Chronic runny nose: causes and treatments

Chronic runny nose: causes and treatments
Chronic runny nose: causes and treatments

Nobody wants to get sick. Even a little discomfort can create huge problems. Chronic rhinitis is one of them. Many do not realize that persistent rhinitis can progress into more serious conditions.

Problem at a glance

Prolonged runny nose is a neglected form of acute rhinitis. It is characterized by prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Accompanied by secretion of mucus and difficulty breathing. This condition makes a person uncomfortable.

Chronic runny nose can be diagnosed as an independent disease, or it can be the result of an infection that has entered the body.

The nasal mucosa contains a large number of blood vessels. Pathology develops, blood circulation is disturbed, blood stagnation occurs. The mucous membrane swells, the nasal passages narrow, breathing becomes difficult.

Protracted rhinitis has several types. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease and the treatment of each of them are also different. But in any case, getting rid of the disease will be complex, including: drug therapy, physiotherapy and traditional medicine.

Inflammation can occur in any person, regardless of age, gender. Itoccurs in both adults and children. The most common cause of pathology is low immunity.

At the doctor
At the doctor

Types of diseases

Before we talk about how to treat a chronic runny nose, let's find out what types of this disease are.

Depending on the cause:

  • Chronic catarrhal - nasal conchas become inflamed evenly. Symptoms - strong discharge from the organ of smell, difficulty breathing.
  • Chronic hypertrophic - the nasal mucosa increases. She barely responds to medications.
  • Chronic atrophic runny nose - a large number of crusts appear in the nose. They reduce sensitivity, sometimes have an unpleasant smell. The mucous membrane of the organ becomes thinner.
  • Allergic - caused by an allergen.
  • Chronic vasomotor. The reason for its appearance can be: medicines, food, hormones, hypothermia.
  • Professional - the appearance of the disease is associated with the conditions in which you work.
  • Inhale deeply - inhalation
    Inhale deeply - inhalation

Depending on symptoms:

  • Initial - abundant discharge, inflammatory processes are pronounced.
  • Medium - swelling of the nasal mucosa increases, the amount of fluid released from it decreases.
  • Heavy - this is a chronic runny nose. At this stage, the symptoms either worsen or recede.

Treatment is amenable to almost all types of illness, except for allergies. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the allergen.

Causes causing pathology

Most often, the factors that provoke the appearance of a protracted runny nose are: acute rhinitis and an allergic reaction. In addition to them, the causes of the onset of the disease should include:

  • Violation of the structure of the organ of smell. Acquired defects and birth defects. Deviated septum contributes to the development of unilateral turbinate hypertrophy.
  • Prolonged action of irritating factors on the nasal mucosa. Dust has a negative effect on the ciliated epithelium (its cilia). The outflow of secretions from the mucous glands and goblet cells is disturbed.

Accumulation of dust can cause rhinoliths (stones) to form in the nasal cavity.

  • The influence of vapors and gases can also cause inflammation of the mucosa.
  • Pathological processes of a local nature occurring in the paranasal sinuses: the lumen of the posterior nasal passages is narrowed, the cause is adenoids, purulent discharge. They irritate the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ.

Continue talking about factors

Let's talk a little more about the causes of the disease before finding out how to treat chronic rhinitis.

Cold drops
Cold drops
  • The negative impact of the external environment. Hypothermia, which leads to a change in vascular tone. Hot or dry air dries out the nasal mucosa and has a depressing effect on the ciliated epithelium.
  • Medications do not always have a positive effect on the body. They can also cause inflammation. Use of dropsvasoconstrictor spectrum for the nose leads to irritation of the mucosa of the organ. In some cases, it can provoke the appearance of vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Systemic diseases. These include: alcoholism, kidney problems, hypertension, persistent constipation and others, they can cause problems with the nose.

In addition to all of the above, it should also be added: injuries in the nasal cavity, the ingress of a foreign body into it.

These are the main reasons that can provoke a chronic runny nose.

Treatment methods

Currently, there are several methods of getting rid of a lingering cold.

  • Outpatient treatment. This method involves the use of physiotherapy, warming up, quartz treatment, inhalations.
  • Surgical intervention. It is given preference when medicines do not help. Most often, this procedure is used for hypertrophic rhinitis. There is a proliferation of the mucous membrane and its thickening. The surgeon removes the excess part of the overgrown tissue. If the mucous membrane has not grown much, then cauterization is used. In the late stage, excess tissue is destroyed by nitrogen.
  • Medical. Provides for the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose for chronic rhinitis, ointments with anti-inflammatory action. At elevated temperatures, antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

If hard crusts have formed, then a softening nasal spray from chronic rhinitis and a drop will relieve them.

Traditional medicine

This treatment is not worthignore. The use of folk remedies is also effective during the treatment of chronic rhinitis. Here are some tips for using them:

  • Drops of aloe juice or Kalanchoe from a cold will help children and adults.
  • Soak a cotton swab with bay leaf decoction. Used for local treatment.
  • Inhale the smell of garlic, onion.
  • It is good to carry out inhalations for chronic rhinitis over boiled potatoes.
  • It will ease the condition of washing the nose with juice of carrots, onions, beets. For these purposes, decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs are well suited - chamomile, calendula.
  • You can make your own nose drops. Take fifty milliliters of olive oil. Mix it with the same amount of carrot juice (freshly squeezed). Add two drops of garlic juice to the mixture. The product is instilled into the nose three times a day, no more than three drops at a time.
  • Warm mustard foot baths will help alleviate the condition.

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis

The causes of the disease have already been clarified, now we will look for an effective remedy for chronic rhinitis. Getting rid of inflammation of the catarrhal type involves eliminating the cause that caused the disease.

Drug therapy. Vasoconstrictor drugs are used. They improve nasal breathing and reduce swelling. These funds are produced in drops or sprays: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Otrivin and others. The use of these drugs is addictive,which negates all healing

The patient is also attributed: antihistamines - "Loratadin", "Acrivastin"; anticongestants - "Oxymetazoline", "Xylometazoline"; glucocorticoids - "Nasonex", "Mometasone"; if necessary, antibacterial drugs.

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - ultraviolet and laser therapy.
  • Surgical intervention - is used only in the presence of anatomical changes in the nasal cavity.

Chronic hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis

Remedies for chronic coryza of hypertrophic type are the same as for catarrhal rhinitis. But there is some difference in treatment. Most patients require surgical care. Thanks to it, a thermal, mechanical effect occurs on those parts of the turbinates that have undergone a hypertrophic change.

Spray from the common cold
Spray from the common cold

There are several ways to treat this type of runny nose: cryosurgery (freezing), galvanocaustics (cauterization) with a metal tip or a chemical.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis can be eliminated with the help of general and local therapy. Surgery is rarely used.

General treatment includes the use of stimulant drugs: rutin, calcium gluconate, phytin, aloe extract.

The use of vitamin therapy and UHF is necessary.

To improve blood circulation and restore mucous membranes will help: xanthinol nicotinate,"Agapurin" and other drugs.

Topical treatment is used to regenerate the epithelium. Nutrient ointments are used, which include glucose.

Chronic vasomotor and allergic rhinitis

To treat vasomotor rhinitis, both surgical and medical methods are used.

Medical includes the use of steroid drugs, vasoconstrictors and antiallergics. The latter are used in the form of nasal drops. Nasal passages are flushed with saline.

Treatment measures consist of electrophoresis and acupuncture.

Surgical method is used to reduce the inferior conchae of the nose, resulting in improved nasal breathing.

Treatment of the allergic form of chronic rhinitis is to eliminate or reduce the main symptoms: itching, nasal discharge, watery eyes and sneezing. In this case, H1-histamine blockers of three generations help: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Semprex, Zirtek, Claritin, Erius, Telfast.

In addition to prescribing drugs, the following are used: ultraviolet irradiation, magnetotherapy, dynamic currents.

Foot baths
Foot baths

Protracted runny nose in children

Of course, it's bad if a child's common cold has turned into a chronic one. But there is nothing to do, you need to help the baby. Solving this problem on your own is difficult, almost impossible. Chronic runny nose in a child has some features.

  • Catarrhal rhinitis is caused by active bacteria. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is required. Nasal drops are used. Still need antibiotics and ointments.
  • Protracted allergic rhinitis is treated with antihistamines. You can't do without them.
  • Atrophic rhinitis will "go away" if you constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa. If pathogenic microflora is detected, antibacterial treatment will be required.
  • Vasomotor form is treated with hormonal drugs. They will cope with swelling, inflammatory processes occurring in the organ of smell.
  • Traditional medicine also helps to cope with the disease. A good remedy for children is Kalanchoe for a cold.
  • Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in children is desirable to carry out weak drugs that can not only support immunity, but also cope with the disease.

In closing

Treating a chronic runny nose is not easy or quick. This is a very lengthy process that requires specialist supervision. The patient is required to comply with preventive measures:

Remedies for chronic colds
Remedies for chronic colds
  • Remove all allergens.
  • Rinse your nose with saline regularly.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Do sports, lead a he althy lifestyle.
  • Do not use nasal drops frequently.
  • Visit a doctor and undergo treatment only under his supervision.
