How to beat alcoholism: treatment methods and useful tips

How to beat alcoholism: treatment methods and useful tips
How to beat alcoholism: treatment methods and useful tips

There is still no logical explanation for why modern society is so prone to alcoholism. As a result, he althy people, falling into the whirlpool of this addiction, practically turn into disabled people. Despite the relative functionality of all organs and systems in their body, they cease to be aware of their actions and gradually move away from society. Therefore, it is important to realize in time the danger of this harmful attraction, to figure out how to defeat codependence in alcoholism, and what methods of treatment exist.

The concept of alcoholism

Increased craving for alcohol
Increased craving for alcohol

Alcoholism is a psychological pathology, which is characterized by the fact that a person is addicted to alcoholic beverages. At the same time, he uses them not only often, but also in large quantities. The craving for this develops on a physical and psychological level.

You can judge the development of alcoholism with the appearance of a stable addiction that requiresthe participation of a psychotherapist, since a person does not control his own cravings.

Alcoholism way of treatment
Alcoholism way of treatment

The category of alcoholics includes people not only those who almost never get out of binge, but also periodically use. This eventually develops into a permanent addiction. The consequence of this is the degradation of the personality, the extinction of the intellect. According to statistics, this problem is most relevant at the age of 20 to 30.

But despite the seriousness of the problem, alcoholism can be overcome, but this requires the realization of a person that he is an alcoholic.

Main cause of addiction

Addiction alcohol
Addiction alcohol

The main provoking factor in the development of alcoholism is the emotional instability of the individual. First of all, this applies to adolescents who are just beginning to come into contact with the realities of adult life. At the same time, the situation worsens significantly in the absence of one's personal opinion, with difficulties in adapting to society, if the approval of strangers is necessary.

Craving for alcohol can be dictated by the following desires:

  1. Overcoming fear. Alcohol induces a sense of self-confidence, so all problems seem insignificant. This feeling lies in wait for people who are constantly suffering from nervous stress, depression and emotional exhaustion.
  2. Emancipation. This desire is especially true for young people who want to get to know the opposite sex. With the help of alcohol they try to becomemore sociable and suppress existing complexes.
  3. Build trust. This may be dictated by communication with a company of alcoholic people, so a person does not want to feel like a "black sheep" among them.
  4. Relaxation. With the help of alcohol, a person tries to relieve himself of stress, fatigue, and also cause a good mood.
  5. Stress relief. Some professions require an irregular working day, stress, increased concentration. As a result, a person experiences nervous and physical exhaustion. These include: rescuers, doctors, military, police.
  6. Unsettled life. Poverty, lack of permanent income and place of residence can lead to the moral fall of a person.
Alcoholic in the family
Alcoholic in the family

A common cause of alcoholism is dysfunctional family relationships. If one of the spouses shows an increased craving for alcohol, then it is likely that other family members will be involved in this addiction.

Features of female alcoholism

The general patterns of the development of the disease in the male and female bodies do not differ. But for some reason, female alcoholism is considered a more global pathological process, as it is associated with the psycho-emotional characteristics of the weaker sex.

Many experts insist that it is impossible to defeat female alcoholism, but this is not so. Just to fight the disease will require more effort than a man. But the most important thing is to be aware of youraddiction.

Female alcoholism
Female alcoholism

The following factors contribute to alcoholism:

  • heightened emotionality;
  • fragility of the structure of nerve cells and neuronal connections;
  • slow blood flow in depot organs;
  • blood-brain barrier sensitivity;
  • reduced excretory function of the kidneys, liver;
  • incompatibility of reproductive organs and alcohol decay products;
  • quick absorption of alcohol in the intestines.

To know how to cope with your addiction and how to beat alcoholism for good, you should consider the main methods of treatment. Some of them are applicable at home, but the regularity of the necessary procedures should be observed. Since any indulgence in one's addiction will lead to the futility of all efforts.

Basic treatments

How to treat alcoholism
How to treat alcoholism

Successful treatment of alcoholism depends on the desire of the patient to overcome this habit. But often people around are faced with the fact that a person does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, despite constant binges, and therefore does not want to take any measures. At the last stage of alcoholism, getting a person to undergo treatment is almost impossible.

The whole course of treatment is carried out in the following directions:

  • eliminate the breakdown products of alcohol and toxins from the body;
  • patient rehabilitation;
  • post-rehabilitation period, so that people who have overcome alcoholism do not want to return to theirhabit.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the use of two methods: psychological and medical. In the first case, coding and hypnosis are used, which allows you to set up sobriety. But alcoholism can only be overcome if the patient is receptive to hypnosis.

In the second case, the use of special drugs allows you to develop an aversion to alcoholic beverages. This is achieved due to the fact that the combination of medicine and alcohol causes nausea and choking attacks.

Let's look at the main ways to overcome the alcoholism of a husband or other family member, and what should be done to do this.

Drugs to help

Before proceeding directly to the main therapy, it is necessary to recover from a long binge. To do this, you should use publicly available drugs that will accelerate the elimination of toxins and alcohol breakdown products from the body. They are available at any pharmacy and do not require a doctor's prescription.

Medical List:

  • activated carbon;
  • "Enterosgel";
  • folic acid;
  • diuretics.

A cleansing enema will also help speed up recovery.

With a sharp refusal of alcohol, the patient feels a general malaise, which is manifested by insomnia, jumps in blood pressure and tingling in the region of the heart. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use painkillers.

After cleansing the body, a course is prescribedtherapy followed by recovery.

Main types of drugs:

  1. To reduce desire ("Vivitrol", "N altrexone", "Proproten-100"). They work by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain that create the euphoria and pleasure of drinking alcohol.
  2. Disgusted by alcohol ("Esperal", "Colme", "Tetlong-250"). These drugs are used to code an alcoholic and are administered intramuscularly or stitched under the skin. The principle of their action is to form a stable feeling of aversion to alcohol. When alcohol is consumed in combination with a drug, a person manifests a whole range of unpleasant sensations, which contributes to the formation of a negative reflex.
  3. Regenerating drugs ("Zorex", "Glycine", "Biotredin"). Long-term alcohol consumption negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and systems, so this group of drugs restores and normalizes their work.

There are a number of innovative drugs that can effectively resist the disease. But how to defeat alcoholism on your own with their use, you should figure it out.

Powerful innovative drugs:

  1. AlcoLock. The drug is available in the form of drops. In its composition there are plant components, which, in combination, increase the aversion to alcohol and contribute to the restoration of the body. Course duration - 1 month. It is permissible to use the remedy without the knowledge of the patient, but strictlyadhering to the daily dosage indicated in the instructions.
  2. "Alcobarrier". Natural product with fast action. As a result of the application, it allows you to develop a negative reflex to alcohol and restore the functionality of organs. The visible result is already noticeable 10 days after the start of treatment. Full course - at least 1 month.
  3. "Medichronal". The drug has a powerful detoxifying property, enhances the regeneration of liver cells, normalizes the emotional state, restores restful sleep, and activates brain activity. The course of therapy is 7 days. It is recommended to treat three times with a frequency of 3 days.

With the help of these drugs, you can defeat alcoholism on your own, quickly and effectively, but it is unacceptable to interrupt the course of treatment. It should be repeated if necessary.

Psychological techniques

These therapies affect the conscious and subconscious mind of an addict through coding and psycho-emotional stress therapy.

In the first case, a person under the influence of hypnosis creates a code to prohibit alcohol, and a sober lifestyle. The procedure is carried out in one session. But the method of influence may be useless if the person is not receptive to hypnotic suggestion.

In the second case, a blockade is placed on a person by provoking stress, when a person is most susceptible to suggestion.


How to beat alcoholism with coding is worth reading. This method is the mostcommon in the fight against addiction. The therapy procedure consists in the introduction of a special drug into the vein, which causes certain reflexes. Subsequently, at the sight of alcohol and the sensation of its smell, a person develops an attack of nausea, a gag reflex, and dizziness. All this creates the fear of death.

The therapeutic effect is fixed by trial drinking in the presence of a doctor. The subsequent reaction of the body to alcohol frightens the patient and, on a subconscious level, forces him to refuse to take alcohol in the future.

This method of struggle is used only with the consent of the patient, since for its action it is necessary that a person realizes the danger of his addiction and is determined to fight it.


How not everyone knows how to defeat alcoholism by pinpointing with needles. This technique also allows you to effectively deal with harmful cravings. Acupuncture is carried out in all points that provoke addiction.

Each person's area of influence may be different. Therefore, the task of a specialist is to, having studied the clinical picture, taking into account the stage of the disease, the regularity of binges and the duration of the course, to accurately determine the necessary points on the patient's body.

Therapeutic procedure can be carried out at home if the specialist has the opportunity to visit the house.

How to beat alcoholism at home?

You can cope with the initial stage of alcoholism at home. The main condition for success is the attitude of a person todifficult struggle with the disease and with a clear sense that alcohol is dangerous to his he alth.

To recover from a binge, you can use the following methods:

  1. Add 10 drops of ammonia to a glass of ice water. You need to drink the drink all at once.
  2. Chicken yolk shake slightly, add 0.5 tsp to it. black and red pepper. Then pour in 10-15 ml of vodka, mix. Pour the mixture into a wide cup, after brushing its edges with vegetable oil. Drink a drink in one gulp.
  3. You can relieve the condition after binge with brine, warm milk, tomato juice.

Folk remedies

Remedies for alcoholism
Remedies for alcoholism

How not everyone knows how to defeat alcoholism on their own for a woman and a man with the help of folk remedies. But many experts claim about the healing properties of herbs.

Effective Recipes:

  1. Decoction of bearberry or thyme. Pour 20 g of herb collection with 250 ml of boiling water, soak for 10 minutes in a water bath. After the drink has cooled, clean it and drink 1 tbsp. l. in one go.
  2. Infusion of bay leaf with lovage. A pinch of lovage and 4 leaves of parsley pour 400 ml of boiled water. Keep the mixture for 6 hours in a closed container, clean. Drink the medicine in small sips at least 8 times a day, with a frequency of 1 hour.
  3. Decoction of curly sorrel. Wash 20 plant roots, pour 250 ml of water. Boil the product for 20 minutes, without letting the mixture boil too much. Insist 5 hours, clean. Drink medicine 20 ml 5 times a day.

Useful tips on how to beat alcoholism on your own

When conducting home treatment for alcoholism, some recommendations should be followed. They will help to psychologically set a person in a positive way:

  1. Remove any alcoholic drinks from the apartment.
  2. Start exercising. But this does not mean that you need to be exhausted and exhaust yourself with endless workouts. You can start small - short runs, squats, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups.
  3. Find a hobby that suits your interests. This will allow you to switch to a new interesting thing.
  4. Get a pet. But at the same time, study his habits in advance so that he does not cause irritation.
  5. Learn to relax without alcohol by using shavasana and yoga nidra.
  6. Take a contrast shower 2 times a day, sparing no water.
  7. Before eating, drink plenty of water, and put a carafe of water on the table next to it to serve as a constant reminder of the addiction.
  8. Stroll more often in the fresh air, avoiding old friends and company.
  9. Whenever thinking about drinking, take a contrast shower until cravings subside.

Men and women who have overcome alcoholism begin to look at life in a new way and enjoy every day. After all, for a long time they could not understand the value of the family, simple things and the world around them. The main thing is not to stop halfway, but to bring the matter to the end.
