Health 2024, October

Discirculatory encephalopathy grade 3: how long can you live? Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Discirculatory encephalopathy grade 3: how long can you live? Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

It's no secret that nerve cells don't regenerate. The symptoms of discirculatory encephalopathy will answer the question of what will happen to the brain if they begin to die off

What is prostatitis? Causes of the disease, treatment

What is prostatitis? Causes of the disease, treatment

From this article you will learn what prostatitis is. In addition, it describes the risk factors for the occurrence of this disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment

Drug "Zinerit". Your review might be helpful

Drug "Zinerit". Your review might be helpful

Skin problems today are faced by most teenagers. It is very rare to find a girl or a guy with perfectly smooth, radiant skin. And since their appearance is extremely important for young people of a transitional age, they are trying their best to improve it. Of course, it is better to immediately identify the root cause of the disease and deal with it than to treat external signs, and then, having not achieved the desired result, leave a negative review about the Zinerit remedy

Breast cancer in a man: causes, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Breast cancer in a man: causes, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Physiologically and anatomically, men are different from women. One of these features is manifested in the size of the mammary glands and their functioning. In women, nature laid this part of the body to secrete milk, which is necessary for feeding a newborn baby

Klinefelter's syndrome: symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Klinefelter's syndrome: symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Klinefelter's syndrome is a chromosomal pathology, which is caused by the presence of additional female chromosomes in the male karyotype. It is characterized by primary hypogonadism, small testicles, infertility, gynecomastia, and a shallow decrease in intelligence. A decisive role in the diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome (photo will be presented in the article) is given to karyotyping

Forehead hurts with a runny nose: what to do?

Forehead hurts with a runny nose: what to do?

If your forehead hurts with a runny nose, what does it mean. What diseases are accompanied by discharge from the nose. What causes pain in the forehead with a runny nose. What is the treatment. Recipes of traditional medicine. What are the consequences for the patient if the treatment is carried out incorrectly

The back of the head hurts: causes and methods of treatment

The back of the head hurts: causes and methods of treatment

Any pain in the back of the head, prolonged, sudden, severe, makes a person uncomfortable. The causes of this phenomenon must be sought in pathologies associated with important body systems. The back of the head hurts both in young people and in the older generation. To eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to establish the cause and choose an effective treatment. This is discussed in the article

Septic arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Septic arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

All you need to know about septic arthritis: features, causes of development, types of pathogens, clinical symptoms and external signs, varieties, diagnostic methods, treatment methods and further prognosis

Putrid smell from the mouth: causes and diagnosis

Putrid smell from the mouth: causes and diagnosis

Ozostomia or pathological stomatodysonia is a problem that a person has faced at least once in his life. Before engaging in treatment, it is important to understand how often the smell appears, what it is associated with, whether it is constantly present or whether this phenomenon is temporary. If the causes of putrid breath in adults are a constant phenomenon, and not associated with eating exotic foods, you should be wary

How to restore the liver after prolonged use of alcohol? Helpful Hints

How to restore the liver after prolonged use of alcohol? Helpful Hints

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol, but few people take it seriously, forgetting that all internal organs, especially the liver, suffer during the use of alcohol compounds. Therefore, after the first signs of the disease appear, many begin to think about how to restore the liver after prolonged alcohol use. Unlike narcotic drugs, alcohol is a weak poison, the use of which over time causes addiction and negatively affects the liver and brain

Influenza: types of influenza, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Influenza: types of influenza, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Influenza is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets that affects the respiratory system, which is part of the SARS group, causing severe complications such as pneumonia, hearing loss, vision loss, and death. Every year, in addition to the known ones, new viruses with altered RNA appear that cause influenza

Effective exercises for flat feet in children

Effective exercises for flat feet in children

Often, children have flat feet, which has a negative effect on the entire body. He definitely needs to be treated. The most effective way to do this is through exercise. What exercises will help get rid of flat feet, read the article

Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ovarian cyst (ICD - 10 N83.0) is a benign neoplasm that looks like a special cavity filled with fluid. More often, functional cysts initially form in a person, they can be asymptomatic and disappear over time. Although, if they form in the ovaries, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus

Pain with varicocele: description, causes and methods of elimination

Pain with varicocele: description, causes and methods of elimination

Pain with varicocele occurs for many reasons. The main task is to carry out treatment in time, so as not to have serious consequences

Diarrhea and nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Diarrhea and nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment

GIT is a sensitive system. Under the influence of various negative conditions, interruptions in its work occur. Symptoms of pathology are: bloating, pain, heartburn, nausea. If diarrhea and vomiting occur, the causes may be different. It is important to understand why these signs appear. This will enable the doctor to select substances for the rapid treatment of the patient

Lice on eyelashes and eyebrows: causes, how to get rid of?

Lice on eyelashes and eyebrows: causes, how to get rid of?

The mere thought of lice leads to numbness and disgust. This is a rather unpleasant disease that can befall anyone. Parasites on the hair are very unpleasant, but sometimes pubic lice can appear on the eyelashes and eyebrows, which causes even more fear and disgust

Is it possible to die from VVD? Symptoms, treatment, drugs

Is it possible to die from VVD? Symptoms, treatment, drugs

There is an opinion that it is easy to die from VVD. But is it possible? The answer to this question in the article

With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature: symptoms, causes, treatment, recommendations of doctors and prevention of the disease

With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature: symptoms, causes, treatment, recommendations of doctors and prevention of the disease

It turns out that with hemorrhoids there may be a temperature. There are many reasons for this. And in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to effectively treat the disease

Wound of the chest: types, first aid, transportation, treatment

Wound of the chest: types, first aid, transportation, treatment

Wounds of the chest occur as a result of the use of dangerous objects to a person. If such an injury occurs, it is necessary to provide first aid and deliver the patient to the clinic

Indirect and direct inguinal hernia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Indirect and direct inguinal hernia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Indirect and direct inguinal hernia have completely different manifestations in men and women. There are many reasons for its occurrence

Stones in the stomach: causes of sensation, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Stones in the stomach: causes of sensation, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Stones in the stomach occur due to malnutrition, as well as due to the negative impact of external factors

Symptoms and treatment of glomerulonephritis. Traditional and folk methods

Symptoms and treatment of glomerulonephritis. Traditional and folk methods

Glomerulonephritis is treated in specialized clinics, because this disease is quite severe

COPD: pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, symptoms and treatment

COPD: pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, symptoms and treatment

COPD develops in the bronchial mucosa: the function of the secretory apparatus changes, infection joins, complete damage to the organs of the respiratory system begins. In the article we will consider the pathogenesis of COPD, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The effect of alcohol on the heart. Consequences of drinking alcohol

The effect of alcohol on the heart. Consequences of drinking alcohol

Modern man alcohol accompanies everywhere: a glass of beer with friends, a glass of champagne at a party, a glass of vodka with barbecue - indispensable attributes of a fun pastime. How not to miss the moment when the effect of alcohol on the heart becomes unsafe? What threatens to exceed the norm?

Congestion in the lungs: what is it, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Congestion in the lungs: what is it, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Congestion in the lungs seriously complicates daily life and reduces its quality. It is important to identify the cause of shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing in a timely manner. A vigilant attitude towards one's own he alth will be the key to successful treatment

Pneumatization of the sinuses. In what cases does pneumatization decrease and increase?

Pneumatization of the sinuses. In what cases does pneumatization decrease and increase?

Normal pneumatization of the sinuses determines the quality of human breathing. Failures in this process will lead to a feeling of nasal congestion. Vigilant attention to one's own he alth is the key to well-being

Sore throat when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

Sore throat when inhaling: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

If a person has a sore throat when inhaling, you should immediately go to the doctor for an examination. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner the problem can be de alt with. Such a symptom may indicate the presence of dental disease, allergies, vitamin deficiency and other pathologies

Psoriasis: first signs, types, treatment

Psoriasis: first signs, types, treatment

Psoriasis is the most common type of chronic dermatosis. This is a complex disease that can manifest itself in different ways and have different origins. In most cases, psoriasis is considered a non-life-threatening disease. But there is information about the fatal outcome of this disease due to its improper treatment

Causes of psoriasis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Causes of psoriasis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that causes chronic flaking. The causes of psoriasis can be different. According to statistics, 4% of the world's population suffer from this disease

Psoriasis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Psoriasis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Psoriasis in a child is diagnosed quite often. This is a disease of chronic origin, which manifests itself in the form of silvery-white papules on the skin. This disease occurs in children of different age groups, including infants and newborns

Swollen cheek: probable causes of the problem

Swollen cheek: probable causes of the problem

A swollen cheek can bring a lot of unpleasant moments into everyday life. But in order to eliminate this phenomenon, you should find out for what reason this deviation arose in you

Inflammation of soft tissues: causes, methods of treatment, consequences, prevention

Inflammation of soft tissues: causes, methods of treatment, consequences, prevention

The clinical picture of soft tissue inflammation, despite the variety of nosological types and localization of processes, has common symptoms for all of them. It is significant for the tactics of physiotherapy treatment and is primarily due to the presence of an inflammatory process. This is the formation of a painful infiltrate with soft tissue edema, hyperemia of the skin over it (with a slight depth of the process) and symptoms of local hyperthermia, an increase in overall body temperature

Swollen cheeks: causes and methods of getting rid

Swollen cheeks: causes and methods of getting rid

A lot has been written about the value of he alth, about the need to take care of yourself and enjoy life as much as possible. But, unfortunately, unexpected things happen. It is especially difficult to cope with unexpected changes on the face. In this case, it is necessary to apply cosmetics, sometimes in large quantities, which does not look very good on the outside. And it happens when even cosmetics can not hide the flaw. It is to this case that swelling of the cheeks belongs

Stomatitis in a child's mouth: photo, home treatment

Stomatitis in a child's mouth: photo, home treatment

Whims of a child for no apparent reason, refusal to eat, the appearance of redness and sores in the mouth, fever - these are all symptoms of stomatitis. For immediate help, the baby needs the correct diagnosis of the pathology. Features of the treatment of stomatitis in a child depend on the cause that caused it and the type of disease. But there are several common reasons for the development of ailments - this is non-compliance with hygiene standards, slight injury to the delicate mucosa and a weakened immune system

Psoriasis: a symptom that indicates this disease

Psoriasis: a symptom that indicates this disease

It seems that if you once saw psoriasis even in the picture, you can always recognize it. But it's not. There are also specific forms of the disease, which only a dermatologist can recognize. The following are the main characteristics of the rash that distinguishes psoriasis in 90% of people

What is the danger of cholesterol? Signs, causes, possible consequences and methods of treatment

What is the danger of cholesterol? Signs, causes, possible consequences and methods of treatment

In order for the heart to work smoothly, in addition to an active lifestyle, avoiding bad habits and the ability to cope with stress, it is also necessary to adhere to a diet and control cholesterol levels. You need to do this from a young age, even if there are no he alth problems. In the article we will tell you in detail why cholesterol is dangerous when its norm is exceeded, and how to deal with it

Intestinal gas: causes and treatment. What foods increase intestinal gas?

Intestinal gas: causes and treatment. What foods increase intestinal gas?

Gas formation in our intestines is a constant process. From a physiological point of view, this is considered quite normal. Pathological phenomenon is increased intestinal gas content. It occurs with various diseases or improper diet. Such a phenomenon causes considerable discomfort to a person

It hurts the left eye and the left side of the head: causes and methods of treatment

It hurts the left eye and the left side of the head: causes and methods of treatment

Headaches are a symptom that can accompany a wide variety of pathologies. If the disease is not serious, then you can cope with an unpleasant condition on your own. But sometimes the head hurts for more significant reasons

The impact of weather on people's well-being. Weather forecast for weather sensitive people. Effect of atmospheric pressure on blood pressure

The impact of weather on people's well-being. Weather forecast for weather sensitive people. Effect of atmospheric pressure on blood pressure

Some people can easily endure frequent changes in time and climate zones, while others are literally "riveted" to bed even slight fluctuations in weather conditions. In the latter case, it is customary to speak of meteosensitivity. Changes in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure indicators negatively affect well-being. People with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems suffer the most. Violation requires an integrated approach to treatment

Whistling in the head: causes and treatment. What diseases cause whistling, noise and ringing in the head

Whistling in the head: causes and treatment. What diseases cause whistling, noise and ringing in the head

Whistling in the ears and head can develop for the same reasons. It is only necessary to understand them, since the success of therapy will depend on the correct diagnosis. There are many diseases in which whistling in the head is observed. The causes and treatment of whistling in the head is an important problem, which will be discussed further