Health 2024, October

Child first aid: first aid in emergencies, medical advice

Child first aid: first aid in emergencies, medical advice

The article describes common emergency situations that young children find themselves in. First aid is provided mainly by parents and close people - relatives, kindergarten teachers, nannies. Everyone needs to know the rules of first aid, since helping a child in trouble is the business of every person who is next to the victim. Take care of your children, because it is always easier to prevent a disaster than to treat its consequences

Foreign body in the ear: signs and symptoms, help with removal

Foreign body in the ear: signs and symptoms, help with removal

A foreign body in the ear is a fairly common problem and a common reason for visiting an otolaryngologist. Mostly children face this problem. However, adults are also not immune from the penetration of a foreign body into the ear

Acne on the buttocks in women: causes, effective drug treatment, folk methods, advice and recommendations from experts

Acne on the buttocks in women: causes, effective drug treatment, folk methods, advice and recommendations from experts

Acne on the buttocks in women can have a different shape, color and size. They are able to deliver a number of uncomfortable sensations or form painlessly. The most commonly diagnosed single closed acne

Atony of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atony of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atony of the stomach is a serious disease, which is accompanied by a gradual loss of muscle tone in this organ. Usually its development is preceded by asthenia or damage to the nerves of the gastrointestinal tract

Symptoms and signs of thrush in men

Symptoms and signs of thrush in men

Almost every woman has heard of thrush. However, the signs of thrush in men usually cause great surprise. In fact, the fungus does not select a person based on gender. If favorable conditions are created, the pathogenic microorganism will definitely take advantage of them

What is frigidity? Normal or disease?

What is frigidity? Normal or disease?

Frigidity is one of the problems facing modern society, which often causes divorce. Therefore, it is necessary to know what frigidity is and what are its symptoms

Contact dermatitis: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Contact dermatitis: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Contact dermatitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are of a heterogeneous-allergic orientation, is a common inflammatory process of the skin. The causative agents of contact rashes on the skin can be food, pet hair, drugs, plant pollen, and so on. Itchy skin, or pruritus, can occur almost anywhere on the skin

Useful information: treatment of influenza in children

Useful information: treatment of influenza in children

Influenza is one of the most common diseases in winter. You can get infected anywhere: on the street, in transport, at the university. Children are especially susceptible to this disease. If you want to know how to treat flu in children, read this article

Hoarse voice: causes and treatments

Hoarse voice: causes and treatments

The sound of our voice is formed due to the vibrations of air as it passes through a gap located in the larynx. Speech can become hoarse if irregularities appear on the surface of the vocal cords, as well as when they thicken. The pathological condition is known in medical practice under the definition of dysphonia. A problem can arise under the influence of a number of negative factors, the elimination of which requires appropriate treatment

Paroxysmal tachycardia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Paroxysmal tachycardia: causes, symptoms and treatment

The article tells about paroxysmal tachycardia, indicates the causes of their development, clinical manifestations, as well as methods of treatment

Pubic lice: ways of infection, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Pubic lice: ways of infection, symptoms, treatments and consequences

The pubic louse is one of three types of insects that parasitize the human body. This species is the causative agent of such an ailment as pubic pediculosis (phthyriasis). Ploshchitsy often settle in the area of hair growth on the genitals, and in addition, in the groin. In addition, they can be found on the pubis or scrotum, as well as in the perineum or near the anus

Pulmonary bleeding: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pulmonary bleeding: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pulmonary bleeding is a very serious condition caused by the outflow of blood into the bronchial area. It requires urgent medical attention. Pulmonary bleeding is a dangerous complication of various respiratory, hematological and cardiac diseases. This pathology has a second name - diffuse alveolar bleeding syndrome. Bloody discharge from the vessels is formed due to a violation of their integrity, and, in addition, due to the collapse of lung tissues

Vomiting and diarrhea: possible causes, first aid, treatment

Vomiting and diarrhea: possible causes, first aid, treatment

Vomiting and diarrhea in adults is common. It can be caused by various pathological processes occurring in the body (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, viral infections). In addition, often such a condition is provoked by mechanical damage, various intoxications. If you experience these symptoms, you should seek medical help

Increased protein in the urine: causes and treatment. The rate of protein in the urine

Increased protein in the urine: causes and treatment. The rate of protein in the urine

Urine analysis is considered a traditional research method, which is often prescribed even to a he althy person, for example, a woman during pregnancy. In some situations, the presence of protein in the urine is not a cause for concern, but a specialist should make such a conclusion. Below we look at when high protein in the urine is not considered normal, and when it is a cause for concern

Aortic stenosis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Aortic stenosis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic opening in the valve area, which significantly impedes the outflow of blood from the left ventricle. Of course, this pathology entails consequences. And if it is ignored, death is inevitable

Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The occurrence of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland is associated with age-related changes, genetic predisposition and the amount of iodine in the body. Most often, the conditions for hyperfunction are: severe psychological trauma, hormonal disruptions during menopause, sexual dysfunction, pituitary adenoma, infectious diseases, iodine intake in large quantities, pregnancy

Diseases of the scalp: photos and names

Diseases of the scalp: photos and names

Diseases of the scalp provoke the appearance of internal discomfort in a person. After all, their development leads to hair loss, early and rapid baldness, to the occurrence of difficult to remove dandruff and dermatological pathologies

How to cure a long runny nose?

How to cure a long runny nose?

As a rule, every cold is associated with dysfunction of the nasal mucosa, reddening of the larynx and other troubles. The dynamics of modern life does not allow much time to be devoted to such diseases, which also contributes to the development of serious consequences. What to do if a runny nose that does not go away for a long time does not allow you to work and live in the usual rhythm. Of course, it is best to seek help from a specialist who can prescribe an adequate and effective solution

Pancreatic dysfunction: causes, symptoms, treatments, prevention

Pancreatic dysfunction: causes, symptoms, treatments, prevention

Sometimes gastroenterologists use the term pancreatic dysfunction. But what does this mean and is such a diagnosis related to pancreatitis? Dysfunction involves a disorder of the functions of an organ. In relation to the pancreas, this may be an increase in its functions or, conversely, insufficiency. Often the concept of dysfunction is used in parallel with the diagnosis of "chronic pancreatitis"

Cardiogenic shock: causes, diagnosis, symptoms, emergency care

Cardiogenic shock: causes, diagnosis, symptoms, emergency care

Cardiogenic shock (CS) is the most severe complication of myocardial infarction or acute damage to the heart muscle. It includes a sharp inhibition of the pumping function of the myocardium, accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and the development of pulmonary hypertension. This is an extreme terminal stage in the development of left ventricular failure, an acute disturbance in cardiac activity, which often inevitably ends in the death of the patient

Cardiovascular disease is the scourge of the 21st century

Cardiovascular disease is the scourge of the 21st century

Cardiovascular disease is a huge social problem for any country. The fact is that not only the older generation often suffers from them, but also people of working age

Raynaud's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines

Raynaud's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines

Raynaud's disease is a pathology characterized by the occurrence of angiotrophoneurosis with a primary lesion of arterioles and small arteries and (in most cases the upper limbs, a little less often - the feet, skin areas on the nose, chin and ears). As a result, the affected area does not receive the necessary nutrition due to a significant decrease in the volume of blood entering it

Hyperemia of the face: natural state or disease?

Hyperemia of the face: natural state or disease?

Hyperemia of the face occurs as a result of overflow of the blood vessels of the face with blood. This may be due to too rapid blood flow or due to its stagnation in the veins. In most cases, hyperemia serves as a natural response of the body to any effect

Duodenal ulcer: symptoms, treatment, diet

Duodenal ulcer: symptoms, treatment, diet

A duodenal ulcer is a problem for schoolchildren, students and people who do not have time for a full meal. It can be treated both by surgical intervention and by more gentle methods

Tubage at home: step by step description, recommendations and reviews

Tubage at home: step by step description, recommendations and reviews

In the life of a modern person, with a bad ecological situation and an irregular unhe althy diet, filter organs suffer greatly. We are talking about the liver and gallbladder. With the help of tubage, carried out at least once every six months, it is possible to support the work of these vital organs. Usually such a cleansing event is prescribed by a specialist, and it is carried out in a hospital. However, if you follow simple rules, you can make a tubage at home

Red spots appear on the skin and itch: causes and treatment

Red spots appear on the skin and itch: causes and treatment

An article about the possible causes of red spots on the human skin. The most common ailments and their distinctive features are considered. Tips and tricks provided

How is rhinitis treated

How is rhinitis treated

Perhaps one of the most common respiratory diseases known today is rhinitis. The disease is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which occurs in both acute and chronic forms. This is usually a symptom that indicates the onset of an infectious disease or an allergy. The disease may also appear as a result of an injury to the nose. Treatment of rhinitis should be started at the first appearance of symptoms

Reduced diastolic pressure: causes, consequences, how to raise

Reduced diastolic pressure: causes, consequences, how to raise

During a visit to the doctor, many patients hear that their diastolic pressure is low. But not all people understand what exactly such a diagnosis means. So how dangerous is this condition? Why is diastolic pressure low? What symptoms should you look out for? Is it possible to deal with the problem at home? Everyone should study the answers to these questions

Bladder Stone: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Bladder Stone: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

A bladder stone is a fairly common diagnosis. The disease is associated with the deposition in the bladder cavity of small formations that interfere with the normal functioning of the genitourinary system. Interestingly, this problem is much more common among men

Primary syphilis: symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Primary syphilis: symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted sexually, as well as just in everyday life. Let us further consider the features of its primary stage, as well as what symptoms it has, what features it has and how it is treated

Why are babies born with Down syndrome? There is no exact answer to the question

Why are babies born with Down syndrome? There is no exact answer to the question

Why children with Down syndrome are born is still not known for certain. That is, the reasons themselves are clear, but no one can say why chromosomes periodically begin to mutate. The prerequisites that lead to such a mutation have also not been identified. Such a child can be born to any parent. It's like a lottery ticket

Why does a person's eyes water

Why does a person's eyes water

The causes of watery eyes can be different. This may be a simple reaction of the body to weather conditions or a consequence of some kind of pathology. But one thing unites these reasons - they bring a feeling of discomfort to a person

Causes of sweating, ways to prevent an unpleasant phenomenon

Causes of sweating, ways to prevent an unpleasant phenomenon

Is excessive sweating considered a disease? What are the reasons for its origin? How to cure armpit hyperhidrosis? Let's try to figure it out

Hydradenitis: treatment at home

Hydradenitis: treatment at home

The human body is often affected by infectious diseases due to interaction with various microbes and bacteria. One of them may be hidradenitis, that is, inflammation of the sweat apocrine glands, which can lead to the appearance of carbuncles, opening and scarring on the skin. How can hydradenitis be treated (see photo in the article) at home with affordable traditional medicine?

Foot fungus: photo, symptoms, treatment

Foot fungus: photo, symptoms, treatment

The development of a fungal infection on the feet is a problem that is familiar to almost every person firsthand. It is not surprising, because the causative agents of the disease - pathogenic spores of the genus Trichophyton and Candida are widespread in the space around us. The fungus is able to grow on the surface of the epidermis on a significant scale in a short time. That is why it is so important to start eliminating the trouble in a timely manner

Neurodermatitis: treatment and diagnosis

Neurodermatitis: treatment and diagnosis

Neurodermatitis is a neurogeno-allergic disease, which is characterized by mild or severe changes in the skin (rashes, darkening, coarsening, etc.) and itching. Their treatment in many cases is complicated by the fact that it is not always possible to establish the exact cause of this disease

Polycythemia is Polycythemia: symptoms and treatment

Polycythemia is Polycythemia: symptoms and treatment

Polycythemia is a chronic disease in which the amount of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood increases. Also, with this pathology, in 70% of patients, the number of platelets and leukocytes changes upwards

The skin on the fingers near the nails cracks: causes and treatment. Cracked skin on toes

The skin on the fingers near the nails cracks: causes and treatment. Cracked skin on toes

Why does the skin on the fingers crack? How to eliminate such a defect? These and other questions will be discussed in the article

White spots on the skin (on a tan) why do they appear?

White spots on the skin (on a tan) why do they appear?

After prolonged exposure to the sun, white spots may appear on the skin. What are the reasons for such a defect and how to eliminate the drawback that has arisen, we will talk in today's article

Tension headache: symptoms and treatment

Tension headache: symptoms and treatment

What are headaches, familiar to each of us. Their nature and forms may be different. Tension headaches are the most common type. Symptoms, treatment and causes of this phenomenon will be considered in the article