Chickenpox is an acute viral disease with airborne transmission. It occurs most often in childhood.
Symptoms and course of chickenpox
The disease is characterized by a state of fever, papulovesicular rash, usually a benign course. The incubation period is usually 12 to 22 days. The disease is characterized by acute onset, especially in childhood. The patient's temperature rises sharply. Almost simultaneously with this, a rash appears all over the body. After 2-3 days, the rashes begin to dry out, crusts form on them. Further, new elements appear, as a result of which this type of rash is considered polymorphic. If a child is weakened for one reason or another, chickenpox can occur in a very rare form - a generalized chickenpox infection that can affect visceral organs and is very dangerous. In general, with timely proper treatment, complications of various kinds are rare. So, what is the treatment for chickenpox?children?

Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis? as a rule, does not cause any special difficulties. Rarely use laboratory methods (RCC, viroscopy, neutralization reaction). It is necessary to distinguish chickenpox from smallpox natural. Data of the epidemiological anamnesis, as well as the results of studies in the laboratory, can be of great importance for such differential diagnosis. How is chickenpox treated in children? As a rule, vesicles are prescribed to be lubricated with a solution of brilliant green (1%), indifferent ointments. It is necessary to lower the body temperature of the child. Hygienic care for a sick child is important to prevent the occurrence of a secondary infection. It is necessary to isolate the house until the fifth day after the appearance of the last element of the rash. Disinfection is not normally carried out.

Products for the treatment of rashes
The rash is treated to disinfect the wounds formed when the baby combs them. However, around the world, a solution of brilliant green is not used for this purpose. How to treat chickenpox besides greenery? There are many antiseptics: ointments, lotions. Some of them also have a cooling effect. Of the most simple and common, you can use chlorhexidine, Calamine lotion, etc. Unlike greens, they do not leave marks on the child's skin. After all, how to treat chickenpox in teenagers with green paint, if then the child will be embarrassed to go to school for a long time, and in general to leave the house with a face in greenspeck?
How to soothe itching from chickenpox?
So, what is the treatment for chickenpox in de

tey, except for antiseptics and antipyretics? It is important that the child does not comb the rash, otherwise microbes can get into the wounds, and even after scratching, traces remain on the skin. Try to soothe the itching. For this, there are various anti-allergic drugs ("Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Fenkarol", etc.). It is possible to use home folk methods. Sometimes, if necessary, pediatricians prescribe anti-herpes drugs, such as Acyclovir, which treat chickenpox in children. However, in most cases, such funds can be dispensed with.
Many parents, faced with this disease, are looking for information about how chickenpox is treated in children. Unfortunately, it is impossible to accelerate the course of this disease. It goes away on its own with time. You can and should only slightly alleviate the condition of the child by observing elementary hygiene standards.