Health 2024, October

Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Do you have bowel problems and your doctor diagnosed you with IBS? This article describes the symptoms of IBS and how to treat it

Imidazoline receptor agonists: classification, mechanism of action and list of drugs

Imidazoline receptor agonists: classification, mechanism of action and list of drugs

The main target for the influence of antihypertensive drugs is the type I1 imidazoline central receptors, which are located in the ventrolateral rostral region of the medulla oblongata. Their activation leads to a decrease in the tone of the motor center of the vessels, a decrease in the activity of sympathetic nerves, due to which there is a weakening of the release of norepinephrine from adrenergic neurons

Impaired glucose tolerance: symptoms, treatment, causes. Why is glucose intolerance dangerous?

Impaired glucose tolerance: symptoms, treatment, causes. Why is glucose intolerance dangerous?

Impaired glucose tolerance is a fairly common problem. That is why many people are interested in additional information about what constitutes such a state. What are the causes of violations? What symptoms are accompanied by pathology? What diagnostic and treatment methods does modern medicine offer?

Orthostatic hypotension: causes and treatment

Orthostatic hypotension: causes and treatment

The term hypotension is more or less clear to most people. But orthostatic hypotension - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of this problem - what are they? Dizziness occurs for a simple reason - the blood rushes to the lower limbs, and drains from the head. The brain simply does not receive oxygen for a short period of time and it turns off, like a computer without power supply

Dry mouth: causes and remedies

Dry mouth: causes and remedies

There is hardly a person who has never felt dry mouth. But most people do not pay much attention to this symptom, believing that it is due to hot weather, s alty or spicy food and lack of drink. Quite often this turns out to be true, and after drinking enough water, the discomfort disappears. But you should be aware that a frequent feeling of dry mouth, the causes of which are not related to domestic problems, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of body systems

Headaches in the back of the head: causes and treatment

Headaches in the back of the head: causes and treatment

There are a large number of factors that cause a headache in the back of the head and not only. Some people, having felt pain, immediately go to the doctor. But there are others who bide their time, hoping the discomfort will go away on its own

Atrophic pharyngitis: causes and treatment

Atrophic pharyngitis: causes and treatment

Among the diseases of a catarrhal nature, pharyngitis is one of the most common ailments. We will analyze in detail what kind of disease it is, and also describe the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and methods of treatment

What is calculous cholecystitis?

What is calculous cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis calculus is considered in medicine as a manifestation of cholelithiasis. With this disease, there is a consistent formation of stones in the gallbladder and subsequent inflammation of its walls

Herpes Zoster: symptoms and treatment

Herpes Zoster: symptoms and treatment

Today in medicine, many cases of infection with viral infections of various genesis are diagnosed. For example, the herpes Zoster virus is often found in children, it is he who provokes the development of chicken pox. Having penetrated once into the human body, it never leaves it

Herpes simplex virus: types, analysis, antibodies

Herpes simplex virus: types, analysis, antibodies

Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 on our planet is infected with almost the entire population. Some species are not particularly dangerous, while others, on the contrary, can create serious problems, and in certain cases, for example, during pregnancy, the consequences of the virus can be fatal

Urogenital chlamydia: diagnostic methods, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Urogenital chlamydia: diagnostic methods, symptoms, treatment, prevention

This article will focus on a sexually transmitted infection that occurs in patients of venereal dispensaries in Russia 2-3 times more often than gonorrhea, and, according to statistics, occupies a leading position among such infections in the world

What can increase prolactin? Symptoms and treatment of hyperprolactinemia

What can increase prolactin? Symptoms and treatment of hyperprolactinemia

It's no secret that a normal hormonal background is extremely important for the functioning of the body. And today, many women are interested in the question of what can increase prolactin

Diabetic Nephropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabetic Nephropathy: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabetic nephropathy appears due to the negative impact on the functioning of the kidneys of diabetes. This definition refers to the general classification of renal failure. Such a diagnosis is considered one of the most unfavorable diabetic complications, which determines the further prognosis for such patients

What needs to be done to increase salivation

What needs to be done to increase salivation

Salivation in medical practice is referred to as the term "salivation". This process, which is constantly carried out in the human body, is very important for its functioning

Ischemia of the heart: symptoms, treatment, diet

Ischemia of the heart: symptoms, treatment, diet

The main cause of coronary disease is atherosclerosis. As a result of the narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries, the heart does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients along with the blood. The disease can have several forms, each of which poses a serious threat to human life

Cognitive impairment in adults and children

Cognitive impairment in adults and children

Cognitive impairment is one of the most common neurological symptoms, which indicates that the normal functioning of the brain is disrupted. These violations directly affect the ability of intelligent knowledge of the world. The causes of this pathology can be a number of different diseases. What is the essence of this pathology?

Erysipelas disease (erysipelas): causes, symptoms and treatment

Erysipelas disease (erysipelas): causes, symptoms and treatment

Infectious pathology, which is characterized by damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue as a result of the penetration of streptococcal infection is called erysipelas or erysipelas. According to statistics, older men and women are more likely to get sick

Chronic sleepiness, fatigue and irritability: what to do?

Chronic sleepiness, fatigue and irritability: what to do?

Drowsiness, fatigue and lethargy can actually be symptoms of serious problems. And although it is commonly believed that only lack of sleep and constant stress can lead to such a result, this opinion is not entirely true. After all, the well-known chronic fatigue syndrome is sometimes not connected with the emotional state in any way - quite often it indicates the presence of serious diseases

Fractures of the spine: types and treatment

Fractures of the spine: types and treatment

The spine is the backbone of the human body. It consists of 32-34 vertebrae, which are interconnected by ligaments, cartilage and joints. It can withstand a very heavy load, but when certain factors appear (lifting weight, falling on ice or from a height, hitting, etc.), fractures of the spine may occur. According to statistics, almost 13% of people who have suffered such an injury are disabled

Disk protrusion - pathology of intervertebral discs

Disk protrusion - pathology of intervertebral discs

Disk protrusion is a pathological change in the human body. The disease develops when the intervertebral disc bulges into the spinal canal. With this pathology, the rupture of the fibrous ring does not occur

Arachnoid cyst: treatment and consequences

Arachnoid cyst: treatment and consequences

The human brain is a complex mechanism of the body, which is not fully understood and studied. For many centuries, scientists have been trying to unravel all its mysteries. Sometimes this mechanism can fail, as benign or malignant neoplasms develop in it. Arachnoid cyst is one of the benign brain tumors

Marfan Syndrome: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, inheritance of the disease

Marfan Syndrome: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, inheritance of the disease

Marfan's syndrome is a genetic disease in which pathological changes affect the connective tissue. Because of this, the patient develops disorders in the structure of the skeleton and the work of the heart, and vision deteriorates. This disease is equally common in both men and women. Pathology is noted in 1 case per 10,000 newborns. In the future, painful changes progress and, without treatment, significantly reduce the patient's life expectancy

What is a CSF cyst and what is its size?

What is a CSF cyst and what is its size?

CSF cyst is a fairly rare occurrence, and in itself does not pose a he alth hazard. However, if the formation begins to increase in size, this can lead to unpleasant consequences

Friedreich's Ataxia: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Friedreich's Ataxia: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Friedreich's ataxia is the most common disease among spinocerebellar ataxias, which are characterized by impaired coordination of movements, primarily by unsteady gait. Friedreich's ataxia is a familial hereditary disease that develops in childhood and adolescence. In addition to movement disorders, the patient has progressive scoliosis and other skeletal changes, cardiac and pulmonary complications, areflexia and other diseases. These patients require constant treatment and care

Knee ligament tears

Knee ligament tears

Ligaments are essential tissues in the human body that connect bones together, provide mobility, fixation and support for joints. In case of an unsuccessful fall, they may be stretched. In this case, complete ruptures of the ligaments or a small tear of the fibers are observed. Injuries of this type are most often received by people involved in extreme sports

Causes of knee pain. Alarm signals of the body

Causes of knee pain. Alarm signals of the body

Pain in the knee joint can be both traumatic and pathological in nature. By the nature of the sensations and a number of additional signs, one can first orient oneself in the suspicion of a specific disease, which is often quite serious. The causes of knee pain are many and varied, but only a qualified specialist can correctly recognize them

Fractured patella: symptoms and treatment

Fractured patella: symptoms and treatment

Fracture of the patella is often found in adults. It is usually the result of an injury sustained in an accident or being struck by a sharp object

Three stages of oligophrenia: debility, imbecility, idiocy

Three stages of oligophrenia: debility, imbecility, idiocy

Oligophrenia, which is also called mental retardation, is a pathology caused by a mental defect. The disease contributes to the onset of dementia, which is the result of changes in the cerebral nature

Heart failure: symptoms and treatment

Heart failure: symptoms and treatment

Heart failure as a combination of disorders associated with the deterioration of the contractile functions of the heart muscle is a dangerous pathology for humans. The result of this condition is a deficiency in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the myocardium, which affects the work of all internal organs and systems, and the well-being of a person. Heart failure of varying degrees occurs in both men and women

High blood pressure: causes, symptoms and treatment

High blood pressure: causes, symptoms and treatment

If high blood pressure is not treated, the likelihood of myocardial infarction, heart and kidney failure, and stroke increases. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of malignant hypertension, which in a year without appropriate therapy in 95% of cases ends in the death of the patient

Asthma in children: symptoms, causes, classification and treatment features

Asthma in children: symptoms, causes, classification and treatment features

Asthma in children occurs for a variety of reasons. In particular, various allergens, significant physical exertion, overstrain, taking certain medications, as well as heredity can provoke an attack. Treatment must be comprehensive and lengthy

Bronchitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults. Consequences of bronchitis

Bronchitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults. Consequences of bronchitis

Most diseases can have complications. Bronchitis is one of these pathologies. It develops due to any severe inflammation. Affects the mucous membrane of the bronchi. Complications that occur against the background of pathology are considered a threat

Intermittent bronchial asthma: types, course, help and treatment

Intermittent bronchial asthma: types, course, help and treatment

Article about the symptoms and types of intermittent bronchial asthma. The methods of diagnostics and control of pathology, as well as possible complications are considered

Allergic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

Allergic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

If a person has a strong and persistent cough, then this may be a sign of hypersensitivity of the body. This feature manifests itself in the form of allergic bronchitis. It can occur when exposed to a wide variety of stimuli

Bronchial asthma: signs in a child

Bronchial asthma: signs in a child

Every parent should know how asthma can manifest itself. Signs in a child are usually pronounced. The baby begins bronchospasm, which doctors call bronchial obstruction

Vertebral arteries. Vertebral artery syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Vertebral arteries. Vertebral artery syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The vertebral arteries and their branches feed the cerebellum. With a lack of blood supply, dizziness is likely. This symptom is called vertebrobasilar insufficiency

Leukopenia is serious: how to recognize and cure a dangerous blood disease?

Leukopenia is serious: how to recognize and cure a dangerous blood disease?

A low white blood cell count can be very dangerous to your he alth. How to recognize the disease immediately and what is needed for treatment?

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment

Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive inflammatory and destructive disease of the pancreas. It leads to dysfunction

Thyrotoxicosis - symptoms, treatment, prevention and types

Thyrotoxicosis - symptoms, treatment, prevention and types

A condition in which there is an excess synthesis of thyroid hormones is called thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism. As a result, all the processes for which the thyroid gland is responsible are accelerated, and this significantly increases the load on the individual's body

Dyspeptic disorders: causes, symptoms and treatment

Dyspeptic disorders: causes, symptoms and treatment

Dyspeptic disorders are a whole group of disorders of the normal functioning of the digestive tract, different in their origin and nature. This term is often used in a fairly broad sense and includes many subjective manifestations of gastrointestinal pathologies. Dyspeptic disorders can be caused by a variety of causes and factors, but the main symptoms are always the same