Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes

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Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes
Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes

Video: Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes

Video: Prediabetes: symptoms, sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes
Video: Cirrhosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology 2024, July

Prediabetes are symptoms of impaired glucose uptake in which a person is not a diabetic, but is not among the he althy ones either. From the point of view of physiology, pancreatic dysfunction begins at this stage. Insulin is produced, only much less than necessary.

Diagnostic Methods

Prediabetes is characterized by slightly elevated sugar levels after eating a meal. Glucose load requires an increase in insulin production, and a malfunction of the pancreas does not allow the synthesis of the required level of the hormone. There are 2 ways to suspect the development of prediabetes using laboratory tests.

prediabetes symptoms
prediabetes symptoms

The first is based on the patient taking a special solution that contains 75 g of pure glucose. After a few hours, blood sugar should be no more than 7.8 mmol / l. If the level is determined within 7.8-11 mmol / l, there is a place to be prediabetes. The second way to identify the disease is to measure glycated hemoglobin over several months. The percentage level will fluctuate from 5.5–6.1%,which is an intermediate result between he althy people and diabetics.

Risk factors

Diabetes occurs for various reasons, it is important to pay attention to warning signs in time. People at high risk of developing prediabetes:

  • over 45;
  • overweight;
  • with a genetic predisposition;
  • with little physical activity;
  • with gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • closely related to Americans, Indians and Pacific Islanders.

What should those who meet the above criteria do? It is necessary to pay attention to other complaints and consult a doctor. The disease is easily treated with medication, a he althy diet and an active lifestyle.

Prediabetes symptoms

There are many signs of diabetes that are known in society. Among them, the most common complaints are constant thirst, itching and frequent urination. Less specific are symptoms such as:

  • insomnia;
  • impaired visual acuity;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • weight loss;
  • convulsions, fever;
  • pain in the head and limbs.
what to do
what to do

The most important and direct sign is high blood sugar. In pre-type II diabetes, laboratory test results range from 5.5 to 6.9 mmol/L.


What to do when the not most pleasant diagnosis is inevitably approaching - prediabetes? Symptomsare already making themselves felt, the survey confirmed the fears. First you need to calm down, prediabetes can be de alt with. Treatment is complex. In addition to medications that an endocrinologist will recommend taking, be sure to follow a he althy lifestyle. Required:

  • stay on a diet (8 or 9);
  • increase physical activity;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • direct all forces to the fight against excess weight.
sugar level
sugar level

One of the key elements of treatment is proper nutrition. He althy food can restore the work of the pancreas and reduce the risk of complications of prediabetes. Only an active life position will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and restore he alth.

Prediabetes Diet 8

Designed for the category of people struggling with excess weight, which has developed prediabetes. Symptoms of the disease will reduce the intensity of manifestation with proper nutritional adjustments. The treatment table involves limiting the consumed carbohydrates and fats. The diet is based on low-calorie foods rich in vitamins and enzymes that help speed up the metabolic process.

Characteristics of dietary table 8

Name Daily dose
Calories 1500–1600 kcal
Proteins 70-80g
Fats up to 70g
Carbohydrates up to 150g
Water 1.5 l
S alt 3–4 mg
B1 1.1mg
B2 2.2 mg
Vitamin A 0.4mg
Vitamin C 150mg
Vitamin PP 17mg
Potassium 3.9mg
Sodium 3mg
Calcium 1mg
Iron 35mg
Phosphorus 1.6 mg

It is not recommended to use fatty meat or fish broths, spicy, fried, smoked products, pastries from pastry.

Diet 8 approved foods

You can include in your daily diet:

  • rye or coarse bread;
  • some milk and dairy products;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • diet grades of boiled meat and fish;
  • low-fat vegetable broth soups;
  • buckwheat, pearl barley;
  • vegetables, fruits with little natural sugar content;
  • lightly s alted products.
diet for prediabetes
diet for prediabetes

It is recommended to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water in addition to other fluids consumed throughout the day.

Example menu for prediabetes 8

Follow a similar diet:

  1. Breakfast - egg, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, bread with butter.
  2. Lunch - boiled dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, beef), buckwheat, fresh vegetables or fruits.
  3. Snack - vegetable broth soup, sauerkraut, some fried meat, fruit, bread.
  4. Dinner - lean boiled fish, vegetable pudding, bread.
  5. Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.
prediabetes what to do
prediabetes what to do

Meals are calculated at intervals of 3-4 hours, the last (p. 5) - before bedtime.

Diet table 9

Pevzner's diet is designed specifically for diabetics and allergy sufferers. It is less strict than menu number 8 because it does not aim to reduce the patient's weight. Establishing carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the 9th dietary table improves the condition of patients with prediabetes and type II diabetes. Lowering glucose load is an important element of treatment. The menu contains a sufficient number of approved products. If you wish, you can make a tasty and he althy diet.

Characteristics of the treatment table 9

Name Daily Value
Calories 2200-2400g
Proteins 85-90g
Fats up to 80g
Carbohydrates 300-500g
Water 2 l
S alt 6–8 y
B1 1.5mg
B2 2.2 mg
Vitamin A 0.4mg
Vitamin C 100mg
Vitamin PP 18mg
Potassium 3.9mg
Sodium 3.7mg
Calcium 0.8mg
Iron 15mg
Phosphorus 1.3mg

It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of mineral or purified water per day, not counting the use of other liquids. Meals should be frequent, but not too satisfying: overeating is dangerous. The best way to satisfy your hunger pangs is to eat a raw fruit or vegetable.

Allowed and prohibited foods

How to effectively cure prediabetes? What to do with products, what to exclude, how to cook? Handle any issue that comes up. The most unloved and difficult, of course, is to deny yourself the usual diet. First of all, you need to exclude:

  • buns, wheat flour products;
  • sugar and high sugar foods;
  • sausage, semi-finished meat products;
  • margarine, butter, animal fats;
  • products with harmful additives;
  • fast food;
  • fatty, spicy, s alty food.
diet for prediabetes
diet for prediabetes

A large number of affordable and useful products are allowed to be consumed:

  • fresh and boiled vegetables (limit potatoes);
  • greens;
  • fruits and berries (preferably sour);
  • low calorie dairy;
  • bran and dark bread;
  • dietary meat and fish.

You should know that potatoes must be soaked for at least 2 hours before making soup with periodic water changes and cut into small pieces.

Diet menu example9

The day is divided into 3 equal meals and 3 snacks. A fixed time interval between meals will help you quickly adapt to a new schedule. Remember that it is the prediabetes diet that gives the best results. A detailed menu will allow you to understand how proper medical nutrition should be organized.

menu for prediabetes
menu for prediabetes

Option 1

  • breakfast - zucchini pancakes, sour cream 10-15%, tea;
  • lunch - vegetable broth soup, bread, vegetable puree;
  • dinner - chicken cutlet from the oven, cottage cheese casserole, tomato.

Option 2

  • breakfast - millet milk porridge, chicory;
  • lunch - soup with meatballs, barley porridge, cabbage salad;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage, boiled fish, bread.

Option 3

  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge, cocoa;
  • lunch - pumpkin puree soup, 2 boiled eggs, bread, fresh cucumber;
  • dinner - zucchini baked with minced meat and vegetables.

As a snack you can use:

  • glass of milk or dairy products;
  • fruit salad with natural yogurt;
  • vegetable salads (raw and boiled) and mashed potatoes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • special products for diabetics (cookies, bars).

The menu is based on the general principles of he althy eating and does not exclude important foods. A huge number of dishes are available from permitted ingredients. It is recommended to use a double boiler, multicooker, oven to save as much as possiblebeneficial properties of products and reduce the burden on digestion. A variety of cooking methods will make the diet table completely invisible in its limitations.
