The spleen is still the most mysterious organ in the body, which many remember only when pain occurs in the left hypochondrium. This is a warning sign that should not be ignored. There are no pain receptors in the organ, and an attack of pain can only be caused by stretching or damage to the capsule surrounding the pulp due to changes in the structure of the organ and pressure on adjacent tissues. Therefore, it is worth knowing what a person’s spleen hurts from and what to do if this happens.
Features of the organ and its location in the body

The spleen is an unpaired parenchymal organ of a flat oval shape. It is located behind the stomach in the left hypochondrium in the area of 9-11 ribs. Spleen dimensions:
- length 10-14 cm,
- width - 6-10 cm,
- thickness - 3-4 cm.
In the immediateclose to the organ is the pancreas, rectum and left kidney, and this organ is also slightly in contact with the diaphragm. Due to the close proximity, it is sometimes very difficult to establish the main cause of pain in the left hypochondrium, since many internal organs are located in the area where the spleen is located.
Initially, the weight of an organ is about 180-200 g, but as a person grows older, its size gradually decreases. In terms of its functionality, it is closely related to the hematopoietic and circulatory system. The spleen is directly connected to the portal vein, through which passes the meek, enriched with useful substances and enzymes.
Despite the assertion of experts that this organ is not vital and after the removal of its functions are completely replaced, the allegations of its uselessness are not substantiated. Therefore, with inflammation of the spleen, measures should be taken to preserve its functionality. This will help eliminate the possibility of a complete removal.
What is the responsibility of the spleen in the body?

Until now, the role of the spleen in the human body has not been fully studied. But studies have shown what its main functions are.
The primary one is to protect and maintain the immune system in a normal state. This is achieved due to the processing capacity of the body, as a result of which it successfully fights against various pathogens, forming the necessary antibodies to fight them. Therefore, people whose organ has been surgically removed are different.immunocompromised.
To understand what the spleen does in the body, you should read the full list of its functions:
- purifies the blood from harmful microorganisms and parasites that provoke the development of infection and viruses;
- recycles and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body;
- synthesizes immunoglobulin needed for immunity;
- identifies pathogens and produces antibodies to fight them;
- stimulates the dissolution of solids, the appearance of which is associated with mechanical and thermal damage;
- performs antigen presentation.
What does the spleen do besides these functions? Due to its structure and location, this organ is a kind of filter for blood particles in the body. It accumulates lymphocytes, as well as the removal of dead or damaged red blood cells. The spleen also takes part in metabolic processes, in particular, a full-fledged iron metabolism is impossible without it.
Besides this, the spleen has a unique ability to accumulate blood with a volume of 30-40 ml, without pathological changes in its structure. If an additional release of biological fluid is necessary, a person feels a short pain in the left side near the heart. This sign is a confirmation of the removal of the blood supply by the spleen and a sharp decrease in its size. Based on this, it can be argued that this organ helps to replenish the oxygen supply in the body.
From this it can be seen that the spleen is not useless in our body, since its functionsare very important for he alth. And the violation of its functionality cannot but affect the general well-being of a person. Therefore, you should know which side the spleen hurts, the causes of pain and the main methods of treating inflammation.

It is quite difficult to detect inflammation of the spleen, since it is very close to other organs. Symptoms of inflammation are in many ways similar to liver diseases, pancreatitis, osteochondrosis.
Key features:
- excessive cold sweat;
- fever;
- hypotension;
- general weakness;
- disturbed sleep pattern;
- feeling thirsty;
- pain in the left hypochondrium, radiating to the shoulder, chest;
- lack of appetite.
In addition, a person may have intestinal cramps, digestive upset, dizziness, vomiting. When bending forward, the pain increases significantly, and decreases during the rest period.
If the spleen hurts after eating, then this is only a confirmation of its inflammation. Due to the location of the organ (between the diaphragm and the stomach), an increase in size contributes to increased pressure on adjacent organs. Therefore, a person feels pain in the upper abdomen. In this case, the pain can be given to the back and shoulder. Therefore, if this symptom occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor, even if the discomfort is felt only temporarily after eating.
Unknown for what reason, but inflammation of the spleen in women is much more common than in men.
Provoking inflammation factors
Inflammation of an organ can occur for a number of reasons. Most often this occurs against the background of concomitant diseases in the body.
The main provoking factors of why the spleen is enlarged are:
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- typhoid, typhus;
- food poisoning;
- indigestion;
- exposure to toxins, antibiotics;
- sepsis;
- jaundice;
- malaria;
- open or closed injury;
- anthrax;
- parasitic damage to the body;
- infectious mononucleosis;
- acute viral hepatitis;
- brucellosis;
- malaria.
Possible diseases of the organ
What does a person's spleen hurt from? In rare cases, inflammation of the organ, characterized by an increase in the organ and pain in the left side, is manifested due to the primary disease of the organ. Below are diseases that affect this organ directly.
- Heart attack. Necrosis of the spleen tissue occurs due to blockage of the vessels that feed it. Often, the pathological process is asymptomatic, negatively affecting adjacent tissues and organs. A heart attack can be recognized at the stage of deterioration in general well-being, which is manifested by weakness, profuse vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, shortness of breath and fever.
- Abscess. The disease is characterized by a vivid clinical picture. A person feels acute pain in the left hypochondrium, the temperature rises to criticalmarks 39-40 degrees. Additional symptoms are: vomiting, loss of consciousness, general dejection. The cause of the development of an abscess may be cirrhosis of the liver, pyelonephritis, nephritis, abdominal trauma that provoked a rupture of the spleen.
- Cyst. Most often, serous cysts form in the spleen against the background of a person being injured. With a neoplasm size of less than 2 cm in diameter, the pathological process is asymptomatic. With further growth of the cyst, there is a dull pain in the left side, a feeling of heaviness after eating, vomiting, lethargy, cough. With a critical size of the neoplasm (about 7 cm), as well as multiple organ damage (more than 20%), dysfunction of the stomach and abdominal organs is observed. Chills, belching, nausea, high fever appear.
- Twisted spleen. Twisting of the splenic pedicle when the organ is displaced into the small pelvis, chest cavity, iliac region. The disease requires surgical intervention, as it leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the spleen. Torsion of the leg is characterized by acute pain without a specific localization, bloating, loss of consciousness, high fever.
- Congenital anomalies. In some people, the size of the spleen is already enlarged from birth, and the shape and structure may also not fit into the standard framework. In medicine, a separate pathology is also distinguished - the wandering spleen, when the organ moves in the abdominal cavity due to weak abdominal muscles.
Priority actions
When acute pain appears in the left hypochondrium, it is necessary to take a comfortable position and calldoctor. While waiting, you should not take medication, as well as drink and eat, as this can blur the clinical picture.
In case of attacks of acute pain, painkillers are allowed, but if after that the state of he alth continues to deteriorate, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Having found out what causes a person's spleen to hurt, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the diagnostic methods that help the doctor make a diagnosis. The appointment of additional studies and analyzes depends on how the disease manifests itself and proceeds.
Diagnostic methods:
- patient survey - to identify chronic diseases and the nature of discomfort;
- external examination, palpation - allows you to identify the estimated size of the spleen, the structure of the organ and the possibility of moving into the abdominal cavity;
- X-ray - helps to detect a tumor of the spleen;
- blood test - detects the concentration of red blood cells.
In rare cases, a puncture is prescribed to detect malignant tumors. The method is considered dangerous, as it can lead to rupture of the capsule with subsequent internal bleeding.
Traditional treatment

What cures the spleen? Drug therapy is used if the inflammation of the organ was caused by concomitant diseases.
The following types of drugs are allowed:
- antispasmodics and analgesics -help relieve pain syndrome;
- antibiotics - used depending on the type of primary disease;
- enzyme therapy - to stabilize the work of the digestive organs;
- physiotherapy - applied as needed.
More accurate information about medication, treatment regimen and dosage of drugs is determined by the attending physician based on the established diagnosis and the nature of the course of the disease.
Surgical removal

If the patient's life is threatened, and also if it is impossible to restore the functionality of the organ, a decision is made to remove the inflamed organ. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In the treatment of cancer, in addition to the spleen, the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are removed.
The rehabilitation period lasts for 4-6 weeks.

What treats the spleen besides drugs? To restore the organ, a special therapeutic diet is prescribed.
Her core principles:
- fractional meals at least 5-6 times a day;
- permissible cooking methods: baking in foil, boiling, stewing, steaming;
- compliance with the drinking regime (at least 1.5-2 liters per day);
- rejection of alcohol, preservatives.
Approved Foods:
- lean fish, meat,
- vegetable soups,
- vegetable oils,
- soft-boiled eggs,
- dry bread, biscuit,
- fermented milk products,
- tea, coffee,natural juices,
- nuts,
- preferred vegetables are avocado, white cabbage,
- the most useful fruits are apples, pomegranate.
Forbidden foods:
- sour vegetables and fruits,
- spices,
- beans,
- fried, smoked food,
- fresh muffin,
- mushrooms.
Folk remedies
The use of folk remedies for the treatment of the spleen is permissible only by prior agreement with the attending physician. The general course of treatment is 1 month. If there is a deterioration in well-being after their use, therapy must be urgently discontinued.
Effective Recipes:
- 30 g chopped dandelion root, previously peeled, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, clean. Drink the entire drink throughout the day in equal portions before meals.
- 50 g of rose hips pour into a thermos. Add 500 ml of boiling water. Withstand 12 hours. Drink in the morning for 30 minutes. before meals, drinking 200 ml of drink at a time.
- 25 g of crushed sorrel leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, soak for 2 hours. Drink the drink purified from impurities at a time in the evening before dinner.
- Drink 200 ml of mineral alkaline water. After that, put 30 ml of honey in your mouth and gradually savor it. Reception is carried out 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
There is no special prevention against inflammation of the spleen. But following a he althy lifestyle and a balanced diet will help reduce the likelihood of developing pathology to a minimum. It is well known that in mostcases, what hurts the spleen in a person is associated with bad habits and unhe althy foods.
To prevent relapse, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Follow the rules of the diet, avoiding forbidden food.
- Enrich your diet with foods that promote hemoglobin production.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Dress for the weather, avoid hypothermia.
- Do daily walks for 20-30 minutes
- Avoid mechanical impact on the abdominal cavity.
- Quit alcohol and smoking.
If the spleen hurts, the causes and treatment of this pathological process should only be established by an experienced specialist. It is categorically impossible to self-medicate, since any delay can cause the need to remove the organ. To avoid this, you should consult a doctor and determine the underlying cause of the inflammation.