Whistling when inhaling in an adult and a child: possible diseases and methods of treatment

Whistling when inhaling in an adult and a child: possible diseases and methods of treatment
Whistling when inhaling in an adult and a child: possible diseases and methods of treatment

At any age, breathing should be natural, without extraneous noise, wheezing, effort. The unconscious process of breathing should be calm, silent. Any changes and the appearance of extraneous wheezing and whistling during inhalation or exhalation become the first signal of diseases. Why violations begin, what this may indicate and how to treat, you can read about this in the article.

Whistling in the throat of an adult
Whistling in the throat of an adult

Whistling when breathing in an adult

Whistling sounds that are not characteristic of the normal breathing process, appear due to the contraction of the airway openings. When air with effort passes through the nasopharynx, trachea, lungs or bronchi, then on inhalation, and more often on exhalation, an uncharacteristic whistle appears during breathing, audible to others.

In adults, there are several reasons for the narrowing of the airways:

  • result of injury;
  • swelling or swollen lymph nodes;
  • pharyngitis;
  • emphysema;
  • swelling of the walls of the larynx;
  • bronchial muscle spasms;
  • pneumonia;
  • blockagerespiratory tract with sputum, a small foreign object.

Also occurs whistling in the throat when inhaling in smokers. Resins settle on the thin walls of vessels, making them hard and brittle. They atrophy and become like tubes, covered with a hard coating inside.

For an adult, it takes effort to take a deep breath, and the air passing through obstacles creates a whistling sound.

Whistling when inhaling in the chest
Whistling when inhaling in the chest

Whistling when breathing in children

In children, the respiratory system is completely different from adults under one year old. For them, the appearance of uncharacteristic wheezing and whistling when inhaling is considered normal, if there is no simultaneous increase in temperature, the child is active, has a good appetite and no whims.

In the period from one year to seven years, the appearance of extraneous noise during breathing often accompanies development:

  • allergic reactions;
  • presence of an irritant in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • possible heart disease.

Common causes

In children, the most common causes of coughing and wheezing are influenza viruses, sinusitis, and syncytial virus. After contact with a sick person, the virus is transferred to the hands and mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi are seasonal. Between November and March, the number of children suffering from bronchitis exceeds all indicators. Characteristic signs of inflammation are wheezing and a cough that resolves in 5-10 days.

Whistling in children
Whistling in children

Identification of the source of respiratory failure in children

Pediatricians are guided by the rules for determining the source of respiratory failure:

  1. Whistling when inhaling, coughing, sputum production signal inflammation in the lower bronchi.
  2. Whistling breath, hoarse cough with obvious effort, or skin sinking in the ribs and collarbone may be a sign of croup, throat infection. With tracheitis in a child, the symptoms are the same.
  3. If a child has a quiet whistle when inhaling, but there is no cough, no fever, he feels normal, then the cause may be a small object or a piece of solid food in the respiratory system.

It is difficult for pediatricians to determine in time whether there is inflammation in the respiratory system. If children do not have a high temperature, then they behave actively, and it becomes problematic to diagnose hard breathing.

Asthma: a common cause of respiratory problems

A common cause of wheezing in children and adults is asthma. The disease can be acquired or congenital. If parents in the family suffer from bouts of allergies, then it is likely that the child will develop asthma with age.

There are many allergens around that can cause not only difficulty in breathing, but also swelling of the mucous membrane: animal hair, dust, exhaust gases. Allergens are absorbed into the skin, get on the mucous membranes along with the air flow, into the esophagus with food, and, as a result, swelling and spasm of the bronchial muscles occur. This leads to a sharp contraction of the muscles, and breathing becomes intermittent andwhistling.

Extra wheezing or wheezing when taking a deep breath in the chest is due to sputum plugs that are the result of inflammation. Viscous sputum clogs the bronchi, which leads to sharp, intermittent breaths. There is a cyanosis of the face, lips, fingers, weakness, dizziness. These conditions are critical and require urgent medical attention.

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from atopic asthma, which is the result of irritation of the respiratory system with an allergen. Frequent respiratory diseases, contact with chemical compounds cause the development of non-atopic asthma in children. In any case, it does not go away on its own and requires a consultation with a pulmonologist.

whistling breath
whistling breath

Pay attention! If an adult or child is breathing shallowly, wheezing and whistling are heard, the skin has turned white with spots or a bluish tint, you should immediately contact the nearest hospital.

Status Diagnosis

Before starting treatment, an adult should consult a therapist, and a pediatrician should examine the child. X-ray methods will help to quickly diagnose the cause of whistles and wheezing during breathing in the lungs of an adult and a child. Not always x-rays can reliably identify small bones or other foreign objects. For adults, computed tomography and bronchoscopy are more informative, they will help to identify where the foreign object is located or what part of the lungs and bronchi are inflamed.

If the cause was not identified on the x-ray, then you need to consult an ENT-doctor. By examining the nasopharynx and throat, he will help eliminate inflammation or confirm the presence of an acute inflammatory process that caused swelling of the mucous membrane and uncharacteristic whistling sounds.

When examining and identifying the causes of whistles and wheezing in the lungs, adults and children are given allergy tests, an analysis for tuberculosis, and an analysis of sweat for the presence of chloride compounds in it. If all the above research methods did not reveal deviations or signs of the course of the inflammatory process, then the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the heart and fluorography. It is possible that cyanosis of the skin and respiratory failure cause developing heart disease.

Exploring pictures
Exploring pictures

Appropriate treatment

Once a diagnosis has been made, it is possible to move on to treatments appropriate to the identified cause. Treatment of wheezing should be based not only on the results of a clinical study, but also depending on the number of attacks of respiratory failure and their duration. If the cause of respiratory failure is bronchitis (ICD-10 code - J20.0), then antibiotics and expectorants will bring quick relief. If during the course of treatment the whistle in the lungs does not go away, the doctor may prescribe a course of drugs that dilate the bronchi. They are also suitable for the treatment of asthma attacks in children and adults. They are available in the form of aerosol sprays, tablets, injections.

Treatment for asthma and chronic bronchitis

If attacks of wheezing and its pathological violation are caused by asthma or a chronic form of bronchitis, the course of treatmentdrugs to expand the bronchi will be prescribed for a long time. It is necessary to take into account the speed of action of the drug, which will help relieve symptoms. If an adult wheezes when breathing, tablets will work well. They are easy to take, but it is worth considering that the effect occurs after the absorption of the active substance into the blood. Medicines in the form of inhalation aerosols are convenient to use for both children and adults: the drug is sprayed with a light pressure in a cloud of small drops, and together with the air, when inhaled, it enters the respiratory tract. The action begins in a few minutes, breathing becomes even, quiet. The effect can last up to 8 hours, making it virtually impossible to forget to take a new dose and experience another attack.

Acute swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs helps to remove drugs that activate the excretory functions of the kidneys (diuretics), drugs for expanding the bronchi in combination with cardiac ones. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen and not stop taking them for a few more days after the disappearance of symptoms to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

Whistling when inhaling in adults why
Whistling when inhaling in adults why

Massage in treatment

Chest massage has proven itself as a method of influencing the focus of inflammation. Light movements in a circle will help facilitate the discharge of sputum, relax, and increase blood flow. If you apply this method alternately with breathing exercises, then its effectiveness will increase several times. The use of ointments with a warming effect is strictly prohibited. It may increase swellingand lead to deterioration. Children's skin is very sensitive to external irritants, and ointment burns can also be added to asthma attacks.


It is necessary to take into account the circumstances under which whistling appeared when inhaling. It is also important to monitor the general condition of a person. If the whistle when inhaling in an adult or child becomes quieter, the skin turns pale, the person becomes lethargic, apathetic or, conversely, restless, you need to call an ambulance. These may be signs of deterioration, and in this case, every minute of delay causes significant harm to the entire body.

Folk treatments

Remove constant asthma attacks, acute inflammatory processes can only be medications and adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen. If the inflammation has turned into a protracted, chronic illness, there is no temperature, then you can consult with your doctor about the possibility of using alternative methods of treatment.

Before using folk methods in the treatment of chronic protracted inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to one of the components of infusions and decoctions. Treatment prescriptions for children should be coordinated with a pediatrician or pulmonologist to rule out allergies or worsening the condition. The following recipes can be applied:

  1. For 3 tbsp. honey take 250 ml of carrot juice. Honey is thoroughly stirred in a glass of juice, drunk 5 times a day, 1.5 tbsp.
  2. In 170 g of fresh viburnum berries add 8 tsp. honey, grind with a spoon into a homogeneous mass. Apply2 tsp after eating.
  3. Wash the raisins under running water, pour water at the rate of 1:1. Boil 10-15 min. Cool boiled raisins and take 1 tsp. twice a day.
  4. Hawthorn berries, clover flowers, oregano, coltsfoot take 2 tbsp. Pour herbs and berries into a thermos, pour 450 ml of hot water, leave for 10 hours. Infusion drink 2 tbsp. 5 times a day. This recipe is for adults only.
  5. Whistling, wheezing and coughing will help relieve inhalation with infusion of pine buds and potato peels.
  6. A classic recipe for treating adults and children with various respiratory diseases is radish with honey. In the middle radish, make a recess, which must be filled with honey. Let it brew for 5 hours, then drink the resulting syrup in 3-4 tbsp. twice a day. Every day the radish should be fresh.
  7. A daily intake of 15 g of propolis or perga will help strengthen the immune system.
  8. Labored breathing
    Labored breathing

Inflammation prevention

The use of drugs in the treatment of severe inflammatory processes is undoubtedly high. Nod, in order to be less likely to encounter the hospital and live a he althy and fulfilling life, you must adhere to some recommendations:

  • strengthen immunity in the autumn-winter period with good nutrition, walks in the fresh air, hardening;
  • keep your house clean so that dust does not provoke spasms and asthmatic attacks of suffocation;
  • eliminate foods that cause allergic reactions forever;
  • reducethe time spent near the allergen to a minimum, for example, during the flowering period of plants and grasses on the street;
  • don't use strong smelling perfumes, detergents and strong smelling powders;
  • after contact with a sick person or an allergen, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

Be careful

Irritating symptoms of a violation of the natural process of breathing should always alert an adult, and especially parents of young children. This can be both a residual phenomenon after a respiratory disease that has not been fully cured, or an alarming signal for the development of a serious pathology. Do not put off a visit to the doctor and rely on your own strength. It is easier to follow preventive measures and prevent the development of inflammatory processes than to deal with the consequences for months later. Stay he althy!
