In this article, we will look at how to get rid of bloating. What is this pathology?
In he althy people, the resulting gases are removed from the intestines in a natural way, which does not cause any discomfort at all. In the case when there are certain malfunctions in the digestive system, there is also regular bloating with copious gases, because of which patients experience quite severe suffering. As the causes of the appearance of pathological conditions, modern medicine considers, as a rule, internal and external factors. To determine the causes of strong and persistent gas formation, specialists conduct a comprehensive examination, which includes laboratory and hardware procedures. Next, learn how to treat bloating and what are the main causes of its occurrence.

Description of the disease
Under flatulence refers to the accumulation of gases, which occurs due to indigestion. Such a process most often additionally accompanies bloating, an increase in the abdomen involume and discomfort of fullness from the inside.
Without a doubt, all people have ever experienced something like this on themselves and are well aware of the inconvenience such an ailment can bring. Gas-filled intestines can create a feeling of a full stomach, and colic caused by this condition brings a lot of trouble and makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.
Newborn bloating
The baby still does not know how to talk about what worries him. But it's pretty easy to tell if a baby has bloat.
He becomes restless after eating, cannot fall asleep, pulls his legs up to his tummy. During crying, the stomach feels elastic and firm to the touch, as if it swells a little.
Bloating in a newborn is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- elastic, enlarged belly resembles an inflated balloon;
- child becomes moody, sleeps poorly;
- painful stomach;
- hiccups after eating and belching;
- sweating increased;
- baby twitches his legs, pulls them up to his tummy.
At what pathologies do adults accumulate gases?
Flatulence in he althy people is most often a sign of other serious diseases of the digestive system. Gases in the intestines usually accumulate with the following pathologies:
- The presence of chronic pancreatitis, when the body is sorely lacking in enzymes that are produced by the pancreas and as a result, bloating occurs after eating any kind of food.
- The development of irritable bowel syndrome, against the background of which a person has a violation of the motor functions of the intestine, and directly bloating in this case is also accompanied by pain.
- The development of dysbacteriosis, against which the balance of microflora is lost in people, and harmful microorganisms produce gases in the form of methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and so on.
- Human lactose intolerance. The fact is that the human body often lacks enzymes that promote the absorption of lactose, that is, the so-called milk sugar.
- The presence of intestinal obstruction, against which the passage of gases is difficult due to the occurrence of polyps or tumors.
It is possible to temporarily get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating at home, but it would still be better to find the root cause of the disease together with the doctor. It should be remembered that traditional medicine does not serve as a substitute for the main therapy, but is only an addition to it.
Main causes of occurrence
Typically, the causes of bloating in people are as follows.
- Often, excessive consumption of various kinds of carbonated drinks leads to excessive accumulation of gases in the esophagus. Often, such swelling can pass without causing any particular inconvenience in the form of gases, since in a he althy person such a product is quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted physiologically.
- In addition, air is likely to enter the stomach in large quantities during meals. In this regard, it is not recommended to rush,taking food. Many people wonder what foods cause bloating?
- It should be remembered that there are foods that, when ingested in large quantities, can cause a fermentation reaction and, as a result, gas formation occurs. To avoid such undesirable consequences, the amount of sweets and muffins should be moderated, and, in addition, black bread and foods such as beans and potatoes. You should also minimize foods high in easily digestible carbohydrates, starches and fiber.
- Another cause of bloating after meals is the mixing of food, which should be taken separately from each other. This is especially true for fruits, which are recommended to be consumed either an hour before the main meal, or no earlier than two hours after it.
Sometimes the cause of bloating is also attempts to get rid of heartburn by drinking soda, which can neutralize the acidity of gastric juice, thereby provoking increased gas formation.
Bloating is also the main symptom of such a rare disease as celiac disease. According to statistics, in our country one person out of a thousand suffers from it. In celiac disease, gluten is usually not completely broken down and forms toxic substances that damage the inner surface of the intestine. This deviation is treated exclusively by following a gluten-free diet, or patients require constant intake of enzymatic preparations that help break down gluten.
Folk remedies for bloating considerbelow.

Often, bloating is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other serious pathologies of the digestive system. Excessive formation of gases in the intestinal area is possible against the background of chronic pancreatitis, a disease in which the body may lack enzymes that are produced by the pancreas. In this situation, bloating usually occurs immediately after eating, regardless of its composition.
Caused by flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome. Against this background, there is a violation of the motor function of a he althy intestine, and bloating, in turn, is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and in some situations also diarrhea or constipation.
The cause of bloating can be intestinal obstruction, which is caused by a tumor or the presence of polyps. In such situations, the passage of gases is significantly more difficult, leading to flatulence.
Excessive gas formation may be a consequence of the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. As a result of a decrease in the protective properties of the body in the area of the large intestine, a general violation of the microflora occurs. Harmful microbes that get there in large quantities provoke gases. Predominantly such gases are ammonia along with methane and hydrogen sulfide. This process leads to bloating, which is accompanied by fetid odors.

Also, flatulence is often accompanied by individuallactose intolerance. Against the background of this condition, the body lacks enzymes that allow a person to normally absorb dairy products.
When bloating, there may be pain in the abdomen. It is usually short-term, but rather painful. Unpleasant symptoms come when gases move through the intestines. Pain can occur at different points in the abdominal region and, passing through the intestines, they change their location. In the event that a person feels prolonged, and at the same time intense pain for a long time, this can serve as a signal that the cause is not swelling at all, but some more serious pathology.
What pills for bloating and gas can adults take? More on that below.
The appearance of bloating immediately after eating
In most situations, doctors associate flatulence with malnutrition. In he althy people, bloating is usually caused by accidental ingestion of an excessive amount of air from food. Or the reason is the use of highly carbonated drinks. In addition, discomfort occurs when certain products are poorly absorbed by the body. As a result, instead of being digested normally, they form gases.
Another cause of belching and bloating after eating can be dairy foods. Digesting these types of foods requires a special enzyme called lactose. With its deficiency, milk and similar products cause discomfort. Also, the reason mayalso be foods containing coarse fiber or starch, for example, seeds along with cabbage, potatoes, nuts, oats, and so on. Against the background of the frequent occurrence of flatulence, such products should be excluded. And, in case of taking them, one should not forget that this kind of food must be chewed properly, otherwise discomfort may appear.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis as one of the causes
In the event of this disease in a patient in the intestines, pathogenic microflora dominates over beneficial microorganisms. As a rule, people usually face a similar problem against the background of long-term treatment with drugs, especially antibiotics. The use of low-quality products can also lead to dysbacteriosis, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria penetrate the digestive system. An intestinal infection can also provoke an ailment, and, in addition, pathologies such as hepatitis, gastritis or pancreatitis. The following symptoms usually indicate dysbacteriosis:
- the appearance of a violation in patients of the defecation process, which is expressed in the form of liquid stools, acquiring a foamy consistency;
- the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity;
- the occurrence of severe nausea;
- appearance of single or repeated vomiting;
- appearance of swelling;
- the occurrence of sharp pain in the peritoneum;
- manifestation of signs of intoxication;
- the occurrence of a food allergy to foods that were previously regularly present in the diet.
It should be notedthat such a phenomenon as bloating is a very common manifestation of dysbacteriosis.

Eggs, along with helminth larvae, penetrate the human body in a variety of ways. Even subject to personal hygiene and all the recommendations of experts regarding precautionary measures, a person may at one point face an unpleasant sharing. Often, parasites choose the organs of the digestive system, especially the intestines, for their permanent habitat. Carrying out active life, worms emit a large number of various toxic substances that destroy beneficial microflora. People can suspect the occurrence of helminthic invasions due to characteristic symptoms:
- appearance of dizziness;
- observing rapid weight loss with a good appetite;
- the occurrence of flatulence;
- violation of the defecation process;
- presence of fatigue;
- drying of the skin.
It should be emphasized that the occurrence of bloating is a clear sign that a person has worms in the body.
How to treat bloating?
Methods for treating bloating
Specialists only after determining the exact causes of bloating and excessive gas formation can prescribe treatment for patients. In the event that the pathological condition was provoked by a disturbed diet and rules of nutrition, then a similar category of patients will be recommendedspecial diet. If flatulence is accompanied by symptoms indicating the progression of a dangerous disease, then the patient will undergo medical or surgical therapy in a hospital setting. What else helps with bloating?
Regarding drugs that can eliminate gas formation, it must be said that, basically, specialists resort to the following methods:
Treatment with drugs from the group of enterosorbents. Thus, patients will be able to remove gases along with toxic substances through drugs such as Polysorb, Enterosgel, and white or activated charcoal is also suitable. What else helps with bloating?

- The use of drugs from the category of carminative drugs. Increased gas formation is eliminated through drugs such as Espumisan, Simethicone, Bobotik, Disflatil, Simicol, Kuplaton and so on.
- What to drink from bloating babies? Children are prescribed special pills that have a minimum number of certain contraindications or side effects. The accumulated gaziki are removed through Plantex and Espumizan, and Bobotik, Infakol, dill water, Polysorb, Atoxil, Smekta and Enterosgel often help.
Folk remedies for bloating
Here are some "Grandma's" recipes.
- An effective plant in the fight against bloating is parsley. 2 tbsp. l. dry root of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted. Take 2 times a day for a week.
- 2 tbsp.l. dandelion roots are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which they insist 1 day. Filter and consume 3-4 times a day.
- Dried leaves of mint, mountain ash, valerian and dill seeds (1 tbsp each) pour a glass of boiling water and insist for a day. Take half a cup twice a day.
- Pour chamomile flowers with boiling water (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water) and insist throughout the day. Consume 3 times a day.
- Ginger added to tea will not only reduce gas, but also bring a new taste.
- Immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink 120-150 ml of freshly squeezed potato juice. The course of application is ten days.
- Cumin. A couple of tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist in a sealed container for 3-4 hours. Then strain and consume a quarter of the infusion every 30 minutes.

In order to prevent excessive gas formation, people need to follow the following medical recommendations:
- It is very important to switch to the right, and at the same time, regular nutrition.
- From your nutritious diet, you need to completely or partially remove foods that can provoke flatulence.
- Every day, all people must exercise without fail. The complex must have exercises that help normalize the digestive system.
- Maintain good personal hygiene practices.
- Small walks should be taken daily.
As part of the prevention of flatulence, you should use teas that are made from dill seeds, mint leaves or ginger rhizomes. Nutrition for bloating is very important.
What should be the bloating diet?
In order to get rid of bloating, it is very important to follow a certain diet and minimize, if possible, foods that cause this condition. Then it will be possible to ensure that such a problem no longer bothers. You need to minimize or completely eliminate: any alcohol along with legumes, black bread, cabbage, plums, grapes and some varieties of fruit juices.
All of the above foods can cause people to bloat immediately after eating, and they also provoke increased gas formation on a large scale. Many fruits are also capable of doing this, but only if they are consumed in irrationally large quantities. But legumes can cause bloating even with moderate consumption. In the event that a person has bloating immediately after eating foods, you should try to adjust their content by removing the above foods from your nutritious diet.

The cause of the problem may also be not the content of the diet, but its abrupt changes. The body in this case is not able to quickly adapt, therefore, reactions to new conditions will occur in it, which will manifest itself in the form of bursting, bloating, constipation, excessively loose stools andother negative signs. In this regard, it is worth changing your diet gradually, and not immediately.
Among other things, the causes of bloating can lie in allergic reactions that are caused by certain categories of products related to allergens. We are talking about citruses of all kinds, spices, chicken eggs, sweets, peaches, strawberries, honey. For some people, allergens are fish or meat. Allergic reactions first appear externally, and then everything comes to the occurrence of a disorder in the digestive organs, gas formation appears, accompanied in some cases by intestinal dysbacteriosis, and all sorts of other problems.
It is better to deal with bloating under the supervision of a specialist so as not to harm yourself.