How does indigestion manifest in children? The symptoms of this pathological condition will be listed below. You will also learn why this disease develops and how it should be treated.

Basic information
Indigestion in children is quite common. As you know, the mentioned organ is one of the main elements that make up the human digestive system. Interruptions in his work have a negative impact not only on the well-being of the patient, but also on his he alth in general.
Functional indigestion in children is a special condition in which one of the functions of the organ in question is disturbed (for example, motor or secretory). At the same time, a small patient feels a noticeable pain in the epigastrium and experiences a significant feeling of discomfort.
A characteristic feature of this condition is the absence of any structural changes in the gastric mucosa. Thus, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a patient interview, symptoms, test results andother research.
Varieties of the disease, their causes
Indigestion in children, or rather its variety, is determined by several factors that caused an imbalance in its work. Primary disorders are independent diseases. The main reasons for their development are as follows:
- non-observance of the correct diet (including overeating, irregular meals, abuse of smoked, fatty and spicy foods, lack of microelements and vitamins in the body, passion for strict diets, poor-quality chewing of food);
- emotional or mental disorders;
- allergic reactions to any food;
- taking strong medications that adversely affect the work of the stomach;
- tobacco and alcohol intoxication, as well as harmful working conditions;
- parasitoses;
- atmospheric influences (including radiation, elevated air temperature, various vibrations);
- hard physical activity.

Why does indigestion occur in children? The secondary causes of this pathology are accompanying factors or the consequences of other diseases of the internal organs. These include the following:
- vascular and heart diseases;
- malfunctions of the digestive tract;
- disturbances in the endocrine system;
- chronic infections;
- organic or functional diseasesCNS.
Most often, indigestion in children occurs not because of one, but because of several factors that were mentioned above.
Symptoms of disease
Now you know what constitutes such a pathological condition as indigestion. Symptoms in children, however, as in adults, can be different. In modern medicine, several clinical pictures of this disease are distinguished:
- dyspeptic;
- pain;
- mixed.
Usually functional indigestion in children is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as pain in the epigastric region. At the same time, both children and adults talk about paroxysmal pains, which are usually concentrated in the navel and are intermittent.
Babies with this pathology may develop mild soreness, especially when pressing on the stomach.

Signs of illness
If a child has a temperature and indigestion, you should definitely contact your pediatrician. It is also necessary to visit a doctor if a small patient has poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, as well as belching with a smell of rotten or sour food and nausea turning into vomiting.
According to experts, a strong gag reflex in a child may indicate the presence of pylorospasm. It should also be noted that difficulties in swallowing food in a baby may indicate the development of cardiospasm.
Other symptoms of illness
HowIs there an upset stomach in children (treatment of such a disease should be carried out only by a gastroenterologist)? The disease in question in babies is often accompanied by excessive sweating, emotional instability, instability of the heart and blood vessels, as well as other internal organs.
It should also be noted that such a disorder of the main digestive organ has special forms in which symptoms such as aerophagia (that is, strong belching of air), acute expansion of the stomach and habitual vomiting (including sudden bouts of vomiting) are observed.
All of these symptoms require special attention from doctors. But in order to make a correct diagnosis, one should rely not only on the identified signs of the disorder, but also on the results of the tests. Only in this case, the specialist will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment, as well as adjust the diet of his patient.
According to statistics, children and adolescents suffer from stomach upset much more often than adults. This fact is explained by the fact that it is young people, who are inextricably linked with computers and other electronic equipment, who regularly experience psycho-emotional overload. By the way, against this background, many children and teenagers forget about regular and full-fledged meals, snacking on hamburgers and washing them down with highly carbonated drinks. Usually the results of such behavior are not long in coming.

Child has an upset stomach: what to do?
Modern food is notalways meet all quality and safety requirements. Therefore, diseases of the digestive tract came out on top among all others.
Very often this problem occurs in young children and adolescents, especially if their parents do not particularly monitor their diet. So how to treat an upset stomach in a child? To eliminate the cause of this disease, doctors recommend using non-drug methods. As them, experts offer the following:
- Normalization of the diet. These include the choice of high-quality and safe products, the presence of various hot dishes on the menu, the regularity of meals, the absence of coffee, hot chocolate and carbonated water among the drinks consumed, as well as the complete exclusion of fried, spicy, fatty and s alty foods.
- If an upset stomach in an adult is associated with harmful working conditions, then they must be eliminated. To do this, you should refuse to work at night, as well as cancel frequent business trips.
- He althy lifestyle. This method of eliminating the causes of gastric upset involves regular sports and physical education, alternating work and rest, and giving up bad habits (for example, smoking or alcohol abuse).
In most cases, with indigestion, such measures can not only significantly improve the patient's condition, but also eliminate malfunctions in other internal organs.
Temperature and indigestion in a child can be observed not only in early, but also in adolescence. By the way, in such children, the signs of the pathology in question are very similar to gastritis. Morphological confirmation is required for a more accurate diagnosis.
Drugs for indigestion in children are used for more serious disorders, as well as the presence of a huge number of symptoms of this disease. In addition, in this condition, the patient is prescribed a special diet.

Medicated treatment
Which remedy for indigestion for children should I use? Experts say that to eliminate motor disorders, babies can be prescribed medications from the following groups: antispasmodics, anticholinergics, selective cholinomimetics and prokinetics. If it is necessary to correct secretory disorders, then doctors recommend the use of antacids or anticholinergics.
In vegetative disorders, it is allowed to use drugs and various herbs that have a sedative effect. Also, with such a pathology, acupuncture, antidepressants, electrosleep, massage, gymnastics, and water procedures are often used. If gastric disorders arose due to psycho-emotional overload, then a psychiatrist's consultation is indicated.
Treatment of young children
If teenagers and adults with indigestion can be prescribed various drugs and other procedures, then for young children such treatments will not work. So what to do if a similar disease occurs in a baby?
The main condition for successful treatment of indigestion inyoung child is to drink enough fluids, which helps prevent dehydration.
If, with gastric pathologies, a child willingly and more often takes a breast, as well as a bottle with a mixture, then he should not be limited in this. Also, in addition, the baby is required to give an electrolytic solution. The drug "Regidron" can act as it. This tool will help restore the water balance in the child's body.
According to experts, in case of stomach disorders, fruit juices with glucose should not be given to a child. Also, kids are not allowed to drink carbonated drinks. If you neglect this advice, then the listed products will contribute to increased diarrhea and significantly aggravate the condition of the child. By the way, it is not recommended to give babies fixing drugs, as they are contraindicated for children under 12 years old.

If a sick child is already 6 months old, then with the development of severe diarrhea, he can be given mashed ripe banana or rice water. For older children, starchy foods and chicken are ideal.
If a loose stool with an upset stomach in a child is observed for two days or more, and dietary restrictions do not affect his condition in any way, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is not recommended to purchase medicines intended for the treatment of this condition in pharmacies on your own.
Sequence of actions
Expediencythe use of certain drugs, their doses, as well as the duration of therapy for gastric disorders are determined only by the doctor.
If the disease in question has secondary causes of development, then treatment should be directed both at eliminating the main symptoms and at those pathologies that caused the disorder itself. To do this, a sick child or an adult with complaints of severe pain in the stomach must register with a general practitioner or gastroenterologist for a period of 12 months. At the same time, examinations of the patient should be carried out every six months.
Diet for an upset stomach in a child is very important for the healing process. The correct diet for a baby or an adult is prescribed by a doctor. In this case, the doctor must give the patient a brochure indicating the prohibited and permitted products.
In especially severe cases, the patient is prescribed sedatives, as well as moderate exercise.
If, after some time, the main signs of gastric disorders no longer recur, then more intensive therapy is not required. In this case, the patient is deregistered.
If you do not see a doctor in time for an upset stomach, then the child may experience serious disorders in the digestive tract, which can turn into peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis. In this case, the symptoms and treatment will differ significantly.

Disease prevention and dietary advice
Proper nutrition of a child with indigestion hasvery important. Usually a special diet is used during an exacerbation of the disease. At the same time, nicotinic acid and additional vitamins C and group B are included in the child's diet.
All meals intended for a sick baby must be steamed only. Also, products can be consumed boiled.
Eating with indigestion should be fractional, that is, up to 6 times a day. As the main symptoms of the disease are eliminated, the patient is transferred to a balanced diet. He is also recommended a sparing diet.
What preventive measures can you take to prevent indigestion for you and your child? The primary prevention of the disease in question is the introduction of a he althy lifestyle. This will not only entail the elimination of many causes that cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, but will simply improve the patient's condition.
According to experts, proper observance of the daily routine, lack of physical overload, a balanced diet, and the elimination of nervous tension will help to significantly reduce the number of patients, including children, with the above diagnosis.
If a child has diseases of the abdominal organs or helminthic invasions are observed that contribute to the development of gastric disorders, then preventive measures should be carried out in conjunction with the treatment that is being carried out at this point in time. In order to rehabilitate a small patient, he is shown sanatorium therapy.