Health 2024, October

Transmural infarction: causes and prognosis

Transmural infarction: causes and prognosis

Transmural infarction is a common and extremely dangerous disease, which is accompanied by necrosis of the heart muscle. It is worth noting that the mortality in case of development like a pathology is very high, especially if the signs of heart damage were not noticed in time, and the patient did not receive the necessary medical care. That is why it is important to know how this form of heart attack manifests itself and what kind of help a sick person needs

Unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart: possible causes, treatment

Unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart: possible causes, treatment

Sometimes a person feels an unpleasant sensation in the region of the heart. And it can be provoked by stressful situations or heard bad news. As a rule, such a symptom does not always indicate the presence of a serious defect, but in any case, you should still visit a specialist, since there is a possibility of a serious illness

Angina attack: first signs, emergency care

Angina attack: first signs, emergency care

Angina pectoris is an ischemic cardiovascular disease that develops due to atherosclerosis of the arteries that feed the heart. As their lumen decreases, myocardial blood supply is inhibited, and ischemia develops. An attack of angina pectoris is the outcome of a short ischemia in the heart muscle, after which the blood supply is completely restored

Abdominal pain: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Abdominal pain: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

It can be a real pain when your stomach hurts for a week. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified doctor as soon as possible, but this is not always realistic - for example, a person may be far from civilization. A difficult situation develops when a tourist falls ill in another country and access to local doctors is not only expensive, but also difficult due to the language barrier

Pain in a heart attack: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Pain in a heart attack: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

A serious complication of coronary heart disease is myocardial infarction. If earlier older people fell into the risk zone, now a heart attack is also diagnosed in 30-40 year olds. Heart attack pain varies, so it's important to recognize the danger and get help quickly

Avitaminosis: symptoms on the skin

Avitaminosis: symptoms on the skin

Beriberi symptoms are more common in the off-season. This painful condition can be caused due to malfunctions in the body, but most often people harm themselves. For example, adhering to too strict diets. It is important to notice the problem in time in order to start fixing it as soon as possible, before it leads to serious consequences

Abdominal cramps: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Abdominal cramps: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Abdominal cramps are a common occurrence that can occur at any age in both men and women. As a rule, this is a sign of a developing pathological process, which may require urgent medical intervention

Teeth grinding: causes and treatment

Teeth grinding: causes and treatment

The effect of teeth grinding, which is known in clinical practice as "bruxism", is a rather dangerous pathological phenomenon. Many suffer from the problem. Unconscious squeezing of the jaws, which is accompanied by friction of the teeth, can be observed for the longest time and cause exorbitant harm to he alth. When bruxism appears on an ongoing basis, it is recommended to seriously think about treatment

Coronary insufficiency: causes, signs, treatment

Coronary insufficiency: causes, signs, treatment

Coronary insufficiency is a pathological condition characterized by partial reduction or complete cessation of coronary blood flow. This condition is a manifestation of coronary heart disease

High pressure - possible arterial hypertension

High pressure - possible arterial hypertension

In the event that high pressure is periodically observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The fact is that this symptom may indicate the presence of a disease such as arterial hypertension

Pain in the abdomen in a child: what to do? Possible reasons

Pain in the abdomen in a child: what to do? Possible reasons

Pain in the abdomen is the most common complaint in children. Often, diagnosing a disease accompanied by similar symptoms causes difficulties, because the child cannot always accurately indicate the localization and nature of pain. Most often, children are worried about pain in the navel. It may also disturb the right or, conversely, the left area of u200bu200bthe abdomen. What to do? In order to start treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pain

Heaviness in the stomach: symptoms, treatment

Heaviness in the stomach: symptoms, treatment

Heaviness in the stomach is one of the most common eating disorders. This phenomenon may indicate both a single violation in the work of the stomach, and the presence of a disease in a person

Calprotectin in feces - what is it? Reasons for the increase

Calprotectin in feces - what is it? Reasons for the increase

Calprotectin in feces - what is it? This is a protein that is released from leukocytes (macrophages and neutrophils) when they are activated or killed. It serves as a specific marker of inflammatory processes occurring in the intestine. The quantitative indicator of this study is directly proportional to the number of leukocytes located in the intestine

Longitudinal stripes on the nails: causes and methods of treatment

Longitudinal stripes on the nails: causes and methods of treatment

The French believe that hands are the most truthful part of a woman, because they can tell about their mistress what her tongue will never tell. The same can be said about nails. Their condition often displays the lifestyle and bad habits of the person to whom they belong. Why do longitudinal stripes sometimes appear on the nails? The causes are most often associated with impaired blood circulation, and hence nutrition in the area of u200bu200bnail growth. This is a signal that something is wrong in the body

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis: symptoms and drug treatment

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis: symptoms and drug treatment

Pain in the spine can occur for various reasons. Few people can boast that they do not know what back pain is. One of the most common causes of such pain is osteochondrosis. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on such a pathology as thoracic osteochondrosis, the symptoms and drug treatment of this disease will also be considered

Cholesterol in the blood: the norm for women and men

Cholesterol in the blood: the norm for women and men

When examining people with cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia and liver pathologies, it is mandatory to determine the level of a substance such as cholesterol in the blood. The norm for women of this biochemical indicator is slightly higher than for men

Crushing kidney stones with ultrasound: reviews, prices

Crushing kidney stones with ultrasound: reviews, prices

Kidney stone - what to do? This question is asked by most patients with urolithiasis (urolithiasis). We will talk about the methods of treating this disease in the article

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men. Ointments and creams for balanoposthitis

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men. Ointments and creams for balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis is a urological disease, which is characterized by a simultaneous inflammatory process of the glans penis in men (balanitis) and certain areas of the foreskin (posthitis). In fact, these are two diseases, but often they occur simultaneously, and they were combined under the general name - balanoposthitis

Cerebral stroke: prevention. Folk remedies for the prevention of stroke

Cerebral stroke: prevention. Folk remedies for the prevention of stroke

Stroke is a life-threatening pathology, as it is characterized by a sudden disruption of the blood supply to the brain. In this case, a massive death of nerve cells occurs and the connection between them is disrupted, as well as focal or cerebral neurological symptoms appear, which last more than a day and can lead to death

How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose. How to quickly get rid of nasal congestion

How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose. How to quickly get rid of nasal congestion

Most often with colds and flu, breathing through the nose is difficult, and a runny nose is observed. These seemingly banal symptoms are often overlooked. But in vain. They can cause not only common colds, but also very serious diseases. How to get rid of nasal congestion and runny nose? Before moving on to this question, let's consider what a runny nose is and the possible causes of this condition

Stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

The causes of a stroke and its consequences can be very different, it all depends on the general well-being of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, age, and many other factors. In the event of an acute attack, it is very important to provide timely assistance and conduct treatment, as well as rehabilitation

Spontaneous pneumothorax: causes, symptoms and treatment

Spontaneous pneumothorax: causes, symptoms and treatment

Spontaneous pneumothorax is a pathological condition that is characterized by a sudden violation of the integrity of the pleura. In this case, air enters from the lung tissue into the pleural region

Vessels of the lower limb: possible diseases, symptoms and treatment

Vessels of the lower limb: possible diseases, symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the vascular system are common throughout the world. As you know, they have dangerous consequences and often lead to disability. Due to the wrong lifestyle, the vessels of the lower extremities often suffer. As a result, diseases such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins, endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, etc. develop

What to do if there is fluid in the pleural cavity: causes and treatment

What to do if there is fluid in the pleural cavity: causes and treatment

If fluid (effusion) begins to accumulate in the pleural region, then such a serious pathological condition may indicate that some kind of disease is developing in the body, and quite dangerous. Pathology is diagnosed in various ways, after which the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment

Atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerosis of the vessels is a dangerous disease for humans, belonging to the category of chronic pathologies. This problem is most relevant for the elderly, since in their body there is a thickening of the walls of the arteries and the growth of the main tissues that play the role of a connection. This is the process of plaque formation, which greatly narrows the vascular spaces and impairs blood circulation in important organs

Vascular spasm: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Vascular spasm: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is vascular spasm? How does it happen? Varieties of vasospasm. The reasons for their occurrence. Symptoms of spasms and spasms as symptoms. How does acute spasm and vasculitis manifest itself? At-risk groups. First aid for spasm. Diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Vasospasm of cerebral vessels: symptoms of pathology, possible causes, types of treatment, prevention

Vasospasm of cerebral vessels: symptoms of pathology, possible causes, types of treatment, prevention

Narrowing of the cerebral arteries is a pathological condition that is diagnosed by determining defects in the processes of blood circulation. Cerebral vasospasm is a short-term paroxysmal decrease in the supply of nutrients to the brain. At the same time, there are no significant changes, however, it should be noted that against such a background, muscle tone changes. Subsequently, this phenomenon can cause a stroke

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and its causes

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and its causes

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition when even after rest there is no surge of strength and return of working capacity. Such a disorder appears as a result of a very active lifestyle, as well as the negative impact of a deteriorating environmental situation. This syndrome is considered a disease of the civilized world

Pleurisy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pleurisy: causes, symptoms and treatment

With the onset of cold weather, the number of patients with lung diseases increases. The causes of pleurisy of the lungs can be pneumonia or bronchitis, which were not completely cured at one time. Each person should know the symptoms and methods of treatment of the disease. The fact is that a neglected form of such a disease can lead to tuberculosis or even cancer

Rib fracture: symptoms, treatment, how to sleep

Rib fracture: symptoms, treatment, how to sleep

Quite often, chest injuries lead to broken ribs. A certain danger is the proximity of the location to the internal organs. Nearby are the lungs, stomach and heart. In some cases, they are damaged by bone plates, which leads to serious consequences. However, in normal situations, such injuries heal without any difficulties

Gastrointestinal bleeding: symptoms, diagnosis, emergency care

Gastrointestinal bleeding: symptoms, diagnosis, emergency care

Gastrointestinal bleeding is an extremely dangerous condition that, if left untreated, can lead to complications such as shock and multiple organ failure. The causes of blood loss can be very different. That is why many people are interested in additional information about this pathology

Pharyngitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, photo

Pharyngitis in adults: symptoms and treatment, photo

Most viral and cold ailments are accompanied by sore throat. In this case, a person experiences dryness, perspiration, itching and irritation. Often, as a result of the manifestation of these symptoms, a cough begins. When contacting a doctor, a specialist can diagnose "pharyngitis"

Rheumatoid arthritis in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis in a child is a very complex and dangerous problem. This disease in modern pediatrics is relatively rare. However, every parent should be familiar with information about its symptoms and causes. The fact is that this disease cannot be completely cured, but if therapy and preventive measures are started on time, the course of arthritis can be significantly alleviated and the likelihood of dangerous complications can be reduced

Hypereosinophilic syndrome in children

Hypereosinophilic syndrome in children

What is hypereosinophilic syndrome in children. Epidemiology and classification of pathology. What are the normal values of the content of eosinophils in the blood, which will be related to the main criteria for setting hypereosinophilic syndrome. Treatment

Herpes in the mouth of a child: how to treat, symptoms with photos

Herpes in the mouth of a child: how to treat, symptoms with photos

What is herpes in the mouth of a child. The main provoking factors and characteristic symptoms in the disease. Practical recommendations for treatment and the use of effective methods of therapy. The use of modern drugs

How to reduce tonsils in a child: reasons for the increase, features of treatment and advice from doctors

How to reduce tonsils in a child: reasons for the increase, features of treatment and advice from doctors

How can a child's tonsils be reduced without surgery. The main reasons for the increase, features of treatment and advice from doctors. The use of drugs and the use of effective folk remedies

Temperature after antibiotics in a child: causes, methods of treatment, reviews

Temperature after antibiotics in a child: causes, methods of treatment, reviews

Why does a child have a temperature after antibiotics. The main causes of this phenomenon and effective methods of treatment. Practical recommendations and possible diseases. What needs to be done

Carotene jaundice in a child: symptoms and treatment

Carotene jaundice in a child: symptoms and treatment

What is carotene jaundice in a child. The main factors provoking the onset of the disease and the characteristic symptoms. Applied diagnostics and effective treatment of pathology. Proper nutrition

White coating on the tongue in the morning: causes, treatment

White coating on the tongue in the morning: causes, treatment

What is the white coating on the tongue in the morning? The main causes and possible diseases. Effective methods of treatment and useful recommendations. Traditional medicine methods and popular remedies. Preventive actions

Viral throat disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Viral throat disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is a viral throat disease. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of diseases. Conducted diagnostic measures and effective methods of treatment. Practical recommendations, rules