Health 2024, October

Cubital canal syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Cubital canal syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatment

Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve compression syndrome) develops when the ulnar nerve is compressed in the cubital tunnel. Nerves are designed to conduct impulses throughout the body. They begin with the brain and spinal cord and end with all organs of the human system

Constant thirst and dry mouth: causes, treatments, reviews

Constant thirst and dry mouth: causes, treatments, reviews

Persistent thirst and dry mouth are the result of a decrease in moisture in the oral mucosa. It is the result of many causes - physiological or pathological. In this case, the work of the oral glands (salivary) is disrupted. They may produce saliva that is too viscous or too little

Intervertebral hernia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intervertebral hernia: causes, symptoms and treatment

The article describes the essence of the intervertebral hernia, indicates the main causes of this pathology, its clinical manifestations, as well as treatment methods

Lasegue symptom: causes. Treatment of diseases accompanied by Lasegue symptom

Lasegue symptom: causes. Treatment of diseases accompanied by Lasegue symptom

Lasegue's symptom in neurology was discovered by a French doctor and subsequently named after him. Back in the middle of the 19th century, the doctor noticed: if the patient, lying on his back, raises his straightened leg, there is a sharp pain in the lumbar part of the body, which instantly disappears when the person bends the limb

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a very common disease, which is popularly known as "sciatica". The disease is accompanied by pain attacks in the lower extremities, which become more frequent as the pathological process progresses. Patients with a similar diagnosis need timely medical attention

Chickenpox in a child. Symptoms and treatment

Chickenpox in a child. Symptoms and treatment

Chickenpox, or chicken pox, as it is popularly called, is a contagious disease of an infectious nature. A person can get sick with it at almost any age. Moreover, the transferred disease contributes to the development of the body's lifelong immunity to it

How is chickenpox treated in children in Russia and abroad?

How is chickenpox treated in children in Russia and abroad?

Many parents, faced with this disease, are looking for information: what is the treatment for chickenpox in children. Unfortunately, the acceleration of the course of chickenpox is impossible. It goes away on its own with time. It is possible and necessary only to alleviate the condition of the child with the help of medicines and the observance of basic hygiene standards. What are they? Read about it in this article

Toe fungus in children: causes, symptoms, treatments, drugs

Toe fungus in children: causes, symptoms, treatments, drugs

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a fungal infection of the nail plate. This disease occurs in both adults and children. The main causative agents of onychomycosis are dermatophyte fungi. If left untreated, the fungus spreads to the skin and can cause complications

Chlamydia in the mouth: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, list of drugs

Chlamydia in the mouth: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, list of drugs

What is chlamydia. Routes of infection and symptoms of the disease. Diagnosis of oral chlamydia. Features of treatment and treatment with folk remedies. Nutrition for chlamydia and prevention. Prognosis for chlamydia

Whistling when inhaling in an adult and a child: possible diseases and methods of treatment

Whistling when inhaling in an adult and a child: possible diseases and methods of treatment

At any age, breathing should be natural, without extraneous noise, wheezing, effort. The unconscious process of breathing should be calm, silent. Any changes and the appearance of extraneous wheezing and whistling during inhalation or exhalation become the first signal of diseases

No toilet urge for the most part - why and what to do?

No toilet urge for the most part - why and what to do?

Reasons for the absence of the urge to go to the toilet in adults and children. What to do if there is no urge to empty for a long time. Possible complications and main methods of treatment. Adhering to a special diet for constipation

Astigmatism in a child under one year old: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Astigmatism in a child under one year old: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

What is astigmatism in children. Description and classification of the disease. The main causes of astigmatism in children and the symptoms of manifestations. Diagnostic measures and features of treatment. Disease prevention

How to cut tonsils: indications, purpose and methods of removal

How to cut tonsils: indications, purpose and methods of removal

What are tonsils, what are they for. Their structure and functional purpose in the body. Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils. Diagnosis and main methods of removal of tonsils. Indications and contraindications for surgical intervention. Advantages and disadvantages of removal methods. Rehabilitation and possible complications

Dyshidrotic dermatitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Dyshidrotic dermatitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

What is dyshidrotic dermatitis. The main causes of the disease in adults and children. Clinical signs of manifestation of dyshidrotic dermatitis. Diagnosis of the disease. Features and methods of treatment. Preventive measures to prevent the disease

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Lumbarization of the S1 vertebra belongs to the category of rare anomalies, which appears as a result of deviations in the development of the spine. Pathology is diagnosed in only 2% of people who present with low back pain. It is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner, which will later avoid serious he alth complications

Parenchymal pancreatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment and special diet

Parenchymal pancreatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment and special diet

Pancreatitis is a disease that develops against the background of pancreatic dysfunction. One of the most common types of pathology is parenchymal pancreatitis. This chronic form of the disease, the development of which is caused by damage to the parenchyma of the organ with progressive factors, which, if left untreated, leads to its atrophy

Swollen tonsils: how to treat, what drugs to take and how to help at home

Swollen tonsils: how to treat, what drugs to take and how to help at home

Unpleasant feeling when the tonsils become inflamed and it hurts to swallow is common in both adults and children. This condition is especially often diagnosed during seasonal infections (SARS, influenza). Inflammation of the tonsils is a kind of body reaction to the penetration of a pathogen, since they act as a protective barrier to infection. You need to know how to treat swollen tonsils at home to prevent possible complications

Subcapsular cyst of the kidney: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests and treatment

Subcapsular cyst of the kidney: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests and treatment

In the kidneys, as in any other organ, the formation of various cysts is possible. Of these, only about 4% of diagnosed cases are congenital pathologies, the rest are formed in the process of growing up. One of the varieties of such neoplasms is the subcapsular cyst of the kidney

Renal sinus cyst of the left kidney: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Renal sinus cyst of the left kidney: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The cyst of the renal sinus of the left kidney is one of the varieties of neoplasms that can form in the organ. It belongs to the category of simple benign growths and, with timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment, does not have a negative impact on human he alth. Despite the favorable prognosis, there are some features of the pathology that give reason to worry

What does a person's spleen hurt from? What is the responsibility of the spleen in the body? Diseases of the spleen

What does a person's spleen hurt from? What is the responsibility of the spleen in the body? Diseases of the spleen

The spleen is still the most mysterious organ in the body, which many remember only when pain occurs in the left hypochondrium. This is a warning sign that should not be ignored. There are no pain receptors in the organ, and an attack of pain can only be caused by stretching or damage to the capsule surrounding the pulp due to a change in the structure of the organ and pressure on adjacent tissues

Normal blood sugar levels: norm and deviations, verification methods and ways to normalize

Normal blood sugar levels: norm and deviations, verification methods and ways to normalize

Blood sugar is considered one of the important indicators of he alth. Any deviation up or down threatens with serious complications. A feature of the carbohydrate indicator is that this unit is unstable, due to internal and external factors, it changes daily, and at certain periods of life. In medicine, generally accepted normal indicators of human blood sugar are distinguished, on the basis of which one can judge possible diseases

The child has a stuffy nose - what to do? How to wash your child's nose at home

The child has a stuffy nose - what to do? How to wash your child's nose at home

Nasal congestion in a child is a fairly common and widespread phenomenon. If the pathological process continues for a long time, then this negatively affects the general condition. Therefore, it is worth figuring out if the child’s nose is clogged, what parents should do and how to alleviate the baby’s condition

How to beat alcoholism: treatment methods and useful tips

How to beat alcoholism: treatment methods and useful tips

There is still no logical explanation for why modern society is so prone to alcoholism. As a result, he althy people, falling into the whirlpool of this addiction, practically turn into disabled people. Despite the relative functionality of all organs and systems in their body, they cease to be aware of their actions and gradually move away from society

What is the danger of Staphylococcus aureus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

What is the danger of Staphylococcus aureus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous and widespread type of infection that a person has to face throughout his life. There is not a single internal organ where the pathogen could not get through. Its main feature is that it constantly mutates and learns not to react to the action of antibiotics. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out whether Staphylococcus aureus is dangerous for others, what diseases it causes and what medicines are needed for treatment

How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at home?

How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at home?

How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at home? The use of drugs and effective folk remedies. The main types of the disease and provoking factors. Practical recommendations and prevention

Delirious syndrome: types, symptoms, causes and treatment

Delirious syndrome: types, symptoms, causes and treatment

What is a delirious syndrome. The main types of pathology and characteristic symptoms. Causes of the disease and possible treatment. Practical recommendations, consequences and known stages of the syndrome

Desmoid fibroma: causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis and treatment

Desmoid fibroma: causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis and treatment

What is a desmoid fibroma. The main causes of the appearance, the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Necessary diagnostics, types of pathology and effective methods of treatment. Practical recommendations

Diverticulosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diverticulosis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is diverticulosis? The main reasons leading to the development of the disease. Characteristic symptoms and features of the course of the disease. Conducted diagnostic measures and effective methods of treatment. Nutrition

Catarrhal otitis in children: treatment and symptoms

Catarrhal otitis in children: treatment and symptoms

What is catarrhal otitis in children. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of the disease. Types of pathology and their features of the course. Effective therapies, medications used and practical recommendations

Reproductive he alth - what is it? What are its components and characteristics

Reproductive he alth - what is it? What are its components and characteristics

Our way of life will certainly leave an imprint on the state of the body. Various diseases appear, chronic problems are overcome, including reproductive he alth of a person

Mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies

Mastopathy: treatment with folk remedies

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland, which is manifested by the pathological growth of its tissues. Treatment of mastopathy usually includes not only taking medications, but also the use of various folk remedies: decoctions and herbal tinctures, ointments and lotions

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home: a review of medicines and folk remedies

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home: a review of medicines and folk remedies

There are quite a lot of methods on how to quickly cure a runny nose. It is necessary to choose those that will bring the greatest benefit and will not cause allergies

Twisting the knees: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Twisting the knees: causes, possible diseases, treatment

One of the most common causes of twisting knees is injury. Injury can be obtained not only from a blow or a fall, but also from an unsuccessful bend of the leg. If the cause of pain is a blow to the leg, then the pain will increase with physical activity

Kidney stone: symptoms in men, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney stone: symptoms in men, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

One of the common ailments of the urinary system is urolithiasis, in which a kidney stone forms. Symptoms in men may not appear at all for a long time. Most patients are not even aware of the presence of the disease. But if he makes himself felt, then the person experiences a number of painful sensations

Cystitis after intimacy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cystitis after intimacy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pathogenesis is the process of origin and further development of a disease. With cystitis, a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms enter the bladder through the urinary canal. This path of the disease is called urethral, simply speaking, ascending

Thrush with breastfeeding: causes and treatment of thrush during breastfeeding

Thrush with breastfeeding: causes and treatment of thrush during breastfeeding

Thrush with breastfeeding is a very common occurrence. Moreover, it occurs even during pregnancy, when the woman's immunity is greatly reduced. Not having time to completely get rid of this disease before childbirth, the fight against it has to be continued in the process of feeding a newborn baby

Are polyps benign? Let's figure it out together

Are polyps benign? Let's figure it out together

Polyps are small protrusions on the mucous membranes of internal organs. This term was introduced into medicine by Hippocrates and literally means "many legs". It is worth noting that such protrusions can appear in absolutely all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the pharynx or nose, in the uterus, bronchi or bladder

Dizziness and nausea: causes and treatment

Dizziness and nausea: causes and treatment

An article about the causes of nausea and dizziness. Various diseases that are characterized by such symptoms are considered

Chronic runny nose: causes and treatments

Chronic runny nose: causes and treatments

Nobody wants to get sick. Even a little discomfort can create huge problems. Chronic rhinitis is one of them. Many do not understand that persistent rhinitis can turn into more serious diseases

Gastritis: the symptom is sudden, but the treatment is lifelong

Gastritis: the symptom is sudden, but the treatment is lifelong

Gastritis, the symptom of which is most often one - pain in the stomach, has become a real misfortune of mankind. What other symptoms are there? How to treat this disease?