Many people are concerned about the question of how to remove puffiness? Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid that is observed in the internal organs of a person, as well as extracellular tissue spaces of the whole organism. This pathology can occur due to various factors, many of which are quite dangerous to life and he alth. That is why it is extremely important to understand this problem in order to know in what situations you should seek help from a doctor.
Causes of occurrence

The appearance of edema is a natural physiological reaction of the human body. Most often, it occurs when an organ is injured or inflamed. In addition, puffiness is a common symptom of many diseases, or an imbalance of substances in the blood.
Specialists to the main factors in the appearance of edema include diseases, conditions and pathologies such as:
- body injuries;
- allergic reactions;
- bearing;
- extended stay instationary;
- premenstrual state;
- taking certain medications;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- decrease in albumin levels;
- varicose veins;
- diseases of the urinary system;
- decrease in thyroid hormone levels;
- lymphatic pathology;
- liver failure;
- neoplasm in the brain.
In most cases, edema fluid comes from human plasma. Its accumulation occurs due to the intensive release of the latter from the vessels into the interstitial space of the body. Sometimes this process occurs in the anatomical zones of the body. Before you remove the swelling, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of their appearance.
Symptoms of the problem

Edema provokes a change in the volume of the affected organ. In addition, it can be a part of the body, a patch of skin, or even the entire human body.
The symptoms of swelling directly depend on what caused the development of the pathology.
Slight swelling caused by an insect bite may be accompanied by slight swelling and itching. At the same time, if an allergic reaction occurs in the body in response to the penetration of any substances from an insect, swelling of the whole body often appears. It is characterized by tension of the skin, pain and limited mobility of the patient.
Main features of edema
During pregnancy, most often the swelling is minor. Expressedpathologies are often manifested in heart failure. This disease provokes the development of swelling of the lower extremities against the background of shortness of breath, increased weakness and pain on the left side of the sternum, which is given to the hand. Many women who are carrying a baby do not know how to remove puffiness. It is forbidden to solve the problem on your own, since the accumulation of fluid in the body of the expectant mother can lead to fetal hypoxia.
Kidney disease in the early stages provokes swelling in certain parts of the body. It can be feet or face. As the problem develops, swelling spreads throughout the body.
A characteristic sign of puffiness in case of insufficiency of thyroid hormones is puffiness of the whole body. An excessive amount of fluid accumulates in its various parts evenly. Patients experience increased weakness, sluggishness, pale skin, excessive hair loss, and brittle nails.
In the event of liver edema, the patient often complains of malfunctions in the digestive tract. In addition, he feels pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. He changes the color of the skin, sclera of the eyes, urine and feces.
Disease diagnosis

Before you remove puffiness, it is important to undergo a thorough medical examination. In most patients, edema manifests itself at a later stage in the development of the disease. The factor that provoked the excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body can be identified by laboratory testing. Doctors initially examine a sick person and study his anamnesis. After that, specialists prescribe general examination methods, such as:
- blood and urine test;
- electrocardiography (ECG);
- ultrasound examination of internal organs.
In order to determine the presence of latent urinary retention in a person, the patient is recommended to undergo regular weighing, control of daily diuresis and the McClure-Aldrich test.
Therapist's opinion

To detect tissue swelling, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient. In places of excessive accumulation of fluid, swelling of the skin and loss of their elasticity will be observed. Often, after pressing in such areas, a hole remains for some time, which is not typical in case of edema due to diseases of the kidneys and glands.
In some cases, in addition to edema, the skin acquires a pale or cyanotic hue. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe development of pathology, cracks often appear through which fluid can flow.
Note to patient
It is impossible to self-diagnose. To do this, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination. Since excessive accumulation of fluid in the body often indicates the presence of a pathology, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner. Doctors do not recommend the use of special herbs and infusions made from herbs, as they can be very harmful. Any medication should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Durationcourse of treatment and dosage of drugs is determined strictly by a specialist.
Varieties of possible diseases
Depending on what caused the development of edema, experts distinguish the following types:
- Cachectic. It is observed in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Exhaustion of the body can also be accompanied by such a pathology. Most often, this form of pathology occurs due to reduced immunity. In this case, special attention should be paid to nutrition. S alty, sour and sweet should be excluded from the diet. Eat more vegetables and walk outdoors.
- Hydromic. Most often, diseases of the human urinary system are carried out to him. If someone in the family had a similar disease, then doctors recommend undergoing a medical examination every six months. Due to genetic predisposition to this disease.
- Neuropathic. It is observed against the background of the development of diabetes mellitus or when the patient abuses alcoholic beverages.
- Mechanical. The reason for the development of such a pathology is injury or any other external damage to the body.
- Quincke's edema. Often occurs against the background of the development of a strong allergic reaction.
- stagnant. Its appearance is due to excessive vascular permeability, a decrease in albumin levels and many other factors.
Swelling can be both local and general, covering the entire body or most of the internal organs. The larger the area of occurrence of pathology, the worse the patient feels. If athe pathology is too advanced, then the treatment is carried out using droppers in a hospital setting. In the process of treatment, it is especially important for the patient to follow proper nutrition.
Edema complications

Many patients are interested in how to remove swelling of the legs? After all, edema often provokes the appearance of serious complications. The most common complications of edema include pathologies and diseases such as:
- erysipelatous inflammatory reactions on the skin;
- trophic ulcers;
- tissue necrosis;
- respiratory dysfunction.
Swelling greatly increases the risk of infection in the area where it occurs. This happens due to the fact that it reduces the body's immune system.
Infectious disease - a consequence of edema
Before you remove the swelling of the legs, you should know that the site of swelling becomes the entrance gate for the penetration of a variety of pathogenic organisms. Harmful microorganisms that have entered the blood begin to multiply actively and adversely affect the functioning of the whole organism.
The most dangerous edema
Edema that affects the airways can lead to significant difficulty or even complete cessation of breathing. First of all, this happens with allergic reactions. That is why Quincke's edema is considered one of the most dangerous forms of pathology.
Edema treatment

Quickly remove puffiness at home will helpelementary expert advice. To eliminate puffiness, it is necessary to remove shoes and restrictive things - tights, pants, stockings. If a person is at home, then there is no need to rush to put on slippers. Let your legs rest a little. The following methods will quickly relieve swelling:
- Foot bath. To prepare such a bath, you must use an infusion of chamomile or mint. The prepared broth should be poured into a container and diluted with water in proportions of 1/1. After that, you need to put your feet in the bath. The duration of the procedure is 7 minutes. The water should not be hot.
- Potato compress perfectly helps to eliminate swelling. To do this, wash the potatoes and grate it. After that, squeeze lightly and apply to the edema. Be sure to put a towel on top of the potatoes and hold for 30 minutes.
- How to remove swelling of the legs at home with the help of therapeutic massage? Using special creams to relieve fatigue, it is necessary to carry out massage movements of the feet. The composition of the cream should include components that relieve pain and normalize blood circulation.
- Beet and carrot juices have diuretic properties. This will not only strengthen the immune system, but also remove excess water from the body.
How to quickly remove puffiness, only a doctor knows who, after analyzing the overall clinical picture, will prescribe effective drugs. Before using any method of treating edema, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. It is important not only to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, but alsocure the disease itself, which provokes the accumulation of fluid.
Prevention of puffiness

Before you remove puffiness at home, you need to determine the exact cause of its occurrence. In the absence of any dangerous disease, the patient needs to start adhering to certain preventive measures that can reduce the severity of the problem of excessive fluid accumulation. It is as follows:
- Foods that are too s alty or spicy should be limited.
- You need to eat more steamed foods. Vegetables, a variety of fruits and greens can be useful.
- How to remove swelling of the face at home? To do this, you must start to engage in physical activity. Sport is able to bring the body back to normal, improving the functioning of its internal organs. First of all, you should pay attention to running, swimming or walking.
- Periodically worth doing foot and hand massage. It can be performed at home on your own for no more than 5-10 minutes. This allows you to disperse congestion in the body.
- How to remove puffiness of the eyes? To do this, you need to periodically take a contrast shower. At one time, you need to change the temperature of the water from hot to cold up to 5 times.
- You only need to wear comfortable clothes that make you feel comfortable. Too high heels should be avoided.
- During the day it is recommended to raise the lower limbs several times. Thanks to this, it willthere is an outflow of blood from them back to the heart.
When swelling, doctors advise drinking pure water. Decoctions made from flax seeds can also help. The latter not only help reduce swelling, but also prevent their recurrence.
Edema caused by various diseases cannot be eliminated by preventive methods. In such situations, it is necessary to fight directly with the disease itself. Drug treatment should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
Doctor's conclusion
Edema is a rather dangerous pathology that can have a very dangerous cause of its occurrence. That is why, when it appears, it is imperative to seek help from a medical institution to a qualified doctor to undergo an appropriate examination. After finding out the factors contributing to the development of the problem, you need to try to completely eliminate them. To do this, you need to follow all the advice of a specialist. Many women are interested in how to remove puffiness after childbirth? As medical practice shows, a week after childbirth, excess fluid is removed from the body. Every day the swelling decreases and the general condition of the person improves.