Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, which often develops against the background of other diseases of the respiratory system. Bacteria and viruses provoke the pathological process, but it can begin due to hypothermia, physical and mental overwork, unbalanced nutrition or smoking. The inflammatory process can have two types of course: acute and chronic.

Signs of disease
The main symptom of pneumonia is a high temperature, up to 39C, and fever, cough with copious sputum, constant shortness of breath. There may be pain in the chest. Also, all patients suffer from constant weakness, impaired appetite, sleep problems, sweating, fatigue. In addition, wheezing is heard when listening. Often, a symptom of pneumonia or a complex of those is mistaken for the flu or acute respiratory infections and do not go to the doctor. But if all these signs are present, it should be remembered that only the attending physician can make a final diagnosis, because self-treatment of this disease in most cases leads to death.
Before drawing conclusions about the presence of the disease, it is necessary to conduct an x-rayexamination, make a clinical blood test, in some cases it is impossible to do without computed tomography of the lungs. And the sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the sooner the disease will be defeated.

Sputum character
The underlying symptom of pneumonia is a cough and may be accompanied by a variety of sputum. Rusty color indicates a croupous form of the disease, purulent - the presence of a bacterial, often streptococcal infection, blood impurities indicate a serious lesion of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Another symptom of pneumonia that can accompany a cough is shortness of breath, i.e. lack of air. It can be permanent, appear suddenly or during exercise.
Occult pneumonia: symptoms
In some cases, this disease occurs in an invisible (hidden) form, without fever, but with a slight cough. Such a course of the process is dangerous to he alth, so it is important to diagnose it in time. If the cough does not go away within a few weeks, then you should definitely contact a specialist who will refer the patient to an x-ray, listen to the lungs, auscultate and prescribe adequate treatment.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia, you now know, but how is the treatment? Most often in a hospital, but there are cases when it is possible at home, and certain conditions are necessary for this. If, nevertheless, it came to calling a doctor, it is necessaryput the patient to bed, wrap him in a blanket and drink tea with lemon or raspberries. If you cough with sputum, then hot drinks are strictly contraindicated. It is also not recommended to bring down the temperature if it is not higher than 38 degrees. Treatment of pneumonia is aimed at removing the inflammatory process. Key Recovery Activities:
• Strict bed rest.
• The room in which the sick person is kept must be kept clean.
• Oral and skin hygiene.
• Drink plenty of water.
• The patient's food should be vitamin, high-calorie, rich in trace elements.
• Special massage for expectoration.
• Alkaline and saline inhalations.
• Setting mustard plasters, jars, warm compresses.
• Use of expectorants.
If you follow all these recommendations and follow the doctor's prescription, the treatment will be successful. After recovery, it is advisable to strengthen your he alth by taking a ticket to the sea or to a sanatorium.