Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema

Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema
Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema

Today we will consider such a disease as exanthema. What it is? What are its causes and symptoms? What are the treatments? We will analyze these and other questions in detail in the article.

Exanthema is a skin rash that appears with various viral ailments. Most often, viral exanthems develop in children. In adolescence or adulthood, pathology is quite rare. Childhood infectious diseases such as rubella, chickenpox, measles and others are almost always accompanied by a rash.


The etiology of this pathology is very diverse. It is generally accepted that the formation of a rash is influenced by one or two pathogenetic mechanisms:

  • Exanthema (the photo below gives an idea of it) appears as a result of damage to the skin tissue by viruses that are carried through the bloodstream. Thus, the herpes virus of the 1st type, enteroviruses, etc. develop.
  • A rash is formed due to a reaction between the body's immune cells and the pathogen. According to this principle, a rubella rash occurs.

Rashes consisting of spots and papules occur when:

  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • herpes type 6, which provokes the development of roseola;

  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • cytomegalovirus causing cytomegalovirus;
  • enterovirus.

Bubble rash appears when:

  • herpesvirus type 1;
  • herpes viruses that cause chickenpox and shingles;
  • coxsackievirus causing pemphigus.

Viruses that cause papulo-visicular rash and skin redness include:

  • adenoviruses;
  • viruses that cause hepatitis B and C;
  • enteroviruses.

Parovirus B19 presents with widespread erythema that looks like lace.

exanthema what is it
exanthema what is it

Clinical picture

The type of infection that caused the rash will affect how a viral exanthema will manifest.


Measles is caused by infectious agents belonging to the paramyxovirus family. Erythema in this case occurs on the 4-5th day of the disease. Before the appearance of skin rashes, the patient develops a dry cough, body temperature rises, feverish conditions are observed.

The occurrence of exanthema is preceded by the formation of gray-white spots on the mucous cheeks. Initially, rashes appear on the face and neck. Viral exanthema has the appearance of papules that often mergetogether. Gradually rashes cover the whole body. When the rash spreads to the hands and feet, the rash on the neck and face begins to disappear. With measles, exanthema does not appear on the soles and palms.


The development of rubella is caused by viruses belonging to the group of RNA-togaviruses. With this disease, papular exanthema develops, spreading in the same way as measles. The main difference is that the elements of rashes with such a pathology never merge.

The general condition of the patient may not be disturbed, but some patients have fever and mild fever.


Entneroviruses belong to the group of RNA viruses. The diseases they cause have a wide spectrum of symptoms. For example, with many-sided enterovirus infection, digestive disorders, respiratory symptoms, and fever develop.

In some cases, the disease occurs only enteroviral exanthema. Other signs may be absent. Enteroviral exanthema also has a wide variability. It can manifest itself as papules, vesicles, pustules or vesicles with hemorrhagic contents.

Infectious mononucleosis

This disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is part of the group of herpetic viruses. Infectious exanthema in this case manifests itself in the same way as with measles, the only difference is severe itching.


This disease develops as a result of infection with herpes of the 6th and 7th types. The first symptoms of the diseaseis a sudden increase in temperature, the appearance of fever, loss of appetite, indigestion. Catarrhal phenomena such as cough and runny nose are most often absent.

Temperature drops on day 4 and rash appears. The exanthema in this case has the appearance of a small-dotted pink rash. First, rashes appear on the abdomen and back, then the rash covers the entire body. No itching, no merging of elements.

viral exanthema
viral exanthema

Diseases that develop when infected with the herpes simplex virus

As a rule, primary infection with the herpes simplex virus occurs in early childhood. A symptom of infection is stomatitis, and with relapses of the disease, a bubble exanthema appears on the nose or lips (infection with a type 1 virus). Herpesvirus type 2 infection occurs most often through sexual contact at a young age. Signs of the disease are exanthema on the skin of the genitals and buttocks.

Shingles and chicken pox

Such childhood infectious diseases are caused by a virus that is part of the herpetic group. After the virus enters the body, a typical infection (chicken pox) develops. After recovery, the virus does not leave the body and is in a latent state. Reduced immunity can trigger a recurrence of the infection and cause shingles.

The symptom of exanthema in this case is a blistering rash that spreads throughout the body in chicken pox and is located along the nerves in shingles. When combing rashes oftensecondary infection is observed, as a result of which the rashes become purulent.

Diseases caused by parovirus B19

Only in 20% of patients, infection with parovirus B19 leads to the formation of a characteristic exanthema. Initially, the skin of the cheeks becomes reddened, then a rash forms, which looks like a lace or garland. As a rule, rashes are localized on the skin of the extremities, less often on the trunk. In some cases, severe itching may occur.

When infected with parovirus B19, the exanthema has an undulating course - it can disappear for a while and reappear. The rash is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms and joint pain.

If an exanthema is detected, a photo of skin rashes characteristic of a particular disease will be shown to you by a doctor.

enteroviral exanthema
enteroviral exanthema


Diagnosis of viral diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of exanthema, includes a thorough study of clinical manifestations and testing.

You should also consider the following characteristics of rashes:

  • shape and appearance;
  • clear edges;
  • size and confluence;
  • quantity;
  • changes in the skin (reddened, bluish, unchanged);
  • the nature of the rash (one-step, gradual, undulating).

Viral exanthema in a child is manifested as follows:

  • rash appears on day 2 of illness or later;
  • rashes are preceded by elevated body temperature, its decrease is observed at the first elements of the rash;
  • catarrhal symptoms often absent;
  • most often viral exanthems are manifested by vesicular and maculopapular rashes.

The doctor prescribes a blood test by ELISA, which makes it possible to detect antibodies to the antigen of an infectious agent in the blood.

exanthema photo
exanthema photo


With such a phenomenon as exanthema, treatment is symptomatic. Therapeutic measures depend on the diagnosis.

Rubella and measles require symptomatic treatment and bed rest. It is extremely important to prevent the addition of secondary infections, which can lead to complications such as otitis media, encephalitis, pneumonia.

Symptomatic treatment for chickenpox is to prevent suppuration, for this purpose, aniline dyes are used to lubricate the elements of the rash.

For shingles, the drug "Acyclovir" is administered, the treatment regimen is selected by the doctor on an individual basis and depends on the general condition and age of the child.

For the treatment of ailments that develop when infected with the herpes virus, drugs such as Valacyclovir, Acyclovir, Pharmciclovir are used.

When infected with paraviruses and enteroviruses, there is no specific therapy. Therefore, the treatment is to relieve the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the patient's condition.

infectious exanthema
infectious exanthema

Traditional medicine

Exanthema - what is it and what traditional methods of treatment are used, we found out. Traditional medicine recipes are no less effective in combating this phenomenon.

Eliminate itching with rashes will help baths with the addition of a decoction of bran, starch. The water temperature should not be higher than 37-38 ºС. Baths with infusions of medicinal herbs, such as celandine, calendula, chamomile, string, are also effective. To prepare the infusion, you can use a mixture of these plants. Brew 100 g of herbs (or a mixture of herbs) with a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse, after the infusion, strain and pour into the bath.

For internal use, it is recommended to prepare fortified teas from blueberries, rose hips, raspberries, currants. You can also add raspberry and currant leaves to the drink.

Sudden exanthema - what is it?

This is a viral illness with sudden onset and short duration. Most often, sudden exanthema develops in children from six months to 2 years. Rarely, older children, adolescents and adults have been infected.

Sudden exanthema develops when infected with herpes virus 6 (HHV-6), in rare cases - herpes virus 7 (HHV-7). From person to person, exanthema is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. The incubation period of the disease lasts 7-8 days.


Signs of infection depend on the age of the patient. The disease is manifested by fever, irritability, swollen lymph nodes.on the neck, runny nose, swelling of the eyelids, diarrhea. The rash occurs 12-24 hours after the fever. Localized rashes on the neck, abdomen, back, limbs. The skin becomes reddish in color and becomes temporarily pale when pressed. The rash does not cause any inconvenience: it does not hurt or itch. These rashes are not contagious, disappear after 3-4 days and do not return. Older children develop symptoms such as high fever for several days, runny nose, diarrhea. Rash appears less frequently with older age.

Therapeutic interventions

Despite the fact that sudden exanthema is quite common, the correct diagnosis is made in rare cases. The reason for this is the transience of the disease.

When physical examination, first of all, study the elements of the rash. Sudden exanthema is characterized by small pink spots that disappear with diascopy and papules 1-5 mm in size. Also, the elements of the rash rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

A blood test reveals relative lymphocytosis, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, eosinopenia. The PCR method is used to determine the virus. A culture method is used to detect active virus in the blood.

With the development of complications of sudden exanthema, consultations of a pediatric cardiologist, pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric neurologist are required. In addition, additional studies such as abdominal ultrasound, ECG, EEG and others may be prescribed.

sudden exanthema
sudden exanthema

If the child has any temperatureor convenience does not deliver, then there is no need for treatment. Comfortable conditions should be created in the room where the patient is located. Don't put too many things on your baby. Excess clothing can cause a fever.

In some cases, a sudden exanthema against a background of elevated temperature is accompanied by convulsions. Among children aged 1.5-3 years, febrile convulsions are quite common (5-35% of children with sudden exanthema experience this phenomenon). Most often, seizures are not dangerous, although they look quite frightening.

What should parents do if their child has seizures?

  1. Try to be calm and calm the baby.
  2. Keep any sharp objects out of sight and lay the baby on its side so saliva can flow out of the mouth.
  3. Place a pillow under baby's head.
  4. Wait for the cramps to pass.

Very often, children are drowsy and sleepy after seizures, this is normal. After an attack, the doctor must definitely examine the child.


After a sudden exanthema, in very rare cases, any complications develop, except for those children whose immune system is weakened. A he althy immune system develops lifelong immunity to HHV-7 and HHV-6. However, it is still worth contacting a doctor with a sudden exanthema. A child with a fever and rash should be kept away from other children until they are seen by a doctor.

exanthema in a child
exanthema in a child

Prevention and prognosis

Preventive measures are to protect against infection with various viruses. In order to prevent infection with rubella or measles, it is necessary to vaccinate. To prevent the development of exanthema in herpes infection, antiviral agents are used. However, the virus itself remains in the body for life, so when immunity decreases, it can become active and provoke a relapse of the disease.


From this article you learned about such a phenomenon as exanthema - what it is, its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment. We hope you find this information useful. Stay he althy!
