A common case that parents meet with their children is a fungus on their feet. This pathology affects not only children, but also adolescents, as well as adults.
Infectious disease includes a rash on the skin, "moisture" of the affected areas, and so on. The fungus does not go away on its own, you need to know what drugs and folk remedies you need to use in the treatment of this disease at home.

It is important to note that babies should never be treated on their own. It is recommended to take the child to the doctor and get advice on the problem. The sooner this is done, the more effectively and quickly the course of recovery of the baby will pass. At the same time, many do not even know how to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at home.
Types of disease
There are mainly four types:
- Interdigital fungus. This is the most common variety. Place of localization - between the toes. Various cracks appearor eczema on the interdigital folds. Sometimes there is peeling of the affected area.
- Hyperkeratic appearance. You can notice a change in the color of the nail plate and its structure, itching of the foot appears, a stratum corneum of the skin is formed, peeling.
- Erased form. This is a mixed type of interdigital and hyperkeratic form of the disease.
- Vesicular form. The rarest type of disease. On the skin there is a process of the appearance of a huge layer of peeling and large blisters. After opening them, erosion traditionally appears on the body, leading to serious consequences for the human body.
Causes of occurrence
Before considering how to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at 4 years old and at a different age, it is necessary to determine the causes, since their elimination often contributes to a quick recovery.

In the event of an infection, the entire body weakens, thereby parents can see a depleted immune system in a child. It is considered normal if the baby has a fungus on the body. But don't rejoice. Due to the impact of negative factors on the condition of a child or adolescent, the infection "comes", that is, it begins to spread throughout the body, leaving behind not very pleasant consequences.
Therefore, reasons such as:
- Poor personal hygiene. You should constantly remind your baby to take a bath every day, not to walk barefoot in public places, wash their hands and much more.
- Synthetic and rubber shoes. Similarmaterials cause sweating in the child's legs, thereby the skin does not breathe. This encourages the spread of bacteria.
- In children, foot fungus develops in a warm and humid environment. For example, this is a bath, sauna, hot tub. After these procedures, the baby should thoroughly wipe his feet with a towel.
- Long uncut nails. It also contributes to the spread of infection, especially on the foot.
- Wearing very tight shoes. It also contributes to foot sweating and disease.
You can also highlight the following reasons:
- Lack of useful vitamins in the child's body.
- Injury and deformity of the leg.
- Diabetes. With such a disease, parents should pay special attention to their child, since glucose is also intensively produced during sweating. Bacteria are very fond of breeding in this environment.
- Adult families, as well as those people with whom the child very often comes into contact, while suffering from this disease, have a huge chance of infecting the baby. And all because he has not yet developed an immune system that would fully protect against infection.
Treatment of a fungus in a child
As mentioned above, if this disease is detected, then you should consult a doctor. But often people don't.
Therefore, in extreme cases, there are universal drugs and folk remedies that will help solve the problem, how to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at 3 years old and another age.

But in no case is it necessarytry to cure everything on your own if the following symptoms are noticeable in a child:
- prolonged loss of appetite;
- itch;
- changing the color of the nail plate;
- constant complaints of pain;
- flaky skin between toes;
- blistering.
Only a doctor can determine the type of disease and prescribe the necessary medicines. Often, only drugs in the form of an ointment or cream are enough for a child, and tablets are prescribed for a 100% effect.

One of the most common drugs when asked: “How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child at 2 years old?” Is Diflucan. It is produced in three forms: mixture, injection solution and regular tablets.

He doesn't have any age restrictions.
Ointments, creams
The most common and popular ointments when asked: "How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child 10 years old and even younger?", Are:
- Nizoral;
- "Exoderil";
- Lamisil;
- "Flucostat";
- Clotrimazole.
To apply these medicines, you must first wash the child's feet well and dry them thoroughly. After that, these funds are applied to the affected areas of the body. Before use, you need to carefully read the instructions, because some ointments cannot be applied to open wounds and he althy skin, and they have a number of contraindications.

All ointments are applied in a smallquantity. But it is important to note that these drugs are not recommended for children under two years of age.
Traditional medicine
Folk remedies are especially effective for children. Two types are distinguished and used: foot bath and various compresses. They will help with the question: “How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child of 5 years and another age?”
They are used to relieve itching, irritation, and reduce inflammation in the legs.
Procedures with the following means are popular:
- Spurge plant. Use one and a half glasses of raw materials for a glass of hot water. After that, this decoction should be placed in warm water. The procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
- wormwood. For this medicinal decoction, you will need 500 grams of the plant per 3 liters of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. After cooking, the broth should stand for about 30 minutes, then you can add it to the water. The remedy helps to fight inflammation and itching.
- S alt. The ratio of water and s alt is 5:1. This mixture should be brought to a boil and cool naturally to room temperature. The procedure should last no more than 20 minutes.
- Celandine. For this remedy, one rule should be applied: boil two tablespoons of raw materials in a liter of water. Let cool to room temperature. The bath procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes.
- Coffee. Oddly enough it sounds, but such a product also helps with the fungus. It is enough to steam your feet three times in strong coffee.
- Soda. This is the cheapest and most affordable method of getting rid of the fungus once and for all.forever and ever. One tablespoon of soda should be mixed in a small amount of water until a certain creamy state is obtained, after which it can be applied in a plentiful layer to the affected areas of the body. After 10 minutes, rinse off the mixture, dry your feet and apply any foot powder. The duration of these actions is no more than two weeks, after a week of break, the procedure can be repeated.
Tip: soak your feet before going to bed. After this action, it is recommended to apply a healing cream on dry skin. The main thing is to remember that these procedures must be regular, only then a positive result will be visible.
Other remedies
Also, for effective treatment, you can take various compresses and rubbing. For example, when asked: “How to treat a fungus on the feet of a child of 7 years old and another age?”, The following options are suitable:
- If certain areas of the body are affected by a fungal infection, rub with a mixture of garlic and butter in equal proportions.
- You can chop the onion into small pieces, soak it and rub the affected part of the body.
- A compress of rowan or burdock leaves is also used. At night, you should wrap your feet with the leaves of these plants and cover with a cotton cloth or sock.
- If the nail plate is damaged, iodine solution or tea tree oil will help.
Features of treatment and possible contraindications
Of course, those funds that are intended for internal use bring the greatest effect. But this view may not always be beneficial due to the age of the baby.

For example, if in an older child (adolescent) the choice of remedies may be limited by certain contraindications or due to individual qualities, then in infants everything is much more complicated:
- Treatment is contraindicated before the age of two years. We are talking about systemic therapy, which includes various drugs for internal and external use.
- Only supportive care is available for a child under two years of age.
- Drugs can harm your baby much more than the fungal infection itself.
Fungus Prevention
These fungus prevention measures are the same for both children and adults. Therefore:
- It is not recommended to wear someone else's clothes, shoes, socks and so on.
- Each child should have their own set of different supplies, such as manicures.
- Monitor sweaty feet.
- Shoes should be true to size, it is recommended to buy them from "breathable" material.
- Shoes should always be treated with antifungal agents.
- You should always wash your feet.
- If there are various signs of violation of the integrity of the skin and deformation of the nail plate, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Despite the fact that the healing process is much better for children than for adults, this does not mean that time should be neglected. Only prevention and timely examinations will help the child recover as quickly as possible.