Irritable bowel syndrome is a pathological condition, during which is accompanied by a violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the varieties of the disease is IBS with constipation. In this case, the pathology is characterized by a delay in defecation. In this case, sometimes constipation is replaced by severe diarrhea. According to statistics, 20% of the world's population is affected by the disease. However, most often IBS with constipation is diagnosed in women. Treatment of the disease is carried out by conservative methods. In addition, all patients are shown exercise therapy and diet.
Currently, the exact causes of irritable bowel syndrome are unknown to medicine. Doctors believe that the disease is the result of both physical and mental problems.
The main provoking factors for the development of IBS with constipation are the following diseases and conditions:
- Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses from the brain to the intestines.
- Increased degree of sensitivity. Even with a slight stretching of the intestines with gases, people experience severe pain.
- Motility disorder. If it slows down, the person begins to suffer from constipation.
- Mental disorders. Panic attacks, stress, depression - this is just a partial list of disorders that can provoke the development of IBS with constipation.
- Gastroenteritis of a bacterial nature.
- Dysbiosis. This term refers to the accelerated growth of bacteria in the small intestine. Dysbiosis leads to the development of IBS with constipation and flatulence. In addition, patients have a sharp decrease in body weight.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Unbalanced diet.
Effect of even one factor is enough to cause irritable bowel syndrome. However, patients are often diagnosed with 3-5 conditions. If the disease is multifactorial, clinical manifestations are expressed as clearly as possible.
In the ICD IBS with constipation assigned code K58.9.

Risk factors
No one is immune from the development of the disease. However, according to statistics, the pathology is most often diagnosed in people from 30 to 40 years old.
Risk factors:
- Dysbacteriosis. Against the background of a violation of the microflora, the degree of sensitivity of the intestine increases.
- Worm infestations. In persons suffering from parasitic diseases, the walls of the colon are injured by toxic compounds secreted by worms.
- Different kinds of intestinal infections.
In addition, pregnancy is a risk factor. During the bearing of a child, the likelihood of developing an ailment increases significantly.
Clinical manifestations
The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are paroxysmal. As a rule, their intensity intensifies after a meal.
Main clinical manifestations of IBS:
- Spasms and severe pain. As a rule, they disappear after a cleansing enema or independent bowel movement.
- Persistent constipation.
- Bloating, swelling.
- Meteorism.
- Frequent urge to defecate, ending unsuccessfully.
- Feeling like the bowels have not been completely emptied.
- Appearance of mucous discharge from the anus.
Against the background of these symptoms, patients develop depression. Due to psycho-emotional instability, the course of the pathology gradually worsens.

Currently, there is no study, the results of which would unambiguously confirm the presence of IBS, accompanied by constipation. In order to identify the pathology, doctors prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis.
It includes the following studies:
- Stool analysis. Used to detect parasites or blood impurities.
- Clinical blood test. Based on the results of the study, the doctor can judge the presence or absence in the bodyinfectious agents.
- A blood test by ELISA for celiac disease. This disease has similar clinical manifestations.
- Colonoscopy. During the study, the condition of the colon and rectum is assessed.
- Sigmoidoscopy. Allows you to identify any pathology in the sigmoid and rectum.
- CT.
- MRI of the pelvis and abdomen.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor makes the most effective treatment regimen for IBS with constipation.

Conservative therapies
The disease requires an integrated approach. In all cases, the treatment of IBS with constipation involves medication.
Groups of drugs prescribed for pathology:
- Anspasmodics. Helps reduce the severity of pain. The main disadvantage of antispasmodics is that, while taking them, many patients experience heartburn and a burning sensation in the anus. Examples of funds: Duspatalin, Mebeverin, Niaspam, Spareks.
- Laxatives. After taking the volume of feces increases, in addition, they liquefy, which allows them to gently and painlessly leave the body. One of the active components of laxatives is fiber. It is she who contributes to the increase in feces in volume. In order for the swollen masses to come out unhindered, it is necessary to drink as much pure non-carbonated water as possible during treatment. Doctors say that before bedtime you should not take these funds. As a rule, doctorsprescribe "Citrucel" and "Metamucil".
- Antidepressants. The psycho-emotional state of most patients requires serious correction. For this purpose, doctors prescribe the following medications: Amitriptyline, Citalopram, Imipramine, Fluoxetine.
- Probiotics. These funds contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. The active components of the preparations also eliminate bloating, flatulence and pain. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following remedies: Rioflora, Linex, Acipol, Hilak Forte.
To increase the degree of effectiveness of treatment, experts advise taking a course of physiotherapy and hypnotherapy. According to medical reviews, IBS with constipation is not a sentence. It is enough to follow the recommendations of specialists so that the pathology recedes in a short time.

Physical activity
Several years ago an experiment was conducted in Sweden. Its essence was to assess the he alth status of two groups of people. The first included people who for several months led a habitual lifestyle that did not imply even a moderate degree of physical activity. The second group consisted of persons who performed a simple set of exercises three times a week, ran and rode a bicycle. According to the results of the study, physical activity is extremely beneficial for IBS. Half of the participants in the second group disappeared constipation and flatulence, as well as pain.
Thus, doctors recommend that each patient at least 2-3 times a week expose their body to moderate physicalloads.
Diet for IBS with constipation
Correction of diet and diet is one of the main steps in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. The diet should be such that the process of normal functioning of the digestive tract starts. In addition, nutrition for IBS with constipation must be balanced so that the internal organs do not experience a deficiency of vital components.
Eat every 3 hours. At the same time, the size of one serving should not exceed 200 g. The daily calorie content of the patient's diet should be about 2500 kcal.
For IBS with constipation, the following products must be present on the menu:
- Bread (black or bran).
- Cold vegetable soups (like okroshka).
- Fermented milk products (one-day, the next day, on the contrary, it will contribute to constipation).
- Meat and lean fish.
- Fruits and vegetables both fresh and boiled.
- Butter and vegetable oils.
- Porridge (barley, barley, buckwheat).
- Dried fruit compote.
- Med.
- Jam.
- Prunes.
- Beets.
- Pumpkin.
- Carrot.
Diet for IBS with constipation and flatulence implies a complete rejection of the following foods:
- Carbonated drinks.
- Confectionery and flour products.
- Kissel.
- Potatoes.
- Cabbage.
- Mashed cereals.
- Whole milk.
- Tea.
- Coffee.
- Chocolate.
- Grapes.
- Beans.
- Rye bread.
All meals must be warm. Eating foods that are too hot or too cold can make irritable bowel syndrome worse.

Folk remedies
It is permissible to resort to non-traditional methods of treating IBS with constipation. However, it is important to remember that the use of folk remedies cannot be considered as the main therapy. In addition, you must first consult with your doctor.
The most effective are the following recipes:
- Take equal proportions of chamomile flowers, valerian roots, mint leaves and buckthorn bark. Grind raw materials. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting collection and pour it with 250 ml of water. Put the container of liquid on the fire. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain. Take twice a day before meals, 50 ml.
- In equal proportions, take birch, sage, linden, calendula and cornflower. Grind and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour it with 200 ml of water. Put the container on fire. Boil for 15 minutes. Cool the resulting liquid and strain. Take 50 ml twice daily before meals.
- Cut off some fleshy aloe leaves. Rinse them thoroughly. Chop the leaves. Using gauze, squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry. Take 1 tsp. healing liquid and add it to 200 ml of boiled water. Drink the resulting drink before the meal.
It is important to remember that all medicinal plants arepotential allergens. If signs of an adverse reaction occur, the treatment of IBS with folk remedies must be completed.

Possible Complications
Ignoring the symptoms of the disease leads to various negative consequences. Despite the fact that the course of the disease is not accompanied by the appearance of changes at the cellular and tissue level, it remains very dangerous.
Doctors have identified a pattern between IBS and depression. Persons with the syndrome are much more likely to suffer from psycho-emotional instability. In addition, a person simply gets used to uncomfortable sensations and does not always notice the development of other pathologies in time, which pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to life.
Doctors' recommendations
All people with constipated IBS are advised by doctors to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition, it is important to follow a diet and exercise regularly.
Doctors also recommend contacting a medical institution if you feel the slightest deterioration.

Instead of a conclusion
Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation is a pathological condition, manifested by painful sensations, bloating and flatulence. At the first warning signs, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will issue a referral for diagnostic measures and, based on their results, will draw up the most effective treatment regimen.