This disease is viral, develops as a result of the fact that the body is affected by the herpes virus. Lichen simplex (according to the ICD-10 disease code B00) is a fairly common disease.
Main causes of occurrence

Simple vesicular lichen, the photo of which is presented above, appears as a result of the fact that the herpes simplex virus enters the human body, which is activated. Most often, infection occurs during infancy.
Under the influence of certain causes, the virus may begin to awaken. In this case, the process of development of bubble lichen is started. Most often, this disease manifests itself in older people, this is due to a natural process. Based on this, it becomes clear that the incubation period is not limited, it can last for several decades.
First signs
The symptoms of this disease manifest themselves rapidly, initially there is a sharp pain that constantly worries, after that the infected person developsother symptoms such as:
Differences in body temperature. Often this is accompanied by chills, the temperature rises rapidly upwards, and then normalizes

- The general condition becomes worse, weakness, lethargy and antipathy appear.
- Digestive organs cease to function normally.
- The patient has frequent headaches and dizziness.
- The skin develops lesions in the form of a rash, which, in turn, causes tingling and intense itching.
Other symptoms
Already in the first stages of the disease, the patient will notice characteristic small bubbles that are located close. This type of inflammation can gradually reach a large size and merge together. Often such rashes appear in the patient throughout the body. The vertebral zone becomes the focus of neoplasms, then they spread to the stomach. Several foci of inflammation may appear on the body at once, and they will be located symmetrically, but there are also cases when their placement is asymmetrical.
In rare cases, a rash may appear on the face, especially on the cheeks and eyes.
Still extremely rare cases of the appearance of such lichen on the buttocks, feet, thighs and chest. If immunity is greatly reduced, the development of a rash can spread throughout the skin.
The rash remains on the body for no more than 14 days. Throughout this time, the bubbles are covered with a hard crust, and in the future theydry out and crumble. But the pain syndrome in this disease can remain even after the rash has passed.

How to diagnose a disease?
When external manifestations appear on the body, the rash must be shown to a therapist or dermatologist. And this will be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will determine the strain of the virus by a characteristic rash. After that, he will collect an anamnesis and conduct laboratory tests according to the prescribed methodology. The most common diagnosis of this type of lichen is carried out according to the following scheme:
- A blood test is taken.
- An immunofluorescent study of the patient is underway.
- PCR in progress.
If the patient shows signs of a complication, it is necessary to conduct an additional check, such as an MRI. In the event of a serious complication, doctors may prescribe additional studies in order to determine the exact condition of the patient, as well as to find out the cause of the onset of this disease.
Proper treatment of the disease
If this disease appeared in adults, then it can cause a serious complication, so in no case do doctors recommend self-treatment of lichen lichen (the photo of the disease is presented above). If during the examination in the hospital it was found that this particular disease is present, then it is necessary to start complex therapy using special preparations. At the moment, there are a huge number of drugs thatdesigned to suppress viruses and eliminate its characteristic manifestations.
The bulk of those infected are being treated on an outpatient basis. Those who have the immunodeficiency virus, in case of a severe course of the disease, must be in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

How to treat lichen lichen using pharmacology?
This lichen is well treated with medication, but before you start taking drugs, you need to consult a doctor. All medicines that are taken during this disease are prescribed by a doctor. First of all, it is recommended to use antiviral drugs, they are available in the form of an ointment or tablets. The most popular are:
- "Zovirax".
- "Valacyclovir".
In addition to the means for oral use, with lichen lichen in children and adults, ointments for topical use are necessarily prescribed, which can accelerate the process of maturation and drying of the rash. Often there is such a situation that interferon is prescribed as therapy. These drugs have their own characteristics. They only work on the virus.
In the event that the nervous system has been damaged, the patient experiences convulsions, drugs intended for an anticonvulsant state are prescribed, these include Gabapentin and Pregabalin.
And also an accelerator is often used, which affects the disease and eliminates the signs of anyinfections. Doctors recommend that patients take corticosteroids. And in order to eliminate the pain syndrome and reduce its intensity, special painkillers or anesthetics are prescribed.

Most popular drugs
The list of optimal remedies for this disease is quite large. Ibuprofen is often prescribed, but the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs are:
- "Nimesil".
- "Naproxen".
- "Meloxicam".
In order to actively fight against itching, special antihistamines are prescribed. They are also necessary in order to improve the condition during the period of infectious therapy.
Unfortunately, it often happens that during therapy other bacterial infections join the course of the disease. In order to prevent this, antidepressants are prescribed (for example, Fluxicin), as well as a whole complex of vitamins and homeopathy. When the case is too severe and advanced, the patient is advised to vaccinate and administer a drug to weaken the virus. This procedure contributes to the rapid destruction of the damaging infection.
Treatment of lichen lichen at home includes proper nutrition and good hygiene.

At the moment when the patient started treatment for lichen, it is necessary to starteat right so that the diet does not contain foods that contribute to the development of this virus. On the contrary, it is necessary to use those foods that contain special vitamins to maintain and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E, B and C are excellent protection for immunity, they strengthen it, and thus the acidity in the body for the virus is reduced, this habitat is unfavorable.
Best Products
Foods that need to be consumed in order to actively fight against vesicular deprivation:
- Beer yeast.
- Lean meat.
- Seaweed.
- Ginger.
- Potatoes.
- Products containing soy.
- Milk.
- Seafood.
Doctors recommend that you carefully monitor the diet, it is advisable to exclude fast food, alcoholic beverages, fried fish dishes and those dishes that are richly seasoned with pepper. All of these foods are heavy, as they overload the liver, and this, in turn, can have a tremendous impact on the human immune system.
Proper hygiene is also very important during lichen. It is necessary to properly carry out activities related to bathing. In order to prevent the development of rashes, it is necessary to follow such rules as:
- Hand washing should be done as often as possible using disinfectant soap.
- During illness, only personal hygiene products should be used. Comb, towel, dishes should also beown.
- Bed linen should be changed as often as possible, it is recommended to do this every two to three days.
- Ointments that will soften the skin must be applied with a special cotton pad or ear stick, which should be thrown away immediately.
- In no case should you touch the lesions with hands that have not been disinfected, this can provoke a large network development.
Dermatologists categorically forbid patients suffering from this disease from squeezing blisters, and it is also not recommended to peel off crusts with erosion. All these activities can lead to the fact that there is a lot of soft tissue damage, and the infection can spread further through the body.

Folk remedies to combat such a virus
In order to stop this type of lichen, you can use not only antiviral agents, but also medicines that are prepared from natural products and herbs.
From traditional medicine for the treatment of blistering rash, it is recommended to use the following tinctures as an additional drug:
- Propolis tincture. To prepare this drug, 300 g of alcohol, 40 g of dry propolis are needed. All this is mixed and left to brew for several days. After preparation, the product is ready for use, they need to treat the area around the inflammation. This will help prevent the rash from spreading further.
- Aloe is also an excellent tool in the fight against lichen. For hiscooking, you need to twist a few leaves of the plant in a meat grinder and strain with gauze. The liquid that was obtained from the plant is meant to wipe the rash. This procedure is recommended to be done four or six times a day.
- Garlic is also ideal in the fight against a viral disease. It must be crushed, squeeze out the juice, and treat the affected area with the resulting liquid. This procedure is done three to four times a day. Before performing this event, the skin must be cleaned of impurities. This is done with an antiseptic.
Consequences of the disease
Unfortunately, dermatosis, which appeared as a result of a viral disease, can be very serious and carry complications. They are divided into two types:
- Specific. These consequences are manifested if the treatment of lichen was not timely or incorrect. At the moment when the active development of diseases is carried out, the virus can enter the internal organs and disrupt the functioning of the liver tissue, damage the brain or damage the esophagus.
- Non-specific complications. These consequences can occur at the moment when another virus or bacterium joins during the period of illness. Such a situation can result in a purulent inflammation unfolding or a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, getting rid of the disease will be much more difficult and longer.
Additional measures
During the period of time when lichen is actively developing, the patientposes a great danger not only to himself, but also to others. In order to prevent the transmission of the disease, it is necessary to constantly monitor the functioning of the immune system. It is recommended to constantly supply it with vitamins. It is also necessary to reduce the risk of recurrence. To do this, it is recommended:
- Apply ointments designed to fight the virus.
- Eat right.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Take drugs that improve the immune system.
Unfortunately, lichen diseases often occur when the immune system has not yet matured. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing this virus, it is necessary to monitor nutrition, especially in the autumn or spring, use a complex of vitamins. This will allow you to take preventive measures, improve immunity and thus protect yourself or your child from diseases.