How to relieve swelling? Recommendations and effective ways

How to relieve swelling? Recommendations and effective ways
How to relieve swelling? Recommendations and effective ways

Edema may appear due to various disorders in the body. It is not uncommon for tissues to swell from excess fluid. It may also be due to internal problems. In any case, it causes discomfort to a person. How to relieve swelling is described in the article.


Often there is swelling of the face. This may be due to the influence of various factors, including diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate this symptom under the supervision of a doctor. The specialist will establish the causes of the violations, and then determine the remedies for puffiness.

How to relieve swelling? For this, medications may be prescribed. For allergic edema, antihistamines are indicated:

  1. "Suprastin".
  2. Zodak.
  3. Zyrtec.
  4. Telfast.

And how to remove swelling from the face after a blow? This requires medicines. The doctor may prescribe ointments - "Troxevasin", gel "Lioton", "Ketonal". In the inflammatory process, drugs such as Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen are used.

Remove puffiness allows the medicine "Eufillin". It also removes excess liquid, chlorine and sodium. With "Kanefron"kidney function is restored. The tool has a diuretic effect, it includes centaury, lovage, rosemary. Diuretics are also suitable.

Medications are prescribed only by a doctor, otherwise the drugs lead to side effects. In addition to this, drugs also have contraindications. This is especially important for pregnant women. Medicines should be used in extreme cases, when it is simply impossible to do without them. And if the swelling is temporary, then folk remedies will do.


how to remove swelling
how to remove swelling

How to relieve swelling at home? This is what compresses are for. They are made from medicinal decoctions. Means reduce tissue swelling and remove excess fluid.

The procedure is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. You need to make a medicinal decoction and prepare napkins, the material is cotton or linen.
  2. The session should be performed lying down.
  3. A napkin should be moistened in a decoction, applied to the skin of the face.
  4. Keep the remedy for 5 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated with a replaced napkin.
  5. At the end, the skin is treated with a nourishing cream that has a lifting effect.

How to quickly remove swelling from the face? Cool wipes are used for this. Therefore, before the session, they must be held in the freezer. Solutions for compresses are different. The following recipes are effective:

  1. If the swelling is severe, apply a s alt compress. S alt (4 tablespoons) is dissolved in hot water (2 liters). In the solution, moisten napkins or a terry towel, which is applied to the face. The fabric is covered overdry towel. The procedure is carried out until cooling, and then repeat it 3 times. At the end, apply a nourishing cream.
  2. Contrasting compresses are valuable. Cold water is poured into 1 bowl, and hot water is poured into the other. First, a hot towel is applied to the skin, which is kept until it cools, and then a cold one. It is necessary to alternate 4 times.
  3. Contrasting compresses are made with mint and sage decoctions. To obtain the composition for 1 glass of water, you need to take 1 tsp. every plant. Infusion is performed for half an hour. The decoction should be divided into 2 parts. Ice is added to one. The fabric must be moistened in turn in each container, starting with the hot composition.
  4. Green tea is used. It should be brewed for 20 minutes, taking a dry mixture (1 tablespoon) for 1 cup of boiling water.
  5. Chamomile (2 tsp), calendula (1 tbsp), sage (3 tbsp) are used, which are poured with boiling water. Infusion takes 20 minutes.
  6. A decoction of horsetail is used for edema. In water (1 glass) is added 2 tbsp. l. plants. You need to insist 10 minutes. Compresses are applied for 20 minutes.
  7. Rosemary water will help get rid of swelling and redness. With it, not only swelling is removed, but also cellular metabolism increases, tissues are disinfected and skin tone improves. In boiling water (1 cup), it is necessary to place the branches of rosemary in crushed form. The composition must be insisted for a week in the refrigerator. This remedy perfectly eliminates this unpleasant symptom.


how to get rid of puffy face
how to get rid of puffy face

How to remove a swollen face in another way?For this, masks made from improvised components are suitable. Potato composition is effective. To get it, you need potatoes, which should be boiled in their skins. After that, the tubers should be mashed with the peel to make a thick puree. The mass is applied for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Strawberries will help eliminate swelling. It contains acids that increase blood circulation and remove excess fluid. A handful of berries should be mashed, mixed with oil (olive), lemon juice (a few drops). The mask should be applied for 20 minutes.

Effective are masks based on parsley. Greens need to be chopped with a blender, mixed with water or yogurt. Keep the gruel for 20 minutes.

How to remove swelling from the eyes? Gel pads help with this. They are available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. The product is placed in the freezer, and then applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. Thanks to the pads, swelling is eliminated, skin tone is increased and blood circulation is restored.


How to remove swelling with vegetable applications? You can eliminate this symptom using the following recipes:

  1. Cucumber has a tonic effect, which should be cut into circles and applied to painful places.
  2. Applications with pumpkin help. Vegetable gruel should be mixed with honey (1 spoon). The mixture must be applied to the face.
how to relieve swelling at home
how to relieve swelling at home

For both recipes, the duration of the procedures is 20 minutes. During this time, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the face.


Puffiness occurs due to fluid retention in the body. First you need to eliminate excess water. Doctors advise the use of diuretics. But folk remedies are also useful. How to remove swelling of the face with a decoction? It is advisable to prepare medicinal products from:

  • horsetail;
  • birch buds;
  • burdock;
  • rosehip;
  • lingonberries;
  • flaxseeds.

They have a diuretic effect. It is allowed to prepare the composition according to a simple recipe:

  1. Pour nettle, bearberry, St. John's wort, plantain, wild rose into the dishes in the same amount.
  2. Pour the composition with boiling water (0.5 liters).
  3. Infuse until cool, then strain.
  4. Drink 3 cups of decoction a day.

This treatment eliminates puffiness, restores skin condition. Such procedures are effective and safe.

Ice massage

how to quickly remove swelling
how to quickly remove swelling

Get rid of puffiness massage with ice cubes. You can use frozen water. But decoctions from medicinal plants are most effective. Allowed use:

  • daisies;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • celandine;
  • sage;
  • green tea.

It is necessary to treat the eyes, forehead, cheeks, chin with ice cubes. It is only important to control that the skin is not overcooled. The session is performed no more than 10 minutes.

Lymphatic drainage massage

There are other remedies that relieve tissue swelling. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed at home. WithBy acting on some points, blood circulation is restored, excess moisture is eliminated. To carry out the procedure, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Index, middle and ring fingers should massage the part from the forehead to the temples. Then move down the sides of the neck, reaching the collarbones.
  2. From the bridge of the nose to the temples along the bottom of the eye socket and back along the superciliary arch, it is necessary to perform circular movements with the pads of the middle and index fingers.
  3. Index, middle and ring fingers should be placed on the bridge of the nose. The movement must be performed towards the temples, along the neck to the collarbones.

All movements are repeated up to 8 times. Do not press hard on the skin so that it does not stretch. Before the session, massage or olive oil is applied to the face. After completing the procedure, you need to wash yourself using the gel, and then apply a tonic to your face.

It is necessary to take into account some contraindications to the procedure. It is not performed at high temperature, viral, infectious lesions, purulent inflammation, neoplasms. If the puffiness is temporary, then it will be possible to eliminate it by any indicated means. And when it is associated with diseases, a doctor's consultation is needed.

Swelling of the nose

This phenomenon occurs during hypothermia. Congestion disappears after a person steams his legs, and then puts on woolen socks. How to relieve swelling of the nose? Perform compresses from s alt, sand, cereals. The component must be heated in a dry frying pan, poured into a cloth bag and can be applied to the maxillary sinuses and bridge of the nose. To not be too hotthe compress is wrapped in a towel.

how to get rid of puffy eyes
how to get rid of puffy eyes

Steam inhalation clears the nasal passages of pus, moisturizes the mucous membranes and edema disappears. It is useful to perform inhalations over boiled potatoes. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Inhalations are performed with the following oils:

  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • camphor;
  • pines;
  • rosemary;
  • thuja or geranium.

Heat 2 liters of water on the stove. When boiling, 3-4 drops of ether are added. It is necessary to inhale the fumes, covered with a towel for 10-15 minutes. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check how the body tolerates essential oils.

Swelling of the legs

how to relieve swollen feet
how to relieve swollen feet

How to relieve leg swelling? Home baths are effective, which allow you to remove pain and fatigue. But it should be borne in mind that there may be an allergy to some component. With vascular diseases, slightly warm baths are needed. The following recipes apply:

  1. Crushed lemon balm (2 tablespoons) and chamomile (1 tablespoon) are added to boiling water (1 liter). After 10 minutes, the infusion must be filtered. Separately, you should prepare a saline solution by adding 25 g of sea s alt to 1 liter of water. You have to mix both. In the finished solution, you need to lower the feet and hold for half an hour. Then the feet should be rinsed with cool water and rubbed with a towel.
  2. It is necessary to grind the peel of a lemon, grapefruit, orange. You will need 1 cup of the mixture. It is necessary to pour 1.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, you need to perform foot baths for 20 minutes.
  3. You will need to squeeze lemon juice into water (1 lemon is needed for 5 liters). Procedures are performed for 20 minutes.
swelling of the nose how to remove
swelling of the nose how to remove

Most edema can be treated at home with simple remedies. With them, the procedures will be effective and safe. And with a constant edematous condition, the help of a doctor is required.
