New parents are often in a state of shock after accidentally noticing blisters on their child's tongue. At the same time, the child can run around quite carelessly and not show signs of a cold or any other ailment. Bubbles, blisters and tongue lining in a child - what do these symptoms indicate and should you try to get rid of them?
List of possible causes
Why do bubbles appear on the tongue of a child? Here is a list of the most common reasons:
- manifestations of allergies to pollen, food, wool, sun, clothing materials;
- stomatitis;
- some infectious diseases;
- abdominal problems;
- some autoimmune diseases;
- deficiency or excess of vitamins and minerals.
Each of these states can be corrected. But for this you will have to sweat: get advice from some doctors and pass a lotanalyses. If transparent bubbles in the child's tongue do not cause inconvenience, pain, he does not have a fever and there are no accompanying symptoms, there is no reason to sound the alarm and panic.

Allergic reaction
Blisters, pimples and rashes on the tongue and mouth often result from an allergic reaction to food. In children, this is often due to citrus fruits. In second place in terms of the number of visits to the allergist - sweets and sweets. In third place are apples, pineapples and other fruits. Simple boiled food (cereals, meat) and sour-milk products most often do not provoke an allergic reaction.
If the baby is still breastfeeding and there is a suspicion of an allergy, then the mother should review her diet and exclude possible provocative foods from it.

Stomatitis in a child
This is a disease of the oral cavity caused by various pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. It most often occurs in children between the ages of five and ten. Depending on the stage of the disease, there will be various manifestations:
- at the initial stage, pimples on the pink tongue do not cause any discomfort to the child, you can easily get rid of them by rinsing your mouth with medicinal decoctions for several days;
- at the second stage, small red blisters spread already along the gums and along the inner surface of the buccal mucosa;
- if stomatitisdevelops to the last stage and crusts form - you should drink a course of antibacterial drugs.
Stomatitis is diagnosed in many children. This disease should not be regarded as a cause for panic and a threat to the he alth of the child. Most often, it is enough to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin three or four times for several days. After this, the manifestations of stomatitis go away.

Infectious diseases
Another common cause of tongue furring and rashes, pimples and sores on it is infectious diseases. This is the case when the he alth of the child is in danger. If, in addition to problems with the tongue, gums and oral cavity, a high temperature rises, the child feels weak and depressed, you should call an ambulance.
- Scarlet fever is a dangerous infectious disease. It is characterized by the following symptoms: high fever, fever, chills, sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes, red rash on the skin and tongue, the tongue may become red and covered with granular papules. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the manifestations of scarlet fever may vary slightly. A blood and urine test will help establish an accurate diagnosis.
- Herpes is manifested not only by rashes on the tongue, gums, mucous membranes of the lips. With this infectious disease, rashes are also observed on the body and external genital organs. A herpes infection only appears if the child's immune system is weakened.
- Oral candidiasis is popularly called "thrush". This infection begins to multiply actively, as a result of which it manifests itself on the skin, tongue, mucous membranes in the form of a small rash and vesicles (in some cases with purulent contents, and sometimes without it). Simple rinses for treatment are not enough: you will have to drink a course of Fluconazole or another drug for candidiasis.
Problems with the organs of the digestive tract
Very often chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear as watery pimples on the tongue, gums, oral mucosa in children. In some cases, they are painless, and sometimes they cause discomfort.
- In chronic pancreatitis, which today is diagnosed even in five-year-old children, rashes in the oral cavity and on the tongue are possible. These are pimples with or without watery contents. How to determine that the problem lies precisely in pancreatitis? if a child complains of pain in the epigastric region, closer to the right side, after eating, it is most likely that you need to visit a gastroenterologist. After an ultrasound and a blood test, it will become clear whether it is pancreatitis or some other reason.
- In chronic cholecystitis, bile can rise up the esophagus. Most often this happens in the morning. As a result, painful blisters form in the mouth and on the tongue, and sometimes even small burns. bile can significantly burn the delicate mucous surface. Cracks in the tongue of a child, which are accompanied by pain and burning, bitterness in the mouth and sour nausea, may indicate a violation of the outflowbile.
- Bile can rise up the esophagus in case of gastritis. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a gastroenterologist after ultrasound and obtaining the results of a biochemical blood test. With gastritis, the child will be disturbed not only by rashes on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth and weakness, but also by pain in the stomach when hungry.

Hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis
Both vitamin deficiency and excess are harmful.
- Red bumps on the tongue can be a symptom of a lack of vitamin B12 in a child. Such spots do not itch and do not cause any discomfort to the baby. If in parallel with them there is no bitterness in the mouth, the temperature does not rise and there is no discomfort when eating, you should drink a course of a high-quality vitamin-mineral complex, and the problem will go away.
- Ascorbic acid in overdose gives a symptom such as rashes on the tongue in children. It should be clarified - perhaps the child ate a package of ascorbic acid the day before and now hides this fact.
- Deficiency of pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin often results in skin problems. In this case, rashes can appear not only on the tongue, but also on the body. With a lack of pyridoxine, red bubbles may form on the child's tongue. At the same time, he will not be disturbed by pain, burning and discomfort in the oral cavity. You should drink a course of a high-quality vitamin-mineral complex, and the problem will go away. Good "Supradin Kids", "Nagipol", "Alphabet Shkolnik".
Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune processes- a rare cause of bubbles on the tongue in a child. For example, Kawasaki syndrome. The disease begins with an increase in body temperature and the development of bilateral conjunctivitis. The child's tongue turns bright red. Small spots and pimples appear. Limbs and face swell. In some cases, it is also covered with red spots. The appearance of a polymorphic rash on the skin and the development of cervical lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) are common symptoms in Kawasaki syndrome.
An immunologist deals with the treatment of such conditions. In some cases, antihistamines will help, which often requires a long course of immunomodulators.
Which doctor should I contact?
Depending on the intensity of the manifestation of the pathology, you should contact either the "Ambulance" or the local therapist. If the rash on the tongue is accompanied by high temperature, fever, fever, you should call 03. Emergency medical care will take the little patient to the hospital and conduct all the necessary studies. If necessary, he will be transferred to the infectious diseases department.
If the bubbles in the child's tongue do not bring any discomfort, then you should take a coupon for an appointment with the local pediatrician. After compiling a clinical picture, he will issue a referral for a consultation with an allergist, immunologist, gastroenterologist.

"Chlorhexidine": instructions for use for mouthwash
This is a cheap and versatile antiseptic. Bottle with 100 gr. facilitiescosts about twenty rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. True, pharmacists often offer the more expensive Miramistin - do not give in to assurances, the effect of these solutions is completely identical. They differ from each other only in cost.
Instructions for use for "Chlorhexidine" mouthwash reports that the drug has the following properties:
- stop the development of infection;
- reduce activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
- pain relief after tooth extraction;
- oral disinfection;
- healing pimples, inflammation, sores;
- acceleration of healing after damage to the tongue, gums, cheeks;
- treatment of tonsillitis and inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- decrease in puffiness;
- accelerated tissue healing after oral surgery;
- decrease in hyperemia.
For rinsing, dilute the concentrated preparation in a ratio of 1:5 with clean water. The first rinse should be a trial: if the child does not experience excessive burning, then the procedure can be continued. Otherwise, dilute the solution by another third.

Analogues and substitutes for "Chlorhexidine"
This liquid is the cheapest and most versatile antiseptic. There are more expensive analogues:
- "Miramistin";
- "Malavit";
- "Hexicon";
- "Protargol";
- "Betadine";
- "Rotokan".
"Betadine" (solution 10%) is also successfully used for stomatitis in children and in surgery, dentistry, combustiology, transplantology, ophthalmology, traumatology. It is an excellent prevention of further spread of infection from the oral cavity to the internal organs. Can be used not only in a hospital, but also for treatment at home.

Folk treatments for blisters in a child's tongue
Many children are afraid to rinse their mouth with medicines. But the herbal infusion, which resembles the usual tea in taste, is perceived by them with a bang. Some dried, ground herbs have excellent antiseptic and astringent properties.
- One tablespoon of dry crushed calendula should be boiled in 0.5 liters of water. Rinse the mouth with the resulting infusion for one minute three to four times a day. It is recommended to do this after meals. At the same time, you should not refuse to brush your teeth and the usual hygiene procedures.
- Chamomile, calendula and yarrow mix in equal proportions - one tablespoon each. Boil for five minutes in 0.5 liters of water. The child should rinse his mouth with the resulting decoction for one to two minutes daily. The more often the procedure is carried out, the better.
- Decoction of dry oak bark has excellent astringent properties. Able to alleviate pain in the presence of sores and blisters in the mouth of a child. Shouldprepare the infusion in the proportion of two tablespoons per half liter of water, boil for two to three minutes.