues to swell from excess fluid. It may also be due to internal problems. In any case, it causes discomfort to a person. How to remove swelling, described in the article

How to remove puffiness: causes of edema, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

How to remove puffiness: causes of edema, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Many people are concerned about the question of how to remove puffiness? Before you eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you should know that such a phenomenon often indicates that a serious disease is developing in the body. That is why you should consult a doctor in a timely manner

Edema in the morning: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Edema in the morning: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Some people notice swelling in their body in the morning. Moreover, this phenomenon sometimes persists until lunch, and sometimes does not go away until the evening. Yes, this happens due to the retention of excess fluid in the body. Moreover, edema is expressed in physical, sometimes serious discomfort, negatively affecting the aesthetic perception of a person

Swollen eyes: causes and treatment

Swollen eyes: causes and treatment

Swelling of the eyes is considered quite common. This condition is associated with a high fluid content in the tissues of the eyelids. As a rule, pathology occurs in people aged 30 years and older. However, there are cases when this symptom occurs in children. This article talks about the causes of the development of the symptom and what to do if the eyes are swollen