Chickenpox, or chicken pox, as it is popularly called, is a contagious disease of an infectious nature. A person can get sick with it at almost any age. Moreover, the transferred illness contributes to the development of the body's lifelong immunity to it.

In practice, the age of patients ranges from five to ten years. Chickenpox in a child, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of rashes on the skin, does not carry serious threats in most cases. However, if in the environment of a small patient there are people who have weakened immunity or who have not suffered this infectious disease in their lives, as well as pregnant women, then contact with the patient is dangerous for them.
Chickenpox is treated in a child, the symptoms of which are expressed in a single rash, easily. It is more difficult to get rid of a severe form of the disease. In these cases, the rash is very profuse. However, its distribution is not limited to the skin. It passes to some internal organs, such as the liver, heart or lungs.
Chickenpox has symptoms (the photo of which you see below) primarily in the formrash.

Emerged pimples have a red base and a water blister that bursts after a few days. The rash causes an unpleasant sensation of itching. You can not let the child comb the pimples that have appeared. Premature opening of the blisters can cause a bacterial infection to enter the body. Sometimes the disease causes encephalomyelitis (an inflammatory process in the brain).
When a child develops chickenpox, the symptoms of the disease initially appear as fever (in some children, body temperature does not rise), heart and headaches. Two or three days after the onset of the disease, foci of a rash appear on the body, which goes through several specific stages. After its appearance, bubbles appear, which then burst and dry out, a crust forms. The disappearance of the first blisters does not mean that the infection has been eliminated. New pimples may appear within five to seven days.

Chickenpox treatment does not differ in any specifics. First of all, a sick child should be isolated from peers as much as possible. In this case, a small patient is assigned bed rest for the first four to five days.
Getting rid of chickenpox involves topical treatment. It, as a rule, consists in regular lubrication of emerging pimples with the help of some kind of drying agent (brilliant green, yellow rivanol, red potassium permanganate, and also fucorcin). The main goal of treating a disease such as chickenpox in a child,the symptoms of which must be recognized and a course of therapy should be started in a timely manner, this is the prevention of the development of various kinds of complications that are likely when a secondary infection enters damaged areas of the skin.
The main task of the parents of a small patient is to reduce the discomfort of an itchy rash as much as possible, as well as to reduce the temperature if it occurs. At the same time, the attending physician should prescribe anti-allergic drugs that will help alleviate the child's condition. For the same purpose, you can take baths with oatmeal. In the event that the child's immunity is weakened and cannot cope with a viral infection, the doctor prescribes the introduction of "Immunoglobulin". This drug assists the body in the production of antibodies that contribute to the speedy recovery of the baby.