Swelling of the eyes is considered quite common. This condition is associated with a high fluid content in the tissues of the eyelids. As a rule, pathology occurs in people aged 30 years and older. However, there are cases when this symptom occurs in children. This article talks about the causes of the symptom and what to do if the eyes are swollen.
General information
If swelling occurs infrequently, it usually does not cause discomfort. But if a person regularly encounters this condition, it indicates the presence of disorders in the body. Sometimes there is swelling under the eyes due to the loose texture of the tissues, the abundance of blood vessels in it, or the weakness of the muscles of the eyelids. Pathologies of a general or local nature can also cause such a phenomenon. The swelling is formed on one or both sides. Sometimes it affects only the tissues of the upper or lower eyelids.
Varieties of pathology
Specialists distinguish three groups of factors that are the explanation for why the eyes swell. These include:
- Inflammatoryprocess. The swelling is accompanied by redness and burning of the skin of the eyelids, a feeling of discomfort in the eyes. As a rule, the swelling in this case is one-sided.
- Development of an allergic reaction. The skin does not always itch. Usually there is a burning sensation inside the eye and a red tint to the protein. Often the swelling is located in the region of the upper eyelid, on the one hand.
- He alth problems that do not affect the organs of vision, improper diet or daily routine. Such swelling is not accompanied by burning, discomfort, redness and high temperature on the skin surface. Swelling is observed on both sides, mainly in the morning. It extends not only to the eye area, but also to other parts of the body.

If a person has severely swollen eyes, he should seek the help of a specialist in order to undergo a diagnosis and identify possible causes of the symptom. This pathology can lead to dangerous consequences. As formidable complications, doctors call an increase in pressure inside the eye and a complete loss of vision.
Associated symptoms
Swelling caused by exposure to microorganisms is usually associated with discomfort around the eyelids and a red tint of the skin. If the edema is mild, external changes are hardly noticeable. Pathology of a pronounced nature is accompanied by an almost complete closure of the slit of the eye. At the same time, the person loses the ability to visual perception. The swelling is very noticeable externally. Speaking about such a symptom as swelling of the eye, causes and treatment, one should mention the main factors that contribute to its occurrence.
What causes swelling tendencies?
As common diseases, experts call:
- Individual intolerance to certain substances. With this feature, a person, as a rule, notices that his eyes are swollen. The condition is explained by an increase in blood vessels in the eyelids and swelling of the mucous membranes. Accompanying symptoms that are observed in the presence of allergies are profuse flow of tears, severe itching and reddened whites.
- The negative impact of harmful microorganisms. It can cause an inflammatory process in the connective membrane of the eye. This causes redness, a strong outflow of pus or tears.
- Formation of barley. This disease develops as a result of exposure to viruses. It is characterized by the appearance of red swelling on the surface of the eyelid.
- Development of cysts in the tissues due to the inflammatory process. Pathology provokes soreness and swelling of the eye. Treatment involves the use of hormonal agents. When the cyst is advanced, surgery is required.
- A disease of the ciliary part of the eyelids, which is of an inflammatory nature.
- Mechanical damage to the eye. It is characterized not only by swelling, but also by the formation of a hematoma.
- Cancer pathologies.
- Incorrect lens handling, use of inappropriate solutions. This phenomenonmay cause viral infections and allergic reactions.
- Inflammation of the tissues around the eye, which usually affects the cheek, eyebrow area. Pathology provokes severe swelling and discomfort in the region of the upper and lower parts of the eyelids, fever. It can lead to complete loss of vision, so it needs antibiotic therapy under the supervision of specialists.
- Infection with the herpes virus.

Other pathological processes
Sometimes a symptom is provoked by diseases not related to the organs of vision.

In some cases, there is swelling of the eye for reasons of a different nature, for example:
- Autoimmune pathology caused by excessive activity of the thyroid gland. In this condition, the eyelids swell. Eyes become bulging, vision is impaired.
- Parasitic infestations.
- Serious disorders of the urinary system.
- Dehydration.
- The presence of problems with the veins, their blockage.
- Infection with mononucleosis.
- Diseases of the myocardium and blood vessels. It is not uncommon for heart failure, rhythm disturbances, and other serious problems to cause eye swelling. The causes of this condition may be a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage.
Swelling not associated with pathology
Among factors not explained by injury or disease are the following:
- Crying for a long time. There are several types of tear fluid. The first serves to moisturize the mucous membraneeye. The second creates protection against adverse factors (smoke, dust, foreign objects). The third type is associated with an emotional reaction. When a person cries, there is tension in the tear ducts and the release of a large amount of fluid from them. These processes are accompanied by pain in the head, weakness, reddening of the skin of the face and swelling of the eyes.
- Alcohol abuse, smoking.
- Spicy and s alty meals eaten at night.
- The period of gestation.
- Critical days.
- Taking certain medications (allergy medicines, vasodilators, flu pills, sore throats, etc.).
- Drinking plenty of water in the evening.
If eye swelling occurs, what should I do in this situation? First of all, the reason for the development of this phenomenon should be established.
Localization of pathology
Depending on where the swelling is located, you can determine what factors provoked it. For example, swelling of the upper eyelid is most common in patients aged 30 and older.

It is associated with inflammatory pathologies of the organs of vision, infections or mechanical damage. Sometimes a person suffering from a chronic illness notices that his eyes are swollen.
Swelling, located in the lower region of the eyelid, is often explained by hereditary features of the structure of tissues. But often it also signals the presence of serious disorders in the work of the myocardium or the urinary system, as well asdysfunction of the thyroid gland. If such a phenomenon occurs periodically and does not cause severe discomfort, it indicates an unbalanced diet and an unhe althy lifestyle. Refusal of alcohol, tobacco, low-quality cosmetics, restriction of s alty and spicy foods help to cope with the problem.
Swollen eyes in childhood
This condition occurs in juvenile patients for approximately the same reasons as in adults. It is observed in pathologies of the organs of vision or other he alth problems. Often in children, due to their high activity, mechanical damage to the eyelids occurs. There are a number of factors that explain why the baby's eyes are swollen. These include:
- The occurrence of individual intolerance. The child's body is very sensitive to the effects of external environmental conditions. Eating certain foods, arthropod bites, medicines, animal fur, flowers, or herbs can cause these reactions. In this case, it is undesirable to resort to self-treatment. The child should be taken to a specialist as soon as possible.
- Purulent process in the area of the lacrimal sac. This disease is accompanied by swelling, mucous discharge, discomfort in the area of the affected eyelid, red tint and high temperature of the skin around the eye.
- Mechanical damage. As a rule, a hematoma appears first, and then edema.
- Disorders of the urinary system.
- Purulent processes in the orbit. The disease is characterized bya complex of signs (redness and high temperature of the skin of the eyelid, blurred vision, pain in the head, feeling of nausea).
- Myocardial dysfunction.
- Anemia.
- Increased pressure inside the skull.

If a child has swollen eyes, first of all, you need to pay attention to his daily routine. It is advisable to reduce the amount of time that the baby spends at the computer and watching TV. It is important to take regular walks. However, in the case where the symptom persists even after changing the daily routine, you should consult a doctor for examination and therapy.
How to get rid of the problem?
Speaking of swelling under the eyes, causes and treatment of pathology, it should be emphasized that measures to combat this phenomenon depend on the factors that provoked it. Therefore, if the symptom causes concern and is accompanied by malaise, you should seek medical help. After the diagnostic procedures, the specialist will prescribe a therapy that will help to cope with the problem. Swelling of the eyelids caused by an allergic reaction is eliminated by special means in the form of ointments, drops, tablets, as well as preparations containing hormones.

In the case when the cause of edema is exposure to microbes, washing with disinfecting solutions, physiotherapy, antibiotics are prescribed. In case of mechanical damage, the wound is disinfected. If there is no open injury, but a hematoma is present, ice packs should be applied. Edema, not associated with the presence of an allergy or virus,treated in other ways. A patient who has been diagnosed with disorders of the urinary system, blood vessels or myocardium should be treated for the disease that caused the symptom.
How to eliminate swelling using folk methods
Such advice should only be used as an aid. They eliminate only the external manifestations of the pathology, but do not fight its cause. With swelling under the eyes, treatment with folk methods includes:
- High-fat cottage cheese or sour cream masks with aloe, green tea or chamomile extracts.
- Lotions with the addition of boric alcohol, a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Grated raw potato with calendula decoction applied to the skin around the eyelids.
- Oakbark infusion, mint or tea dressings help relieve swelling caused by inflammation.
How to prevent a symptom?
Prevention includes:
- Avoiding contact with substances that may cause individual intolerance.
- Rejection of low-quality cosmetics.
- Compliance with the rules for the care of vision correction products.
- Exclusion of addictions, proper diet.
- Adequate therapy for pathologies that can cause swelling of the eyelids.

And most importantly - you can not leave such symptoms unattended. Everything has a reason, and the sooner it is determined, the better.