The human skin performs not only protective and aesthetic functions, but also serves as a good indicator of our diseases or deviations in he alth and lifestyle. And the skin around the eyes is no exception. When it changes color, it is a signal for a person to take a closer look at their he alth and lifestyle.

Why do you have dark eyelids
Think about what your skin wants to tell you. So, if you have dark eyelids, the reasons for this can be quite varied. Hyperpigmentation of the eyelids is not just an undesirable cosmetic effect, but is always a witness to any violations. The reasons for the appearance of a "mourning frame" around the eyes are divided into two categories:
- disruption of the internal organs or the presence of diseases;
- genetics or wrong lifestyle.
Let's look at each of the categories.
Cosmetic defect as a result of illness
What diseases cause dark eyelids? Here are a number of such ailments:
- If the lower eyelids cast a bluish tint,this indicates a violation of the water balance in the body or water retention due to an excess of sodium s alts or due to anemia (iron deficiency). Or vice versa - blue circles under the eyes indicate dehydration.
- Stones in the bile ducts or kidneys.
- Disturbances in the circulatory system.
- Sinusitis.
- Liver disorders.
- Cardiovascular disease.
These reasons can only be identified by a doctor. And with the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, first of all, you should be examined in the clinic. If there are no such problems, then the cause of the darkening of the skin of the eyelids lies in something else.

Other reasons for the appearance of the "mourning frame"
- Thin skin of the eyelids, through which blood vessels show through, creating blue under the eyes. This is a genetic predisposition. Here treatment will not help. Only cosmetic procedures and prevention will work, so that the effect does not increase. Dark upper eyelids are masked by eye shadows, special concealers or other tonal means. Or such a frame of glasses is selected to divert attention from dark circles around the eyes. The lower eyelids are camouflaged in the same way.
- Hereditary factor due to deep set eyes. Here the recommendations may be the same as in the first case.
- Lack of sleep. Everything is clear with this, you just need to adjust the daily routine and take more time to sleep.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome. Here it is also a matter of the rhythm of life, andalso in the absence of proper rest.
- Lack of fresh air. This is especially true for office workers or avid stay-at-homes.
- Long exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays like nothing else contribute to hyperpigmentation. And if you are a lover of sunbathing, then dark eyelids are provided for you.
- Wrong diet. Everyone knows that it should be balanced, but not everyone knows what that means. It is best to consult with a dietitian and strictly adhere to the recommendations given by him.
- Sharp targeted weight loss. This is a lot of stress for the body, and any stress is a direct path to dark circles around the eyes.
- Stress of any kind. Since this phenomenon is temporary, it is the easiest to deal with.
- Smoking. Bad habits are a direct path to changes in appearance, not for the better.
- Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol should be limited or completely eliminated from your life. This will benefit not only the skin of the eyelids, but the whole body as a whole.

So, you have found out the reason why you have dark eyelids. What to do next? Now, depending on what is the root of the problem, it is necessary either to be treated for an existing disease, or to review your lifestyle and diet, and take preventive measures.
What can be prevention
- Massage the skin around the eyes in the morning and before bedtime.
- Masks and compresses for the eyes. At least from cucumbers or sleeping tea bags.
- Full sleep.
- Quality food.
- Stay in the sun with goggles only.
- For women, carefully remove makeup from the eyes before going to bed.
- Full rest, preferably active and outdoors.
- Regular use of special creams for the skin around the eyes. By the way, this can and should even be combined with a massage.

Dark circles around the eyes can and should be de alt with. To do this, you need to monitor your he alth, lead the he althiest lifestyle possible, eat well, and also perform light and simple preventive manipulations.