Dyshidrotic dermatitis is an allergic inflammatory disease of the upper and middle layers of the skin. It belongs to the category of chronic diseases of the eczematous type, characterized by persistence of manifestation throughout the life of the patient who is diagnosed with the disease. The disease, despite the fact that it is very difficult to cure, is characterized by frequent relapses. A form of manifestation of dyshidrotic dermatitis, most often, are characteristic rashes on the hands. In rare cases, rashes are observed on the soles of the feet.
The disease also has a second name format, better known as eczema. At the time of activity of inflammatory processes, the dermis is affected by dyshidrotic dermatitis on the hands and feet. The disease can be observed in both children and adults. The physiological feature of the manifestation of the disease is that in women the disease is more often observed at a young age, while in men it can manifest itself well over 30. A photo of dyshidrotic dermatitis on the hands looks unpleasant.

Dyshydratosis, or as it is commonly called, eczema, manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness and rashes, more like bubbles. The disease is non-contagious and is not transmitted by contact to he althy people. In 80% of the disease affects the skin of the hands, and above, to the ulna. Only 20% of patients have skin lesions on the feet.
A feature of children's dyshydratosis is the fact that they are most often affected by babies who have a noticeable predisposition to hereditary allergic diseases and diathesis. The most difficult age for the development of the disease in children is the period up to three years. Older guys already have a relatively stable immune system, and this factor is one of the vulnerabilities noted by doctors.

Causes of dyshidrotic dermatitis
Medics, despite the fact that the disease is several thousand years old, failed to find out the true causes of eczema. The only thing that has been established for sure is a number of factors that can provoke the development of the disease:
- impaired immune system;
- hormonal failures;
- a consequence of nervous stress, malfunctions of the central nervous system, a consequence of apathy;
- problems with the digestive tract;
- disturbances in the digestive system;
- allergic diseases of a hereditary or acquired nature.
There is also an opinion that increased sweating in the areas of the palms and feet can also cause the development of dyshidrotic dermatitis. Doctors note that in a large percentage of patients, the disease has developed along a hereditary line. Provocateurs of the next surge can be substances with aggressive properties: household chemicals, exposure to other chemicals, low-quality cosmetics. Dyshidrotic dermatitis may also appear on the face, the photo is presented below.

Clinical manifestations
Specialists note the gradual development of eczema:
- There is a change in the form of swelling, redness.
- Symptomatic aggravates in the form of a burning sensation in the affected area.
- The next stage is the appearance of small bubbles on the skin, in which there is a clear liquid. Vesicles are initially small, but they tend to grow, while they form into small groups-colonies.
- A feature of vesicles is their growth not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the middle of the soft layers.
- Small groups can grow into one continuous diseased skin. Merging together, in place of small bubbles, one huge one appears, which is difficult to treat.
- After the vesicles mature and fluid flows out of the small sores, the diseased surface of the dermis remains constantly moist.
- The surface, exposed by erosion, constantly itches, itches, and does not stop producing a wet substance.
- Wounds and scratches can provoke an infectious disease.
- After a while the surfacethe skin dries out relatively, after which the dermis becomes covered with a crust.
- When the crust peels off, the entire affected area of the skin begins to peel off at the site of its formation.
Additional symptoms
Erosive processes can trigger other symptoms:
- malaise;
- temperature increase;
- increased lymph nodes located in close proximity to the site affected by eczema.
Healing of bleeding areas is very slow, a rough brown crust appears in their place. Frequent relapses lead to the fact that the affected areas of the skin become coarse and make the dermis less sensitive. Also, the areas affected by the disease are characterized by increased fragility, they often crack, bleed.

Disease diagnosis
The disease is easy to diagnose due to its appearance. With eczema, a frequent occurrence is the disappearance and the same sudden appearance of characteristic symptoms - the local nature of the rash. Nevertheless, the disease has similarities with similar manifestations:
- atopic dermatitis;
- dyshidrotic mycosis;
- paloplantar psoriasis.
The listed manifestations are included in the general category of ailments, however, the medical substances used to treat them can differ significantly in their effects.

Treatmentdyshidrotic dermatitis on the hands and feet should be complex. Experts advise combining medicinal substances with traditional medicine. A feature of the treatment is the return of a normal appearance to the skin and finding out the reasons that could provoke the active development of the disease. Initially, internal problems that caused malfunctions in the work of other organs and systems are clarified. The following methods are used in treatment:
- Using complex drugs as therapy.
- Using ointments and creams as topical medicines.
- Diet or avoid foods that are high in fat, pepper, and seasonings that can trigger a response.
- Compliance with the daily routine.
Experts advise using systemic therapy as a complex treatment for eczema. Antihistamine drugs and substances that reduce sensitization are prescribed. Additionally, enterosorbents can be prescribed, the task of which is to remove toxic substances from the body.
If the patient has increased nervousness, doctors advise taking a full course of treatment with drugs that have a sedative effect. In the presence of inflammatory processes, non-steroidal substances are prescribed, which, by localizing the site, act as an antiseptic. If the case of the disease is complex, experts recommend using hormonal substances for treatment. Although they are used in a shortened course of treatment, if necessary as ancillary drugsuse vitamin-mineral complexes.

Topical therapy
Together with systemic substances, experts advise the mandatory use of drugs whose action is directed locally. For such purposes, ointments, creams, and other products that are applied directly to the place where there is irritation are suitable:
- talkers with drying effect;
- ointments containing elements of a drying, antiseptic and restorative nature;
- lotions prepared on the basis of furacilin, boric acid solution, Burov's liquid;
- antiseptic substances like "Fukortsina".
Physiotherapy refers to auxiliary methods of treating skin diseases. It includes:
- laser therapy;
- paraffin treatments;
- electrophoresis;
- creotherapy.

Additional procedures and activities
A feature of the disease is the fact that the skin affected by eczema cannot be moisturized. For housework and work, it is advisable to use rubber gloves at the time of development of inflammation, to exclude synthetic clothing, including socks and shirts, from use. To cleanse the skin, it is recommended to use substances that contain emollients.
Nutritionists advise with special care to make a menu of products that will help cleanse the body ofharmful substances and toxins. A prerequisite for a diet is the correct use of water. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters per day. An important circumstance at the time of treatment is proper rest, sleep, active outdoor activities. Even when the disease is relatively untroubled, experts advise taking skin disease prevention measures from time to time.
If possible, you can take advantage of spa treatment. Holidays in sanatoriums, therapeutic mud and s alt baths, massage, hydrotherapy and much more will help you forget about dermatitis for a long time. It is better to choose a medical sanatorium in a place where there is a humid maritime climate. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.