If the blisters on the body itch - see a doctor

If the blisters on the body itch - see a doctor
If the blisters on the body itch - see a doctor

Allergic reactions. What is their danger?

Sometimes it happens that all of a sudden rashes appear on the body in the form of red spots, which disappear just as quickly. Most likely, it may be an allergic reaction caused by the use of some products. Allergy provocateurs most often become citrus fruits, chocolate and nuts are not excluded. The use of exotic products, such as spices, often leads to such an unpleasant condition when blisters on the skin itch. An allergic reaction that starts out harmlessly often leads to a life-threatening condition. To avoid the recurrence of spots, you need to establish control over your

itchy blisters on the body
itchy blisters on the body

diet. Food allergies are quite common. To prevent its exacerbation, it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption of sweet, smoked, s alty or fatty foods. Even when the symptoms disappear quickly enough, it remains relevant to consult an allergist who will help identify foods that can cause allergies.

Other reasons why body blisters itch

Various medications, vitamin complexes (groupB, C) also pose a threat of an allergic reaction.

red blisters on the body itchy
red blisters on the body itchy

Stress can also lead to a situation where blisters on the body itch. If the result of nervous overexcitation is such a skin reaction, then there is a need for the help of a neurologist.

Severe skin disease can be the cause of this kind of spots. These include: ringworm, psoriasis or eczema. The true reason why red blisters on the body itch can only be established by a dermatologist. Only a specialist doctor can prescribe the correct and necessary treatment. In order to avoid possible complications when using the wrong therapy, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. It is also unacceptable to resort to lotions or compresses in such situations.

itchy skin blisters
itchy skin blisters

Water bubbles on the body

Water blisters are a common symptom of infectious diseases such as chicken pox and shingles. Chickenpox is more common in children. Typical for this disease is that different stages of the rash appear on the body:

  • Papules.
  • Bubbles.
  • Scabs and scars.

A person suffering from smallpox ceases to pose a danger to others only when the bubbles are covered with a crust.

Bubbles on the body also appear when infected with the herpes virus. They deliver a pronounced discomfort to the patient, not only because they violate the general well-being, causepain, but also because the blisters on the body itch.

Treatment and prevention of blisters

Treatment and amount of therapy will depend on the specific disease that led to the rash, on the location, size of the rash, stage of the disease and other factors. With a food allergy, it will be enough to establish control over nutrition and eliminate the product that causes it from the diet.

The course of therapy for neurological disorders involves taking sedatives that will help improve the general condition of the patient.

Skin diseases will require longer treatment, during which, in addition to pills (antihistamines, hormonal drugs), creams and ointments are used.

If blisters on the body itch, you first need to contact either a dermatologist or an infectious disease specialist.
