Health 2024, October

Acute sinusitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute sinusitis: symptoms and treatment

Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects one or more of the paranasal sinuses. Pathology can occur in the form of an independent disease or in the form of a specific complication against the background of a particular disease of an infectious nature. Acute sinusitis is related to one of the most common pathologies encountered by otolaryngologists in their work

Tickles in the throat and cough: causes, principles of treatment, tips

Tickles in the throat and cough: causes, principles of treatment, tips

The sensation of a sore throat that is accompanied by a cough is familiar to many. Most people do not try to treat this condition, hoping that it will go away on its own. However, most often, such symptoms indicate a serious inflammation that does not go away without the use of pharmaceuticals or alternative methods that can relieve inflammation

A few words about what treats a runny nose best

A few words about what treats a runny nose best

Therapy can be both medical and non-drug related. The nose is washed with s alt water, warmed up, inhaled, and the juice of some plants and fruits is instilled into the nasal passages. What cures a runny nose the fastest?

Why did you lose your appetite?

Why did you lose your appetite?

If you have lost your appetite, you need to urgently look for the cause of its disappearance. Do you know that fasting and refusing to eat food is very harmful and dangerous for a person? What can even a short-term loss of appetite lead to? What are the reasons? This will be discussed in this article

Squeezing out a boil: ways and methods, description of the procedure, medical recommendations

Squeezing out a boil: ways and methods, description of the procedure, medical recommendations

Squeezing boils on your own is dangerous, so it's best to see a doctor. Nevertheless, at the initial stage of the development of abscesses, you can try several remedies that will help get rid of an unpleasant problem

Burning and dryness in the nose: causes and treatment

Burning and dryness in the nose: causes and treatment

Itching and itching in the nose is a common symptom of a viral, bacterial infection or allergic reaction. But not always it is they who become the causes of discomfort. Medicine has long known why people get a burning sensation in their nose. Understanding the problem will help to eliminate it in a short time

Causes and symptoms of chronic obstructive bronchitis. Its diagnosis and treatment

Causes and symptoms of chronic obstructive bronchitis. Its diagnosis and treatment

Cough that bothers a person for two years in a row may indicate chronic obstructive bronchitis. There are many causes of the disease, in particular, tobacco smoke, undertreated acute respiratory infections, metabolic disorders, nasopharyngeal pathologies, etc. If the treatment of obstructive bronchitis does not start on time, then pulmonary insufficiency may occur and, as a result, hypoxia

Bronchitis: classification, types, forms, formulation of the diagnosis

Bronchitis: classification, types, forms, formulation of the diagnosis

Bronchitis is a disease that people experience quite often. In this case, the disease is often the main cause of the development of pathologies localized in the lower region of the respiratory system. Almost every inhabitant of the planet at least once encountered bronchitis, the classification of which will be presented below. A characteristic feature of this disease is the appearance of a dry cough, which can be of varying intensity

Heaviness in the intestines: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Heaviness in the intestines: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Normally, heaviness in the stomach and intestines should not bother. If the body works smoothly and without failures, all processes proceed naturally, without attracting attention and without being felt. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the stomach hurts, gas formation is activated, this area feels heavy or it seems to be burning inside - it makes sense to think about the reasons and visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis

Incomplete bowel movement: causes, symptoms and treatment. False urge to defecate

Incomplete bowel movement: causes, symptoms and treatment. False urge to defecate

Incomplete bowel movement is a common occurrence that torments many people. Especially in big cities. It leads to severe emotional and physical discomfort, this is the main danger of the disease. The quality of life of a person who lives with such a syndrome decreases

Senile osteoporosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Senile osteoporosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Senile osteoporosis (ICD-10 code M81) is a systemic disease of human bones, in which their density decreases. This condition increases the likelihood of fractures. The strength of bones is due to sufficient intake of calcium, vitamin D and various minerals. Also a big role in this is played by the normal functioning of the endocrine glands. But with age, calcium begins to gradually wash out, metabolism slows down, which leads to senile osteoporosis

Meningoencephalitis (encephalitic meningitis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Meningoencephalitis (encephalitic meningitis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Meningitis encephalitis is a serious infectious disease that can be fatal if urgent diagnostic and therapeutic measures are not taken

Mixed infection: diagnosis and treatment

Mixed infection: diagnosis and treatment

Varieties of mixed infections in pneumonia, herpes, pneumococcus, meningoencephalitis. Difficulties in diagnosing a child. Treatment approaches. Consequences of improper treatment

Fluid in the pericardium is normal: features, interpretation and recommendations

Fluid in the pericardium is normal: features, interpretation and recommendations

Pericarditis is a serious heart disease that is associated with an increase or decrease in fluid between the layers of the pericardium. The disease can manifest itself in acute, subacute and chronic form. There are several types of pericarditis depending on the cause. You can learn about it from this article

Cold: incubation period, symptoms, treatment

Cold: incubation period, symptoms, treatment

The common cold is a common illness. Each person suffers from it many times throughout their lives. And no wonder. After all, a cold is nothing but an infection or a virus. It is transmitted from one person to another by airborne droplets and contact. A small amount of the pathogen is enough to infect

Hemorrhoids: how to treat, causes, symptoms and prevention

Hemorrhoids: how to treat, causes, symptoms and prevention

Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that can cause a lot of trouble for a person. Many are embarrassed to seek help from specialists, which should not be done in any case. The sooner you start treatment of hemorrhoids, the faster you can achieve the desired effect. This article tells about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating the disease

Subatrophic rhinitis: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use. Alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Subatrophic rhinitis: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use. Alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Subatrophic rhinitis (ICD code 10–J31.0) is one of the most common diseases for which an otolaryngologist is consulted. Pathology occurs when cellular nutrition is disturbed in the nasal mucosa. Subatrophic rhinitis is manifested by excessive dryness in the nose and the formation of crusts, which in advanced cases, when removed, can provoke bleeding

Treatment of the nasal mucosa: methods of treatment and restoration of microflora

Treatment of the nasal mucosa: methods of treatment and restoration of microflora

The structure of the nasal membrane can be broken for various reasons. In any case, it needs to be restored. Treatment should be selected by a qualified doctor after receiving tests and identifying the factors that led to the problem. Timely treatment of the nasal mucosa is necessary. This will improve human he alth. The causes and treatment of dry nasal mucosa are described in the article

Recovery after ischemic stroke: terms of rehabilitation, exercise therapy, specialist recommendations

Recovery after ischemic stroke: terms of rehabilitation, exercise therapy, specialist recommendations

As a rule, recovery after an ischemic stroke is aimed at normalizing impaired functions, treating and preventing concomitant diseases and complications caused by a violation of the normal blood circulation of the brain, as well as learning to walk, speak and independently perform basic tasks so that the patient can continue to live without depending on others

Chronic granular periodontitis: causes, stages, treatment

Chronic granular periodontitis: causes, stages, treatment

Granulating periodontitis is an inflammatory process of the connective tissue - periodontium, which is located between the tooth root and the alveolar plate. This is the most active inflammatory form of periodontal disease. Differs from more asymptomatic and stable granulomatous and fibrous periodontitis, has a dynamic development with a short remission and serious exacerbations

Severe eye injury: what to do?

Severe eye injury: what to do?

Bruise is a mechanical damage to tissues, in which there are no open wounds. It is accompanied by swelling, bruising and pain. If you have a severe eye injury, what should you do? You will learn this while reading the article

Rinse with soda for sore throat: solution proportions

Rinse with soda for sore throat: solution proportions

Angina is an infectious disease, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The treatment regimen involves taking medications and irrigating the throat with various means. Rinsing with soda for sore throat is a good way to disinfect the oral cavity. It can also help relieve sore throats

Urovskaya disease: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Urovskaya disease: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Urov's disease is a complex epidemic disease that often affects children and young people. In this condition, patients have a pronounced deformity of the joints of the extremities. This ailment is also called Kashin-Beck disease, or endemic deforming osteoarthritis. To date, it is considered a rather rare pathology, but previously it spread very widely among the inhabitants of Transbaikalia and Siberia

Capsular Contracture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Options

Capsular Contracture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Options

Fibrocapsular contracture is a possible complication of breast surgery. The problem is that even an experienced surgeon cannot always guarantee the absence of complications. Contracture can appear unpredictably, even if all the activities were carried out with the utmost correctness and high quality. On average, contracture is formed in every tenth woman who has undergone breast plastic surgery

Hypercholesterolemia is Elevated cholesterol. hereditary hypercholesterolemia

Hypercholesterolemia is Elevated cholesterol. hereditary hypercholesterolemia

In medicine there is the concept of "hypercholesterolemia". What is it? Hypercholesterolemia is an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood. This phenomenon does not mean that a person is sick. Cholesterol is an important and necessary component in the body. Without its presence in the blood, the body will not be able to function properly. Hypercholesterolemia is an indicator that is detected only in a laboratory study, when the patient passes the appropriate analysis. Cholesterol is produced in the liver

Antibiotic for cystitis in women. best antibiotic for cystitis

Antibiotic for cystitis in women. best antibiotic for cystitis

Cystitis is a disease of the bladder. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Of course, there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of cystitis in women, but hypothermia and non-observance of personal hygiene rules remain the main ones. As a rule, women are 10 times more likely than men to get cystitis

Types of cough in children: description, causes and treatment

Types of cough in children: description, causes and treatment

Cough is one of the most common problems in children. Sometimes he appears out of nowhere. It seems that everything was fine with the child in the morning, but by the evening "the mouth does not close." In order to help the child, parents should know what types of cough children have

How to treat an iodine burn?

How to treat an iodine burn?

Such a home medicine, which is familiar to us, like iodine solution, is considered an effective antiseptic drug. Is this product actually safe to use without a prescription at home? As medical practice shows, if used improperly, a burn from iodine is possible. What to do in such a situation? Let's talk in our article

Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment

Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment

Few people know, but the causes of increased ESR in the blood of women can be both harmless and a huge threat to he alth. How to determine what is wrong with the body and return the indicator to normal? Should I immediately sound the alarm, or can I not worry much? If you cannot answer these questions for yourself, then this article will help you figure out what measures to take in case of increased ESR

How many live with hepatitis C without treatment?

How many live with hepatitis C without treatment?

This article describes the hepatitis C virus, describes its features, the process of infection, consequences, and methods of treatment. The text also indicates a number of factors that affect how long people live with hepatitis C, provides statistical data and forecasts regarding the spread of this disease in the future

Why the sense of smell disappears. I lost my sense of smell after the flu, what should I do?

Why the sense of smell disappears. I lost my sense of smell after the flu, what should I do?

In everyday life, a person is regularly exposed to the risk of getting sick with ailments that cause discomfort and a lot of inconvenience. One of them, of course, is the loss of smell

Hand fracture: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Hand fracture: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

In working conditions or at home, the most common accident is a broken arm. No one is immune from damage to the bones of the upper limbs, so it is necessary to have a general idea of what symptoms are typical for this type of injury, how diagnosis is made and what modern medicine can offer for quick recovery

Symptoms of STDs: how to recognize in time?

Symptoms of STDs: how to recognize in time?

In the life of every person, sex has a certain place. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rule of one partner and sometimes enter into casual relationships. Unprotected intercourse in this case can lead to infection with a sexually transmitted disease. How to recognize the symptoms of STDs, what to do if nothing bothers you, and the tests indicate the presence of an infection, what are the signs of the most common sexually transmitted diseases? More about this in the article

What you need to know about gallstone disease

What you need to know about gallstone disease

The disease proceeds in most cases without symptoms and is detected by chance, during an ultrasound examination. A person can feel the manifestations of cholelithiasis in case of its complications. That's when pain, bloating and other signs of this disease appear

Treatment of difficult urination with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of difficult urination with drugs and folk remedies

Many men have difficulty urinating. Those who have encountered it once are sure that it is unreasonable to delay contacting a doctor in this situation. A neglectful attitude to such symptoms can cause the development of pathologies in a chronic form and a deterioration in the he alth of the patient as a whole. In some cases, surgery may be required

Ishuria is Possible causes, treatment of urinary retention

Ishuria is Possible causes, treatment of urinary retention

One of the problems associated with the process of urination is urinary retention, or in other words ischuria. This pathological condition can occur in the entire category of the population, but men are most often affected

Myocardial infarction is not a sentence

Myocardial infarction is not a sentence

Myocardial infarction is very dangerous and painful, but this diagnosis is not a sentence at all. Let's figure out what causes a heart attack, what methods it is treated with

The first signs of a microinfarction in women: description and features of treatment

The first signs of a microinfarction in women: description and features of treatment

What is a microinfarction in women? What are its symptoms and treatment? Preventive measures to help avoid illness

What can cause chest pain in the middle of the chest?

What can cause chest pain in the middle of the chest?

Any discomfort in the body should not go unnoticed, especially if the pain occurs in the chest area. The reasons for this feeling can be hidden in a wide variety of pathologies: from intestinal problems to aortic diseases. How to understand what exactly is wrong in the body?

Blood pressure in myocardial infarction: features, norms and recommendations

Blood pressure in myocardial infarction: features, norms and recommendations

The article will tell you everything that a modern person needs to know about blood pressure in myocardial infarction. Be he althy