Degree of obesity by BMI. Formula for calculating body mass index

Degree of obesity by BMI. Formula for calculating body mass index
Degree of obesity by BMI. Formula for calculating body mass index

In many developed countries, the number of overweight people exceeds 50%, moreover, their number is steadily growing from year to year. Increasing the level of comfort, passion for fast food, lack of active physical activity on the body negatively affects the harmony of the current generation.

degree of obesity according to BMI
degree of obesity according to BMI

Overweight problems

Excess weight is an extra load on the joints, blood vessels, liver, and as a result - diseases of the heart, arteries and veins, and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, it is simply ugly, because excess fat can ruin the most beautiful appearance by nature, and with it self-esteem and the attitude of others. At the same time, excessive thinness also never paints anyone and brings no less he alth problems than being overweight.

degree of obesity according to body mass index
degree of obesity according to body mass index

It is important to stick to the golden mean in order to feel he althy and sociable. BMI - body mass index will help to understand this. Before determining the body mass index, you should know the exactheight and weight indicators.

What is BMI?

How to determine the body mass index? After all, it is this indicator that characterizes how much a person’s mass coincides with the medical calculation norm. Determining the degree of obesity by BMI is quite simple, for this you need to perform simple calculations. Of the auxiliary material, you only need a calculator.

The formula for calculating body mass index is as follows:

body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared

How important is the connection between BMI and he alth

It is important to remember that maintaining your ideal weight is an important step towards maintaining your own he alth. There are degrees of obesity according to body mass index. If the body mass index is less than normal, then there is a deficiency of nutrients that are so necessary for the body. At the same time, the risk of developing endocrine and gastrointestinal diseases associated with insufficient amounts of nutrients in the body increases. The weight of such a person is less than normal, perhaps too accelerated metabolism, diet or poor appetite is to blame. He most likely has an energy imbalance.

What is energy balance? The mass of the human body directly depends on the number of calories that it receives from food. On the other hand, each person spends a certain amount of energy on biological processes. With a normal BMI, energy intake is equal to energy expenditure, and as a result, a person has a normal weight. Energy in this case is measured in calories.

Energy and calories

Dietitians use the term kilocalorie (kcal) to develop nutrition for ideal weight. Each food product has its own calorie content, that is, a certain number of kilocalories, and hence a certain amount of energy. The calorie content of food consumed is determined by the amount and calorie content of the products themselves. Knowing the approximate energy costs during active sports and physical activity, by consuming an approximate number of kilocalories from food, you can regulate the amount of incoming and outgoing energy, thereby maintaining an ideal body weight.

how to determine body mass index
how to determine body mass index

Everyone is able to calculate the degree of obesity by BMI and find a balance between getting and spending kcal, increasing physical activity or reducing the nutrition of their diet.

What your BMI tells you

Now more about the BMI value, which can be obtained using the formula for calculating body mass index. It consists in dividing the weight by the square of a person's height.

This index cannot be called an ideal characteristic of a person's weight, but it is more important for he alth than the readings of the scales, since each person is individual in his physique, and his weight largely depends on the size of the skeleton. In addition, this formula is not suitable for growing organisms - children and adolescents. For athletes or people involved in bodybuilding, it is also unacceptable. As you know, muscle is much heavier than fat, and a muscular athlete may not correspond to the degree of obesity on the body mass index, while in excellent physical shape.

Everyone else can check their body condition by calculating their BMI. It is important to know that the risk of developing various diseases increases the higher the body mass index.

Table of relationship between body condition and BMI

BMI Body condition
under 18, 5 Low body weight, nutrient deficiencies
18, 5-24, 9 Ideal body weight
25-29, 9 The presence of extra pounds
30-34, 9 Obesity stage 1
35-39, 9 Obesity stage 2
over 40 Obesity stage 3

Depending on the indicators, obesity is classified by BMI:

  • low BMI;
  • normal BMI;
  • overweight;
  • obesity.


BMI less than 18.5 - underweight, the body does not receive enough nutrients from food or energy expenditure is too intense. In this case, it is necessary to establish a full-fledged three meals a day, at least, with snacks in between, so that the body has the opportunity to replenish the missing energy reserves.

If the coefficient of obesity through height and weight falls within 18, 5-25, then the weight is normal from a medical point of view, although modern girls may strive to reduce it, believing that their figures are not slender enough. With a normal body mass index, it is very important to keep it at this level, eat right and be active.he althy lifestyle.


BMI is 25-30, which means that the owner of such a body is overweight. This is not very dangerous for he alth, but the load on all internal organs and joints is increased, which threatens with some problems, from increased pressure to the development of diabetes and coronary disease. It is quite obvious that body weight increases due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. But the genetic characteristics of each person are different, and with the same number of calories consumed, one person can remain thin, while the other rapidly gain weight. It is necessary to return to weight as soon as possible, by balancing nutrition and burning more kilocalories so that energy costs exceed the kcal coming from food.

body mass index formula
body mass index formula

What threatens obesity?

The degree of obesity by BMI gives the most accurate description of the appearance and he alth of a person. First of all, it should be understood that obesity is a disease, with all its inherent causes, development mechanism, clinical manifestations and methods of treatment. If the highest degree of obesity according to BMI is observed, then the body is at risk. It is necessary to lose weight immediately, it is better under the supervision of a doctor and a nutritionist. At the same time, the rejection of the usual high-calorie food should be carried out gradually, since getting rid of extra pounds too quickly can significantly disrupt metabolism. Nutrition needs to be built in such a way that at the same time all organs, including bones and joints, receive the necessary nutrients. OtherwiseIn this case, the body runs the risk of weakening its restorative powers and increasing the risk of various diseases. It is necessary to lose weight by changing the quantity of foods consumed, not their quality.

body mass index table
body mass index table

At the same time, one should not refuse the usual food - this is also a solid stress for the body. It is necessary to gradually reduce the intake of high-calorie foods, especially fatty ones. Low-calorie foods, especially vegetables, can be consumed in larger quantities, gradually replacing fatty and high-calorie foods. For each person, there should be an individual plan for losing or gaining weight. The number of calories burned daily depends on the level of physical activity, so it is important to determine your level, because the daily need for losing weight in kilocalories depends on it. The rate required for weight loss can range from 1200 to 1800 kcal per day. It is only necessary to adhere to these rules and advice, and this is the most difficult thing for a modern person.

What makes you overweight?

The main reasons for the formation of extra pounds and obesity are the following factors.

  1. Excess high-calorie foods in the diet, most often carbohydrates.
  2. obesity rate through height and weight
    obesity rate through height and weight
  3. Features of temperament and metabolism, hereditary tendency to obesity.
  4. Traditions and habits of the family, which are accompanied by plentiful feasts.
  5. Restriction of active physical activity. Reluctance to play sports, passive recreation.
  6. Endocrine diseases. In this case, we are talking about endocrine metabolic disorders that lead to obesity, often associated with congenital pathology or genetic diseases.
  7. Taking hormonal drugs that can lead to dramatic weight gain. After their cancellation, the weight most often returns to the previous one.

Parting words for fat people

A he althy, active lifestyle is essential for every person. It is not necessary to play sports to burn calories, it is enough to find your own version of easy physical activity and do it regularly to put your body mass index in order. A calorie energy expenditure chart can help.

classification of obesity by BMI
classification of obesity by BMI

You can do it alone, doing a set of exercises every day or jog in the morning, or you can join a he alth group of like-minded people and spend time in society with benefit. Everything is individual, the main thing is not to give up, not to go on about age, laziness and stomach, but to maintain the he alth and beauty of your body for as long as possible, despite the years.
